Ch. 8 Facility

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"I feel like a spy but evil." How could Sage be one of the top operatives when he acts like that? I'm starting to believe he is not at all top operative. Why even call him an operative? I feel like Operative is meant for good guys but that is just destroying the word for me. Many words have stereotypes. The large door let light into the darkness we stood in. We walked into the warehouse slowly. "This is a lot nicer than I expected. Now that doesn't mean it is cool. It is cool I mean that I will enjoy it." I didn't want to appreciate this place but I do think it is cool. We stood in a large bright lab white room. There were glass double doors at the end of the room. From what I can see I am guessing that is the training room. A long desk lined the side of the building. There were a few papers and miscellaneous items such as a coffee mug, pens, etc. Other than that the desk was exceptionally clean. In fact, the whole room was pretty clean. On the opposite side of the desk was an elevator and stairwell. The door to the stairwell was entirely glass with a metal handle. The glass door to the stairwell does not seem like a safe thing to put in a training facility. In the corner, by the door to the stairwell, there are two white sofas with a little glass-top table in the middle of the two sofas. Both of them are a bright white and the stand for the glass table is metal like the door to the stairwell just as a side table. A magazine sat on the table that read, Mysterious Murders Go Unsolved in a cringy font with a dead body as the picture and an advertisement under it. The room was modern. Behind the desk was a girl about my age. She had short black hair with purple highlights. She wore no makeup and was wearing a T-shirt and sweatpants. It looked like she just got up and went to work without even getting ready. She probably did. She had dark red eyes and some of her hair hung over it. She rested her legs on her desk beside an all-in-one computer which was white and modern with a slim keyboard and mouse. She was on her phone which had an anime phone case with charters which were not recognizable to me. She was chewing bubble gum and blowing bubbles which popped on her face and then she just slurped back up the gum. Mr. Arc threw some papers onto the desk presumably on me. "Hey Emma Files these," Asked Mr. Arc Casually. "Shure," She said continuing to play on her phone as she reached out one of her hands to grab a paper. Sage walked over to the sofas in the corner and sat in one wiggling his toosh to make sure he was comfortable. He proceeded to grab the cringy magazine that sat on the glass table and started reading it as if it was going to take us a long time to get sorted. I hope it doesn't take a long time. "What are those papers for?" Asked My father curiously. "Their for our lovely little new recruit. We have high expectations for her. She can't let down her family name." Mr. Arc smiled confidently and my father smiled back precariously. There is always more to a story than meets the eye. "What family name? What are you hiding from me and have all these years? There is so much I do not know and you just let it be that way. When I ask you a question can I not just get an answer?" This time I am not going to cry. It is not development. It is anger. "It's more complicated than that." Father's voice was meek and he held out his hands as to comfort me or hold me back. "It is always more complicated than that," I huffed angrily. "Sometimes the truth is just too much to handle. People don't like new things," He defended almost helplessly while trying to keep his authority and failing. Emma did not even bother to give the argument a look while Sage was staring into it like a show. We were just the actors feeding others with our bickering. "The truth is the only way out." The sentence left the room quiet. Without anyone to respond or answer me we stood for a second processing the situation. "We are wasting time. Why don't I give you a tour? I helped design this place and looked over the project after all." Mr. Arc kept the same smile even though he was offering to do something helpful to us. He showed us around the large building. Our rooms were small with one bed and a side table. None of the rooms had windows. All we had in the rooms was the bright white fluorescent lights. There was also a cafeteria that had a few people eating there and a small menu with limited items. Mr. Arc said the food items on the menu change every few days or so. There was also a small community room that had no one in it. It had a Quantum TV and 2 more white sofas around it along with that the room had a snack and drink vending machine. It also had some arcade games. "Now for the final and most magnificent part of the tour. The training room." Mr. Arc pushed a button on his phone opening the double doors in the lobby. "Wow, This is really impressive." Sage's mouth was open in awe from the state-of-the-art training room. They had plenty of different activities to choose from. "Over here is where you can get weapons." Mr. Arc held his hands out to two holographic tablets. "You simply pick your preferred weapon and Insert your training card into the small slot here and you will get it back when you return your weapon- And don't even think about taking them out of the training room. They will sound an alarm at the entrance. Even if you get passed the alarm all the weapons are also bugged." "What is a training card," Asked sage holding his pointer finger up. "Emma will get those for you in a second. We walked back to the front desk. "Emma, Training cards please," Asked Mr. Arc. "For who?" Her voice was almost sarcastic. "Maybe if you weren't on your phone all the time you could look up and know." Mr. Arc let out a huff at the end of his sentence exaggerating his annoyance. She looks up at us. "Hi," said sage nurously. Her eyes gazed at us so judgemental. She grabbed two cards from the contour and held them out for us to grab but nobody grabbed them so she shook them and said, "Here." "Oh," Sage responded and grabbed him and I reached my hand out shyly and grabbed mine. "Thanks," She said sarcastically. "It didn't have to be that hard. Gee." I held the card up to my face to see it. It had my name and a number on it to identify me along with some other random information like my age. There was a picture of me on the card. It was a picture from a few months ago right after my mother died. I don't even know who she was anymore. What really happened the night she died? No, I can not get caught up in these thoughts they will only make me angry and sad. But they also sometimes make me happy. I don't know how to feel about it but I can't think about it now. On the back of the training, the card looked kind of like a debit card. I put the card in my pocket. Sage took out his wallet and put it in there. It took him a second to get it in the little card slot. "These cards will allow you to access everything, so you will need them a lot. They are the keys to your rooms, food allowance, weapons, and much more so keep them safe and on you. Don't let anyone else use your cards they are yours and yours only." Mr. Arc was serious. "Ok!" Said Sage happily. He put his arm around my shoulder like best friends. "Aren't you excited! We are going to be working together for the next two weeks training to be assassins." "No," I said plainly and pushed him off. "When does training start," I asked. "Training starts tomorrow morning today is just a free day." "Ok." We dispersed to different places around. Sage went to explore, Father went with Mr. Arc to his office, and I went To my room to settle in and take a nap till dinner. I reminded myself that It's only two weeks. Once this is up I will be trained and I can try to escape and live my own life. I can or at least I hope I will.

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