Ch. 10

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There is so much I do not know. Is Mr. Arc working with Finn and maybe more people that I know. "What are you doing missy." I turned around slowly to see a young lady leaning over than me. She could not have been much older than me. Her hair blond hung down around her face like a cape. "I-I guss I-" "Was eavesdropping," She interrupted. "Don't worry I wount tell. You know desperite times call for desperate mesures. I understand ya." I put my can on my chest and beathed out all the pressure that wasindide of me. I got up from the floor. "I'm Skyler. It's nice to meat you." She held out her hand to get a hand shake and I shook it gently. Skyler on the otherhand was more rough with her handshake. She was a enthoustic person. "I'm Evalyn." I was quiet and nervous. How do I know she wount turn her back and betray me. What if she is going to try to use me with my information. She could hold this over me like teasing a dog with a treat or some food off your plate. She dosent have any proof on me anyway unless she has some friends or minions to back her up or they could interrogate me. I dont whant to know the interrogation metoids they might use here. "Hey why dont you come and meat some of my friends I'm shure youll fit in just fine," She asked in the same happy tone. "Ok," I said delayed. "Just this way. She let me up the stairs and to the floor where all the living spaces are and by that I mean al of the room. We passed the only common space on the floor. "There is no common space past here. So Were are we going? I dont recall a staircase down this hall or anyway to get to a common space." "Oh, We are not going to a common room we are going to a bedroom." "I-I dont know how I feal about that." I said nervously. I dident want to be rude but I dont want to get killed. For all I know She could have stolen a knfe or forged a weapon to kill me. I dont know why she would whant to or if anyone wants me dead but I have ot be safe. I am in a crimial training faccitiy after all. She stopped and turned around rather quickly and walked up to me. Oh god is she going to strange me or hurt me. What if she thinks i'm going to report her so she has to get rid of me now. Maybe I shouldent of have said anything or just snuck away. She firmly grabbed my shoulders and leared in towred my ear. Oh no im definitely dead now. I Could feal my boddy tremble and my eyes widen. She wispered quietly and closely to me, "Dont worry I an't gona hurt you. I debugged the room. It's safe." My first though was, THE ROOMS ARE BUGGED and my secont though was, a debugged room would make it easier to get a away with a murder. I took a deep breath before saying anything then I looked into her eyes and quietly said, "Ok," with a dead inhale. She had ferm grip on my shoulders and she staired strongly into my eyes. There is not way she would let me go with this information. This was most definitely information that I could tell and could get somebuddy or multiple people in big trouble. Her firm gripp and stare was to make shure I understood but I still have to be on my gurd unless she tries to murder me. She let go and said "Come on, the room is just down the hall." We walked and when we got to the door. She looked around for people that might see us intering then opened the door and dragged me in by my wrist quickly. When we got inside I took a look at my surroundings. There was a bed pushed up agins the wall and used as a couch and on the other side was a desk with a quite new silver laptop on it. The desk had two small drawers with plastic black handels. There was a guy sitting at the desk furiously typing in the laptop. He seemed very concentrated in his work. He had short crazy hair. I could not tell if it was intention or he just did not know how to control his hair but to me it just looked like a mess. There was a girl laying on the bed looking up at her phone. She was laughing at something but from my view I could not tell what she was laughing at from my point of view. She has semi long purple with green undertones hair. And was wearing what looked like pijamas. Before Skyler could say anything I turned bacl to her and asked,"Why would you bring me here, And why would we meet in a room that is not bugged?" And before Skyler could answer anything the girl on the bed turned her head tword us and interrupted with, "Skyler why would you bring a random girl here, and why would you tell her that we debugged the room. Its just idiotic." The girl on the bed's eyebrows tighten signifying she was not happy with skyler. "Beacuse she had the Audacity to easedrop on Mr. Arc," She said with confidence. I answered stuttering with, "I was just trying to find my father and I came across the conversation" I waved my hands about nervously while trying to explain. "If you dident know it is pretty risky to ease drop on a person like that. He could easily have you killed if you were caught. Pretty cool if you were to ask me." She was impressed about how I easdropped on Mr. Arc. I dident know it was that dangerous to do so. I dident know I would die and is not the way I hope to die. I rolled my eyes in responce and proceeded to ask my question again, "Why bring me here?" Skyler whent over and sat on the bed gently besides the girl on the bed. "Sam do you mind explaining?" Skyler asked. The girl on the bed sat up and put her phone under her but and then straitened out her shirt. Sam was the guy at the desk typing furiously. He turned sound on the chair slowly and then pushed up his blue glasses. The glasses were pretty far down his nose. I'm surprised he waited so long to do so. I'm also he stayed quiet while I had the conversation with sklyer and the bed girl who is know sittin up. "We are planning to escape this prison." His tone was surous but his high voice for a male did not match it. "This Isnt a prison. Its just a traing faciility and we are only going to be here for two weeks. What do you whant?" I defended. The bed girl chuckled and said. "So thats what they told you." "Yes, my father would not lie to me." I put my foot down and my head up. I wount believe these idiots, but people dont like to believe things that dont sound good to them. Why bvelive something true when you can believe something that sounds better than the truth. Just because I want to believe it dosent mean it is what I should believe. Some facts are just to hard to face but in time they might bite you in the back. It's like reaching your hand into a fire-ant pile and saying it's ok it wount hurt me but when you finally touck the ant they bite and sting you all because you dident whant to face the truth. "Do you realy think they can train you in two weeks time?" asked Skyler. "They can teach me something," I said huffing and looked away. "I just cant believe it," I admitted sadly. "Well we plan to escape this horrid place and live normal lives." I cant get myslft tangled in this but they are telling mr about what I've always dreamped of. "But what about your families?" I asked. "I watched my own family die. I just ran at the first chance i got. But I wasent able to leave so I-I. The kitchen knife and I just did what i had to do. Everyone though I mureded my family so i ran and ended up here. Anyway my name is oli." Oli shed a tear. It worked down her face and onto her pants. She looked up and took a deep breath in and sucked up her emotions. "Not many people here have families. It makes us more disposable or more flexale." Skyler Scratched her neck nervously. "Sorry I dident mean to make anyone feal bad." I fealt realy bad and it reminded me of my mother. "I have both my parents but they work for EP witch is the company responsible for this place. Lets change the subject. Sam." Skylers voice was cold or sad. "We plan to escape but we need all the help we ccan get. I will use my abilities to disable the trackers on the weapon and Oli will use hers to put some gurds to sleep but if we get caught we are dead. There is the plan in simple terms." He leaned back in his chair stretching his arms upwards popping his fingers and shoulders. "Sooo you in?" Asked Oli. "Yes." I was so confident. "I hope you dont mind but what do you mean by abilities?" "We are what the media calls non-humans, supernaturals, or monsters. The funny thing is around fifty percent of the population is one but dosent know or hides it." "I've heard people being abducted or killed beacuse of it. I think it is riduculess," I added to what sam was saying "I agree. I can control electronic current though I am still a human and Oli can control emotions and feed off them in simple terms." I sat up and proclaimed, "When do we start." I have hope in something for the first time in a long time. could finally be the chance I escape and get a new life with help of these new people.

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