ch. 21

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Before people, before space, before reality, and even before the exenstance of time there were divine being beyond comprehension of eaven our most complex and intelligent gods there was Celestials. There are nine Celastials. You might wonder how Celestials came to be and why there here. The truth is The Celestials are beyond time and understanding. The greatest and leader of the Celestials is called Жe. Each Celestail has a comprehensible form. Жe (Zhe) stands taller than all the others and has a dark coat that covers his whole boddy with huge tall and grand antlers coming out of the side of his head. The antlers have so many branches its almost like you could have a whole town on them. On either side of Жe stands Rieaya The fulfillment of Reality and Falamh The Void of Reality. Rieaya is everything good and warm. Everything that fills your heart and brings people together. Rieaya has the head that is a ball of fire brighter than all the stars and warmer with a cloach that that flows to the ground from her shoulders. The cloak so brigh it blinds all who look at it. Falamh is everything dark and cold. Everything that makes you cry and shiver. Falamh a wears a head that swirls with darkness and looking into it measmurizes anyone and makes them wahnt to look forever into the darkness nothing. His cloak so dark its abourbs all the light near it glowing black and radiating shadow. On either side of Rieaya and Falamh stood Time and Material. Nullus The Time of Reality and Vanitas The Materal of Reality. Nullus only seams to take away. It takes your youth and your fun. Nullus brings everything to an end but only time can fill you. Nullus is a large man made of rocks that slowly crumbles away for the rest of forever until he reforms again from nothing but time. He wears no cloak because in time nothing stay hidden forever. Vanitas is everything earthy. All of your gold and money and worldly idols. Material is limited and dies over time. No matter all the gold and money and earthly thing you get material will never fill you up. Vanitas has a head of soild gold and is dressed in a colorful cloak and vanitied with gold and jewels. Wearing necklaces of the most fure gold and gems and rings that no human could resist. Finally we have Idealism and Realism the last two Celestials. Poзym (Rozum) The Mind and Fíor The Nature. Poзym is everything you can image but nothing you can touch. Poзym is love and idea of what we call humaity. Poзym is an idea or an adjective. It's everything in your mind and every idea you think of. Poзym wears a cloak with dark abrsct clouds and stars that flow throught it and lays overlapping eachother creating a complex cloak that covered its boddy and it flowed as it hovers over the ground. The hood wraps tightening around its round head only leaving a small oval for its head and nothing but abreact colors never seen by the human eye flow around and shine through the opening. Poзym is everything you can image but nothing you can touch. Fíor is the power of all Natures. Not nature like the plants but the nature that defines your soul. Fíor Divine Nature and Fallen Nature, but most of all Human Nature. Fíor is the Fallen Nature that compels animals to kill and the Divine Nature that holds Gods up high. Fíor is the Human Nature that is the balance between Divine and Fallen. It's the nature that compels us to donate but also to lie. Together they Hold together the confines and laws of our reality and all we perceive. Were just and experiment. Humans are just the first successful test. While Gods were the first intellgent creation they have fallen and called apon the celestials to keep them alive. They begged and plead, so they created a new experiments called humans. Humans could fall and could rise they were just what the Celested wanted and they showed The Gods their Humans. The Gods were in awe. The Gods were told that eaven when they all fall humanity will always survive. One after the other the Gods and Gurdians Died off leaving the human alone and only left with the legends and tales of the Old Age of peace and reverance.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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