Ch. 12

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I was awoken by the intercom. I listened in wantiong to cover my ears with my pillow and drift off back to sleep. I was not even shure I was awake at the moment. I rolled over onto my face with all my misery. If my father were here I would complain with something like "It's to early" or simply "I dont wana wake up" and then he would tell me to stop wineing and sometimes flicker the lights to try to wake me up. It just made me whant to hate him but i guess it did help. I just dont want to admit it like many things because it would prove it work even thought he aretty knew it worked. I grunted as the intercom spoke because i did not want to listen in but new i had to. "Good moring students I hope you are all ready awake but if not I'm glab to be here to wake you up and start this magnificent morning. I'll stop talking but get strait to the point. Ok, Students today is a very special day for us all. The first ever classes will be taught today now that we have all of our students. We need every single student to gather in the main hall to be assigned to your class. Thank you for listening." The lady on the speaker stopped talking and the speaker made a small crackle sound as if she was seting down an old phone or a airplaine intercom system ending. I rose and sat on the sidew of my bed staring at the floor as i normally do in the morings. When I stair at the floor i dont think. I just sit their empty. Do you ever wish you could just be empty and not worry just be calm with no thoughts going through your head and no worries to worry about. No peace like death but be able to sit on a beach and just never worry or wonder just sit in content of what surrounds you. Real peace. Sadly it only last a moment before the world burns down your peace with its thoughts and worries. I got up onto to my feet ready to at least get dressed. I got dressed and sat back down on my bed and thought to myself about my situation and what i can do. Maybe i might actually learn something. Maybe i can use what i learned to make my country or even the world a better place. I can make criminals and places like these face justice. It can be like a movie were justice always prevails... But thats just how I want it to be. What i want is not what is. I think the reason i wanted to come here is because i felt like it was an opportunity. I fealt as if i could bring down this orgianazaion i could live a normal life and i could help people. I dident want what happened to my mother happen to anyone else. I cant run away. I only thought about myself, but i got to think about me. Can i even do it. The reality of the situation is that i am weak and there is a huge multi million or even billion dollar orginazion over me and i whant to take it down by my slelf or with a small group of people. It is not something i can do. There is hope but sometimes that hope is not enogh. I have watched movies and shows exadrateing the importance of hope and justice but it's just what we want thighs to be and what we whant thing to end like. In the real world a small group of around four people that know little to nothing cant take down a large orginazion and crimals get away scott free everyday and innocent people get pressured into admitting into crimes just so they can close a case and act like a problem is solved when they only made more. I want this and i want that all in the name of this or for this. I'm not saying its impossible;e it just not realistic, even in a world with people who have special powers and even in this world they are seen as demons and other people look down on them just so they can feal better and what do those people do. They do nothing because they thing what is to be done. Yes you can stand up for yourself and those around you and even make peaceful protest but there will always be others. There is no way i can do anything. I think the best course of action is to run away and try to get my father to come with me. It will all work out simply, but that is what i want, and not what might happen. I got quickly got dressed into my day clothes. Adn whent to leave my room. Putting my hand on the cold metal handle i got ready to open the door. I closed my eyes in thought.I dident open the door. I know its a lot but my mom told me "You got to push on just like you always do. I know you make mistake and you change but that wount change you. You make mistakes but you always push on. Thats one of the reasons i love you evalyn. You got this." I huffed through my nose and opened my eyes. I opened the door and walked out. There was a few people walking down the hall. I walked down to the dining hall to grab breakfast and as i walked i hummed a song. I dont know were i learned the song from or what it was called but i knew i heard it somewhere i could juist not grasp it. I got some eggs but no bacon because I dont like bacon. I grabbed some orange juice and i realy like orange juice. I looked around for a place to sit but all the tables had people sitting on them and their was even peopling sitting on the floor. They were all chatting about thing and i couldent make out what anyone was talking about. I heard parts of conversations but never the full thing. There was aone table with five chairs but only one person sat their. I decided it would be better to sit at that table than spend forever looking for a table to eat. This place was way more packed than when it was when i got here. I whent over and sat at the table by him without even thinking about why nobuddy was sitting by him. I pulled out the chair and sat down. Wow, i realy have made a lot a progress. It used to be way to much to sit amust so many people or even go to the cafe down the street. It feals good to have gone so far. Well i still am not my old self like my mom said im still me. I began eating my food looking down at it. I slowly sipped my orange juice to help shallow my scrambled eggs. "How are you doing," The man on the side of the table ased me. I looked up to him. He has semi-long messy black hair and his eyes were covered in a bandage that was wrapped around his head. He was wearing his pajamas. His hair was realy messy and kindof spikey looking, like he cut his hair short with a pair of craft scissors. I stuttered before saying, "good." In truth I was horrible and not feeling well. I was miserable and angry and sad. Good is just a response that ive engraved into my brain just to make things simple. Even if i wasent good most times I just dont whant people to try to comfort me or ask questions. I just whant it to be simple and quick. "Normaly someone would ask how i was doing back but thats just normally and not always but Whats your name." "I'm Evalyn." "Did you know the name Evalyn means disrired or wished, But did you know in other cultures it also means to live or life. Do you know were you got your name from?" It was a question ive never thought of or asked. Where did I get my name from. To byed me time i picked up a small pice of food from my plate with my fork and placed it in m y mouth. I thought as i chewed. I have no clue were my name came from. This conversation seems one sided so i should switch things up because i dont know the answer to his question and i dont whant to admit i dont. "Whats your name?" "I am Kel and it means warrior." Another man came running over yelling. "KEL?" He quickly pulled out a char and sat down next to me and Kel. He seemed like an energetic fellow because the way he ran over and they way he pulled out the chair and how he just cant keep himself still in the chair. He could also be super excited or just have had a lot of caffeine. Hopefully this kel fellow will be occupied with the other person at the table and i can eat in peace without interuption. "Hi who are you. I'm Alfonzo," He said quite fast and then reached his arm long out across the table to shake my hand, noty even bothering to ask my name. I dont feal offended that he diddent ask my my name i feal more relieved that i dont have to talk. I shook his hand gently and then got back to eating. "What your name." There it is. Before I could answer Kel answered for me. "Her name is Evalyn." Alfonzo was shorter than kel with a similar hair style and wor a bandage covering one of his eyes. "I'm done eating." I got up with my half eaten plante and whent over and dumped out the other unwanted half of my food. In truth i was still hungry but didnt whant to sit next to those two or alkwardlyt walk away. I still do feal as if I akwaydly walked away. The intercom cracked on and a man began to clear hjis throught before speaking. "Today you will be put in your training class so everyone please meat in the main hall. More deattals will be explained there." People began to get up and walk over there. I stood for a second bny the trash can before walking over to the hall. I didnet know the way so i just followed behind some other people. I tried to be slower so i could be one of the last people in their and avoid the croud. What a horrible start to my day.

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