ch. 20

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I still had the necklace. Does it really work? If it realy is what ive been told it is i should destroy it. I heard a knocking on the door and i sat up and looked over. My father slowly swung open the door. "What do you whant?" I asked. I stuffed the necklace in my pocket. He took a deap breath and looked down. "Gather your stuff your moving back to Azia to work for prezident Oli." "What!" I stood up. "Its not a big deal," he proclaimed holding his hands out infont of him. " Your joking right? Why do you do this to me? Is the this not enough for you? Do you realy care? Why do you insist on pushing me further away from you?" "DO NOT DISOWBAY ME. I am your father and you listen to me. Gather your stuff beacyuse you are leaving for your own good your just to foolish to know what is best for you." I didnt eaven respond. I didnt eaven know what to say. I quickly picked up my stuff in silence. "Im ready," i said meekly looking at the floor. I didnt know if i was feeling sadness, regret, shame, or all of the above. "Okey." I followed father out throught the halls and back to the lobby. The hole way i out i prayed no-one i knew would see me. Each of our hollow steps echoed lowder and lowder in my brain. When we made it to the lobby Emma was sitting at her desk scrolling through her phone. She looked up to see me. She moved her hair out of her face before saying Enthousistically, "Hi Evelyn where you going?" "Far away." I just couldent say much let alone look at her. My father scanned a card and the door opened slowly rolling up. I looked back as my dad dragged me out. What was it all for. "Evalyn?" Emaa said staring at me in worry. "Ill be ok." I dont whant to leave. I hated it so much but it gre on me. There is people in there. People with emotions and people I found entertaining. No, I found them as friends. I never eaven took the neckalese to Mal. I will do it if i ever get to see him again. "Come on my father said." He grabbed my arm and dragged me out. We walked across the cracked sidewalk and into a slim black car. He opened to door and i crawled into a seat and sat down. The seats were a deep black leather and the car was cold and the air from the air conderntioner pushed against my face blowing some of my hair on one side behind my ear. As my father got into the passenger seat and slammed the heavy door hurting my ear I crossed my arms and rubbed my hand up and down my upper arm pulling my ligaments closer. I can't cry. Not here and not now. Were in a car with a guest. I pulled one oh my legs up putting my shoe on the nice leather seats. I hope the seats get dirty. I rested my head on my knee wrapping my arms around my leg. My Father was mumbling something to the driver but I was to bussything about all my friends and what I spose to do to eaven hear them talking. The car took off and i shook back from the force of the sudden start. It was a rather smooth ride and i could only feal the big bumps in the road. "Hey, Evalyn." I didn't hear him the first time so he repeated himself "Hey." "Yes Father." I did not eaven dare to look him in the eyes. "If you whant to listen to music or play games here is a phone. Its offline so you cant do anything, I'm not saying you would try anything, and here is some wired headphones." He haned me the device and some crappy mass produced plastic earbuds. On the plastic in small letters it said made in China. What is not made in China. When he said the phone was offline he realy meant offline. It had no bluetooth and not eaven emergency calls. There was a huge catalog of music witch was probably all pirated. I popped in the earbuds and played some music. They did not sound the best but they were something, and something is better than nothing. I stared out the heavily tinted window and watched all the building rush by and people walking, talking, crying, and dieing. I sawl a surplus of beggar shaking a can or holding up a sign made of trash. I just watch and tried to forget. I just didn;t whant to think. It all whent away as i slowly dozed off in the car. With my cheak lying on my knee. I fell into a dream.

I woke up or at least i thought i did. I was layting on a cool black floor. The floor was black it was like nothing was there at all. It was deeper than the darkest spaces and. I used my arms and pushed myself up into a standing position. I look up to see a council with strange members so tall they towered over me 1 to 20.

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