ch. 17

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I was on my way to lunch. Before training would began but little did I know I had a big surprise in store for. "Hey Evalyn can we talk." A voice from behind me yelled. I turned around to see Emma running up to me shouting from the end of the hallway. I walked up tword her slowly. "Hey emma!" Her footsteps echoped throught the hallway's as she ran to me. She stopped right infronfront of me. She just staired at em for a second waiting for me to ask what happened or whats was up. "Evalyn, your not eaven going to ask whats going on?" "Oh sorry i was just startled and I'm uh not quite used to conversation and I -" "I get it your nervous but there is no need to be. Well besides the point that you were lied to and you left all your friends and there is no way to communicate with them and your expected to live up to your mothers footsteps eaven though you know soi little abou ther and way less than you thought. But thats besides the point. As the receptionist I get ahold of a lot of information and I handle information and tasks that are quite important-" "Come on Emma get to the point." "Ok I'll spill the tea. Daisy is comeing here." Emma had just spilled a large cup of tea. What I sawl In Mr. Arcs office wasent just my imagination. Emma is realy apart of this. How involved could she ben and most of all what are they doing and why is Daily apart of this. And were dose Fin play in. I sawl him to. I stood there shocked and wordless. "Is'nt this great," Emma said shaking my soldiers to snap me out of my haze. "Daisy is so kind and, well, just why?" Why did I ask why. I dont whant to ruin my image of daisy or fin and my mom. Emma just stared at me. "Well thats-" she tried to talk before I cut her off. "IS IT ALL A LIE. TELL ME EMMA WHY AND HOW. HAS MY WHOLE LIFE BEEN PLANNED. IS THERE MORE I DONT KNOW." I Broke down into tear and screams. "Emma." She said trying to put her hand on my shoulder. "DON"T TOUCH ME." I backed up and threw her hand off. "Ev-" "no" i interrupted. "Im am going to go to lunch." "its ok." she tried to tell me. "It's not ok it never has been. Its time to end this public display and head back to wearever we are suppose to be." I can't feal anything. I woun't feal it and I will go back and I will continue in my foot steps. I walked away to lunch. Just forget who daisy was so it will be easier to accept her.

"Mom, I'm going to meet up with my friends." the house was so much more full of life and my life was so much more full. "Ok evalyn, be back for dinner. But first I need some Kisses." she grabbed my sides and ticked me making kissing sounds. "Mom!" Oh you dont need my love." she said playfully as i tried to wiggle away. I got away and she yelled at me to be safe as i left. Daisy, Fin and Noillie were all waiting for me by the sidewalk when we had rose bushes. They hurt whenever i tried to pick them and it hurt when i could no longer pick them. Nothing but ash and stumps left of them. "Come on Evalyn." Daily shouted. "I'm coming!" we walked down the pain and cracked sidewalk to Noilles house were we played board games. "Ha we got you. We win and you loose end of game. HA." Daisy said after we lost the game miserably. It was me and daisy versus Nollie and Fin. "You have Nollie thats no fair." I protested. "Agreed." Daisy said in a smirky voice as she crossed her arms. She was always energetic and happy. "Too bad Daneil couldent make it! Then we would have stood a chance." daisy committed. "Who says Daniel would have picked our team." "Five Bucks dose." Daisy snapped back making some awkward smirky face along with it. "Oh so your gona play dirty" added fin. Before we could finished the risdculess argument Nollies dad came into the room "Hey Evalyn your mom just called. She said she needs you home for dinner." "oh ok." I packed up my stuff to leave. "Ill walk you home!" Daisy just had to offer. She was my best friend maybe eaven better than fin. But i would never say that allowed. We walked all the way back and she said by to me and I ate my dinner. Just 2 weeks later my mother was cold heartedly killed, and I had to be there."

I sat there going over all my memories even thought i tood myself to forget it. I just couldent. I ate my lunch in peace. It was fried chicken and Chese curds. It was a little to oily for my taste but I was not to picky about what i ate. I sawl one the strange boys from the other day and come and sit at my table. "Who are you?" I asked. "Oh you dont remember what a shame. I'm the blind one, Kel, and Alfonzo is in trouble and just had to ask you for help. And In exchange for your work I'll tell you who your mom realy was." "i dont whant to know who she was." I reponed and looked down. I didnt whant to know how much of monster she was. "She wasn't another monster in the murder machine. She was a vessil for the new times." "new times?" He had caught my attention dn now I had to listen. "I cant do much but can i hear a little bit first." "nope, help me or not." He held out his arm with a smile. This could dissapoiont me but I have to know now. I know he could be lying but what if he isnet. "What did Afonzo do? I need to know what you whant help with to help you." I staied at his non existent eyes. "He has The necalse of Aletheia and Mr. Arc whants it." "what dose it do?" "it can make anyone tell the truth of anything they know and they plan to use it on your friend daisy and if we dont do something Alfonzo wont be the only one getting hurt." "Ok" I shook his hand sturdily. I have to help my friend weather she is bad or not and ill get info on my mom as a bonus. "What dose Daisy have to do with anything?" "Daisy knows the location of the location of Hermes door." "Whats that?" I didn't wahant to ask too many questions. I did not whant him to think i was interested in anythinghe had to offer or all the cool things he knew about, even though i was truly interested. I chosese to deney the fact i am because I've gone so far and i just not enough. The more i know the more questions there are and the more the... the... HUNGER GROWS. I have an evergrowning inscaiable urge to know everything and the more i know the more it grows. Its like a animal inside of me and i just whant to cut its throught out and beat and tourche its dead body so that i can feal content with what i know now. I know that i will now more. Maybe it wasent about protecting my friend but the knowledge of knowing more. "Hermes door can take you anywhere and if the conspiracy is true you can use to to go anywhere including out of this plain of reality. Maybe eaven have a word with GODS."

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