ch. 15

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I walked into a large crowded room that must have had all the trainees. I started to feal dizzy from notbreathing consistently and my heart just fell. It felt like my heart fell into my stomach witch was then dijusting it slowly killing me off. The LED lights on the celling only made me deal more complicated because they were blindingly bright. I was forced a little closer into the room by a few other trainees. I tried to make my way to the side and to the back wall but i just coulden't. I tried to step forward but only brought my foot back. I Grabbed my shirt scrumching it up in my hands and pulling it down making pull on my shoulders. The room was filled with chattering that filled my ears. I coudlent make out anything or anyone, not that I knew many people but I still know a few. The quest static background of the speakers kicked on and a man began to speak. Welcome to the one and only state of the art training facility by EP. I know Everyone is still being settled ion but everyone will get a partner to work with in training and each parner has been especially chosen based on their history and skill set. Don't worry about getting a bad partner because we know everything-" He said ending with a chuckle, "-Please retrieve a Pocket Device form the bins if you have not already. A Pocket Device will show you your partner and also let you communicate with other, along with many other cool things. We will have six classes based on your skill. The six classes will be spit up into 3 Levals E for experienced I for intermittent and B for beginner. We will have classes B1, B2, B3, I1, I2, and class E. Your class and squdel will be displayed on your pocket device. Don't think about taking it apart because we will know if it goes offline and its built of steal and welded shut. The display is also bullet proof so have fun. Your all dissmissed." People began rushing to the bins in the back. I happened to be right infront one of them. People crashed on me like a wave. It was not at all shoulder to shoulder but people still ran into me witch made me feal so much more crowded and stressed. Mom would have wanted me to breath and calm down. I closed my eyes and took a death breath. I could see her han don my shoulder and her soft voice speaking to me. "It's ok Deep breaths." A tear or two ran down my face leaving a trail of salt water. I stood in in place breathing heavily until most of the people were gone. "Hey, Evalyn I was looking for you. Were have you been. Hah." I turned around quickly and startled with a shake making my hair go up an dback down. It was the green haired boy. I dont remember his name. "What." I was so quited i doubt he heard me. "Look were partners." "why?" I asked sarcastically like I hated him thought i barely knew him. Truthfully I was sorta realaved he was my parner because it's better than a complete stranger. "Ya, did you not grab your tablet yet?" "nope," I replied biting my lip and looking down. I turned around smoothly this time and walked to one of th ebins that held the devices. It was less a just a bin full of tables and more a dispensor. It was just a box with a tablet and a card slot. I clicked on the tablet and it showed a hologram on the portable tablet and i clicked next. I agreed to some terms and put my trainee card thing in the slot and it dispensed a "Portable Training Device". I tapped don the screen and it gave me a quick tutorial on how to use the device. It also showed me my partner and training group. My training group was E. My face fell into confutiuon and surprise. I turned around to and said Exprestionaly, "It says that I'm in class E. This must be a mistake." I was planning on talking to Sage who was the green haired boy but he was gone, nowhere to be seen. He had just left while I was setting up the Device thing but i still feal offended. I guess i will just send him a message on my new device. I sat on a modern white sofa by the bin that dispensed my device and played around with it. There were a few people in my class that i reconized. There was Kel and Alfonzo. There was also Skyler, Alex, and oli. Looks like I have a lot ahead of me. I have a whole class and i hope I can escape this prison befor I have to do anything bad.

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