ch. 19

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I dont whant to be greedy or to feed into my hunger anymore but just a few more questions wount hurt. "What is the new age." I had asked it so clear and vocal I didnt know i was eaven capablable of holding my voice steady but i was so determined just to hear more. "I can see your eager to now more," He chuckled. "No no i just, just need to know more in order to complete your tasks." "Like i said i will tell you everything when you are done." "What do you need me to do?" It came out so fast and so eager. "So cam you get the necklace from alfonzo and give it me,' he said with a growing grin on his face. They seam so close why would he not just ask or was it that important. Was he evil did he get in a fight with Alfonzo. Its none of my business. The only thing that is my business is the information i can squease from him. Like a lemon a person is full of knowledge and gossip and you can get it out of someone rather with time like a rotting lemmon just waiting for the moldy juice to drip out or you can take chage and squeeze it out. I was noit going to wait. "Ok then, I pushed my chair in and stood up." "So eager and so young." I had already walked away to get this donw before i could finishing listen to what he had to say. Sometimes i make choices i regret. "Looks like im getting your dishes." he smiled and smirkerd, "You have no idea who Alfonzo can be." I took out My pocket phone thiny and messgaed alfonzo. "Hey whant to meat up and have tea or smt." I took a deap breath before seing the message. "Shure were you wanna meat up at?" "Idk" I didnt care were we met up i just wanted to snatch the necklaces and scaddatle. "How about the game lounge... if you like gaming." "Shure" "be there in like 15mins." I went up to the lounge and saw him waiting patently on the main couch with his hands tucked into his legs. The ceiling dipped for the little lounge and it was like a little cave just with boring white walls a red soda stain by the vending machine. "Hi over here." He shouted even though it was pretty obvious i was staging straight at him. "Hi," i said quitly back but it was way to quiet for him to hear. I walked over and sat down next to him. Its for his own good, right. Thats what ive been told. "What game did you whant to play." I asked filled with guilt. "I-Uh I dont know." I was never a huge fan of video games and it might be because we could never afford a console and most the games i played had to be able to run on my old laptop. "How about Marcel Kart?" "shure." He got up and grabbed the remotes. "Here" "Thanks." I can figure this out how hard could it be. It could be realy hard. "Oh Saints you play like my grandmother." he siad giggling. I felt energetic. "I told you id play! I didnt say I was good at it!" It fealt strange. I was having fun. I fealt happy. "One more round?" He asked. I've played to much. Now if io try to take his necklace hell be so mad at me. "No, why dont we just talk for a bit? That necklace is very pretty were di you get it from?" "It was a gift. Why dont we talk about something else." There you go evalyn, ruining everything. You cant just have a normal conversation or a normal freindship without ruingin it or just make normal friends. I just got to do it. "Sorry," I siad looking down. I couldent just look him in the eyes. "For what?" tore the necalse of his neck and ran. "WAIT!" He screamed back I ran and ran but i didnt go far. "WAS THIS WHAT IT WAS FOR!" His deep brown eyes were taken over by darkness literally. It was like looking ino a deep dark black hole. "WHO WAS IT FOR?" I tripped over what was air and i was lifed up off the ground and shoved into a wall. I grunted from the pain as i fell face first back on the floor letting go of the necalse. "I had to," I huffed getting up off the floor still holding onto the necalse. I could feall the little grooves and points of the charn borrowing into my skin. No going back now. "Realy, Let me guess to protect me?" "I AM A WARLOCK BY BLOOD!" He stopped stepping closer to me. "Why do you follow the other kid around aimlessly if you realy dont need protection?" we stood end to end in a hall. I heard gerd running twors us from either end. "Beacuse he was my only friend. And I wounldent have a purpose without him." before he or i could say anything further were were seized by gerd on either end. One of the guds put a sedative in his neck kocking him out I was was dragged away by my arms staring forwarded still holding the nechalse. I stuffed it in my pocket before any of the gerd could see that iwas holding something. The roughly threw me in my room locking the door. "What a brat." one of them said while throwing me in here. Well i messed that up. What am i kidding im prbibly going to be killed. I flopped up in my bed all sweatly from adrenaline, and staired up at the ceiling. All i wanted to do was lie in my bed all day and now all i whant to do is leave it.

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