ch. 16

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I Stood leaning against a building beside 805 Newsberry streat right were i was told we were to meat. The building was worn down plastor. Newsberry used to be a luxury neighborhood for the famous and wealthy. Infact the Presedent of North Azia lived here at one point but They couldent keep at the top of the city forever and there was a fire that took out half of the neighborhood and overtime it was build over and now it is just another shady streat in Yuka. Were is Jakeub he should have been here hours ago. He wouldent just bail on me like this something must be wrong. I could never forgive myself if he got caught. I decided to wait grab a bite to eat at a nearby cafe. The Cafe was called Café sur le dessus or Cafe on the top. The Cafe is infact no longer on the top and quite under. I pushed the glass door open. The front of the Cafe had a large glass panels witch might have let light in at some point in time. 2 of the windows were boarded up with large wooden panels of plywood. The floor was a dirty white and cracked in certain areas. I walked up to the counter but there was no one in sight, so i rang the little bell on the contour. "One moment," a voice from the back of the cafe. He ran up to the front in a dirty apron covered in baking flower along with all sorts of things. By the cash resister was a long display case that was empty and must have held pastries at one point. "What can I get for you today?" The man asked from behind the contour. He caught me by surprise because I was to lost in thought to pay attention to the contour. May i please have a honey cressont. "Yes one second." he whent into the back again to prepare the croissant. "Wait you forgot payment!" I shouted to the back leaning up against the contour trying to get a better look at him while i shouted. "Oh, its fine. I'll make it on the house." He came back over the contour a few minutes later with a warm honey croissant of a shining ceramic plate with flowers imprinted onto it. He set it down on the table with a clank. there you go. I dont get many people that actually order pastries anymore. Its mostly bread." I diden't know how to respond to that statement so i moved the subject on. "How much will this cost." I wanted to pay Althought i knew i did not have the funds to purchase it. "Nothing at all sir. On the house. The dough would have gone bad anyway." I pulled out my wallet and trident to pull some cash out but before i could pull the cash out of my wallet the man put his hand over mine to prevent me from pulling my cash out and said verry sternly. "I do not whant your money, sir." I obliged his will and nodded before walking off to sit at a table in the far corner of the cafe. I took a deep breath before i began to eat my croissant, Piece by piece i slowly devoured it not leaving a single crumb on the place. "He's not coming," I whispered to myself leaning my head against the window. My breath fogged the portion of the window right below my eyes. The streets were fairly empty with only a few people out and many at work or choosing to stay inside. Why did i ever do this to myself. I only have myself to blame. I knew deep down that he would'nt show up. I heard a chair squeal as ti was pulled out and i lifted my head up to see the baker sit down. "Why so melancholy?" He asked me in a sincere voice. His chair was pulle dout away from the table and sat leahed over with his elbows on his calves. "I've ruined my life and i have no-one else to blame but myself." "a long time ago i thought my life was ruined. But it was not and I blamed myself for a long time and it never got better. I did unforgivable things that i oh so regret, but they wern't all my fault. I was brainwashed into thinking it was right, but no. Then I met a little boy. He was strong and brave but also lost, like me. I wanted to leave him and find a home but i never could. Now i have the best and most courageous son. He is noble and kind but not without his faults. Dont waste your time pushing things away. Embrace the fact that you still have a chance." "I do?" I responded more intrigued in what he had to say. "Yes you do." I stood up pushing my chair back. "I do," I told myself. I picked myself up and hured out the door thanking the man for his inspirational words. I know what I have to do weather i like it or not. It's not just about me and about who i am. I am going back to the theature to end its terrier with all that I have but first I must get some companions to help.

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