Ch. 4 Tram

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I can hear my dad on the phone. This plane seat is not too comfortable now that I am not very sleepy. "Sir, are you sure you're ok with her helping?" My father was saying it quietly making sure not to wake me up. I kept my eyes closed hoping to eavesdrop more. This is not like me to eavesdrop. I am a good person, at least I think. The person on the other side of the phone respond but I could not hear him. We couldn't afford a Quantumphone so my father has a smartphone from 17 years ago, although he probably has not had it for 17 years. "Thank you, sir, goodbye." The conversation ended before I could gather any more information. When my father said her I am guessing he was referring to me. I don't want to do anything bad. I waited a while just to make sure the conversation was over. I opened my eyes and did a fake yawn to try to make it convincing that I was not eavesdropping or previously awake. "Morning, how did you sleep?" My father asked me like he wasn't just talking about me. "Ok, It is not the same as a bed tho," I said trying to sound sleepy and I found it convincing. "There is a small bedroom in the back." "Oh." Before we could continue talking or ask any more questions the speakers interrupted us. "Attention passenger we will be landing very soon thank you for choosing GO private airlines." I quickly got up to go look at the window which was at a small table by the couch. "Dad look at this." The view was almost inexplicable. You would have to be there. We looked over The abdon city of Atlanta. Atlanta was abandoned in the Murane Revolution in 2053-2055. Not a single person remembers why it was abandoned but they say people who go there never come back out. There are also no signs of nuclear radiation. It makes you wonder what other secrets the world is hiding.What other secrets people are hiding? Everyone doesn't share everything. Everyone has secrets big or small I believe they made a new type of weaponry that was used and then destroyed for being even more dangerous than nukes. The view was almost apocalyptic. The Skyscrapers are long lost to time with bushes and vines taking over the buildings and the forest consuming the ground. Some buildings have fallen. It is just incredible. A very rare view indeed. The city was quickly passed through. And we had some turbulence as we landed waking me up further. "We are here," my father said with a sigh indicating he was not excited for what is about to come. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Nothing." "What is wrong." "Attention passengers we have landed and the time is 4:32 and it is 19°C (66°F). Please do not leave the plane Mr. Lioes Arc will come and retrieve you. Again thank you for taking GO private airlines," said the pilot on the microphone. I gave my father the death stare and he just ignored me. "What is your problem?" I asked Father in my head. It is one of mankind's favorite things to do. Judge others in your own head keeping it to yourself and acting like it is not bad to judge people as long as you keep it in your head. I think it is more as gossiping to yourself. Gossip may be fun but it can tear apart people's emotions and burn down friendships. People fear even imaginary judgment. We as people feed on each other's approval and attention. The door to the jet opened slowly and revealed a man well-dressed. He had short hair and a short beard. His smile boar into my soul wreaking of sinister deeds. It seemed as if he has done so many bad things he no longer know how to smile. The door opening let a waft of cold air into the plane making me feel strange. After all, I am no longer on the south side of the equator. This door opening will change my life forever, and scar me deeper than a knife could ever. "Mr. Arc it is so nice to see you!" My father said enthusiastically. They shook each other's hands formally but enthusiastically to show that there were no unwanted vibes, such as hatred. "It has been a while but first you should introduce me to your daughter." His voice was so sinister the way the tones were irregular and the shivers he send down my spine. His red suit fit him more than any other suit could. The fire raging inside of him was very different from the one inside of me. I tried to smile at him and give him a good impression but my eyes gasped into his black soul making me seem like a deranged killer. "This is Evalyn. She will be of good use." My dad didn't even truly introduce me but just told him my name and my value. "Oh, nice to meet you Evalyn." He put his hand out for me to shake as a formal greeting. Before I could think about what I was going to say I blurted out, "You must be crazy if you think I will shake your hand," I said gazing straight into his eyes with anger. "Tough one I see," He said discussed at me and my disrespect. "Evalyn," My dad said quiet but angry. He was threatening me and it was implied to stop disrespecting this man. "How exactly will I be helping?" I said it like I was making a deal. My voice was as intimidating and proud as I could make it but with anger within. He cleared his throat. "We can talk about this in my office." He was not happy that I was defying him. "Come on, grab your stuff." My father's voice was feeble and scratchy. Probably nervous from what I have said. I really hope I didn't get anyone in trouble or he would let it slide. I grabbed my luggage from under a small cabinet above a small station for beverages. "Do you mind if I talk to my daughter for a second?" My dad asked Mr. Arc. "Shure just be quick." My dad took me to a small room behind the restroom. It was empty besides a small round table and another red uncomfortable chair. "Evalyn you can not talk to people like that even if they are cruel or ill-hearted. Life is not nice." "It's a pit of hungry venomous snakes" I finished rolling my eyes and then let my dad continue to talk. "Some people feed on that pit and its power. Mr. Arc can do more than you think. So please be respectful. More things depend on this than you think." he yelled at me quietly. I have never seen him so emotional. He must be off the medicine. I like this. Not that he is mad at me but that he is showing me emotion and not just a happy robot. Maybe he wouldn't be happy hiding an online criminal track and bribing people like the government. Where power goes evil follows. It's like a weed you can cut off the top and it may be gone for a while but it is going to put up again and in bigger numbers. "Ok." I said very discouraging. We walked back into the main room and Mr. Arc was still standing at the door. "Ready," He asked. Am I ready? Am I? I left his question unanswered. I don't know. "Yes," My dad answered. I sight because I could have said something. If only I had the courage. They began walking out the door and I followed. Once we were outside I could see crowds of people chatting. I heard a child yell and a few people protesting. It is so crowded. People are walking shoulder to shoulder. The low ceiling echoing the noise and the train passing by was too much. No, I just can't, this is too much to quick. "No," I said quietly but loud enough for my father to hear. I baked up into the plane. My dad turned around to get me. He grabbed my wrist at the entrance to the plane. "I can not do it. It-it-I, don't. It's too much too soon," I stuttered. "I am here it will be ok. We can do this," My dad comforted. "Can we?" "Only if you believe you can." Only if I could. If I really want to. Mr. Arc was standing impatient at the door trying to hold his anger in. His foot jittered up and down showing his impatience. I wish I could just cry in darkness with nothing to bother me. No-buddy to hold the fort down. Just let all my walls crumble. Only if the war inside me could end. The war that holds me back. The war I create and fuel with my fear, anger, and sadness. The war is raged on my own behalf, own my own joy. It blurs what defines me, or at least what I think defines me. Holding my suitcase very tight and tried to prepare myself to leave the plane and go out into the bustling airport. "Come on," Mr arc said impatiently. He was starting to lose his temper and I did not want to see what he is like. His white almost fake teeth looking teeth were almost gnarling at me. I don't think he is one to wait for what he wants. Like a child. I want it now and no later. My dad put his hand on my shoulder comfortingly. "Come on," My dad said more softly wanting to make me feel better and less scared of the monster in front of us. We walked out following Mr. Arc. My suitcase was held tightly in my hand. My dad has his hand on wrapper around
my wrist like a boa constrictor, dragging me behind him. The people crying, laughing, and yelling all around me were just so overwhelming. I shed some cold tears from my eyes as we navigated through the waves of people. My heart felt like it would fly out of my chest in the most dramatic way. The stress fell through every inch of my body. As we went forth throughout the crowd a few people bumped into me and I have no idea where I am or where we are going. Everything is like a blur. My dad bent down and said, "Don't worry, we are almost there," closely into my ear because it was too loud to talk normally over all the noise, Almost were, were are we going. I am blindly following like a sheep to its shepherd or a nat to a lamp. I tried to suck in my tears because my emotions are embarrassing, I just don't want to admit it no matter how many times I deny it. I deny it. I bet so many people feal the same way. A large metal train pulled up a rusted railing making an annoying squeal when it violently stopped. The train was a lot less kept up with and definitely not as nice as the one at the Azian airport. You can not complain because this one is free. Free things just feal better but nothing is free. Someone paid the price for it and someone or some people are paying the price to keep it. The price for something might just even be the time you spent with it or the space it takes up. Sometimes the price is real money. I could be one of those buy-one-get-one-free deals but it's not free because you have to still have to spend money to get it. Someone had to pay a price and it may have not of been you. We got on the train and hopped over a small space that separated the train from the walkway. The train was just there at the walkway. The inside was dirty and old. I guess it might have been built in the 2030s or 2040s. The whole train shook slightly as people hopped on and off. And the rolling doors made a horrible noise. There were some worn-down plastic seats and petrified gum stuck to the bottom of them. "Stay close," My dad whispered to me not giving a reason. I guess it is just because not all the people here are trustworthy. Anyone could be a pickpocket or murderer. The train doors squealed closed once again and a light above them blinked indicating the next stop at the airport and the train quickly sped up and pulled me back. It really caught me by surprise. I squeezed my luggage even tighter until it was definite to leave a mark on my hands when I let go. A woman spoke on an old set of speakers that I could not understand over all the loud bickering around me. My palms are so sweaty from stress and the heat radiating off all the bodies on the tram. The train suddenly stopped and I once again was startled and flew back. A younger man with short green messy hair fell over knocking two other people down with him including me. Now that I think back on it it would have been beneficial to hold onto something. He got up. I was on the floor hugging my luggage with tears drizzling out my eyes. My nose was red as a beat and my whole body was sweaty from how nervous I was and the lack of efficient air conditioning in the train. The man with the green hair saw me on the floor and helped me up. His eyes were emerald green and he was tall. His skin was a little dark but still light. He reached his hand down and helped my pitiful self up. I did want his help but that doesn't mean I did not need help up. "Are you ok," My dad said pulling me away from the man and holding me close. "I-I-," Tried to respond. "We will get out of here soon," he said softly while gently wiping away my tears. What do I live for except pain? "Are you ok I am really truly sorry I really am," he said in a sorry but in a worried voice. He
pumped up the tone of his voice like most of us do in a tricky situation. I don't know why people do it. I feel all I know are questions and the answers hide and run in fear of me. "I-I am fine," I responded stuttering. "My name is Sage by the way," He told me.

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