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"And he says...Our song is the slamming screen door Sneakin' out late, tapping on your window When we're on the phone, and you talk real slow 'Cause it's late, and your mama don't know!! Our song is the way you laugh The first date, Man, I didn't kiss her, and I should have And when I got home, 'fore I said, Amen Asking God if he could play it again!!"

I open one eye and the bed is empty. My only question is why my boyfriend is yelling Taylor Swift instead of singing it. I put on some clothes and make my way toward the yelling.

He meets my eyes when I walk in the room. "I've heard every album, listened to the radio Waited for something to come along That was as good as our song."

At least he didn't yell the rest of the song. "Why did you decide to yell a Swift song at 9 in the morning babe?"

He scoffs. "I was singing not yelling."

"And the reason is...KARAOKE!" I turn around and raise an eyebrow as Liam walks out of my kitchen with Zayne and four coffee cups.

"Karaoke can't wait until noon at least?" I groan and grab a cup. "Thanks by the way."

He smiles at me. "You're most welcome and no it couldn't. See Harry had an idea."

"Oh you did huh?"

Harry smiles and grabs his cup. "One night. Close the cafe part. Keep the bar open. Karaoke night!"

I groan. Of course he still wants this. I was all set to get rid of the bar and keep just the cafe but apparently he believes in it because it's something I originally wanted. "Karaoke night. NIGHT. Why singing now?"

Zayne takes the microphone and smiles. "Fun. Practice. Fun. And...FUN!"

He chooses Party in the USA and starts yelling it just like Harry was.

"My tummy's turnin' and I'm feelin' kinda homesick Too much pressure and I'm nervous That's when the taxi man turned on the radio And a Jay-Z song was on And a Jay-Z song was on And a Jay-Z song was on!!" Zayne yells on.


I look at the door but I don't hear anything else. Maybe it was a neighbors door.

"So I put my hands up They're playin' my song, the butterflies fly away I'm noddin' my head like, yeah Movin' my hips like, yeah I got my hands up, they're playin' my song They know I'm gonna be okay Yeah, it's a party in the U.S.A.!!" He drags out the chorus.


I get up and walk over. Again I hear a soft knock.

"Guys. Off. Someone is here."

Zayne pauses the song and the boys all look at the door from the couch.

"Good morning Louis."

"Taylor. Good morning."

"You don't remember do you?" She asks. I fumble for an answer.

"Shit." I turn as Harry jumps over the back of the couch. "The home visit."

I pale. That was today. That was now. That's why she was here. I watch her nod.

"Well come in. Sorry we were going over a new...business idea." If you can call Karaoke a business idea. "This is Liam and Zayne. They're just visiting."

"Good morning guys."

They wave. I show her around the living room and she shows us what we'd need to baby proof. Harry shows her the kitchen. She walks around the rest of the apartment. Lottie's room. Our bedroom. The bassinet and a dresser with clothes in it is in our room temporarily.  She follows us back to the living room and sits in a chair across from Liam and Zayne.

"Well it all looks good. You seem pretty prepared. Seeing as you work and go to school I assume you've made plans for baby sitting."

Liam smiles. "Uncle Liam and Zayne at your service."

"There's also a crib at the Cafe. He's welcome to come with me when needed as well." Harry speaks up.

"I also have most afternoons off so I'll be available." I tell her.

"Good support system." She says. "Well there may be another surprise home visit after the baby comes but I don't see anything concerning. Congratulations boys."

She stands up and I open and close the door behind her.

"Karaoke again?" Zayne says hopefully.

I roll my eyes. "Fine. I'm singing though because all you do is yell."

I grab the microphone and choose a song. I smile and stand on the couch to use it as a stage. The three boys start laughing as I kissed a girl by Katy Perry starts playing. Regardless of what I just said I start yelling the lyrics. Liam starts laughing and Harry buries his face in his hands gasping for air between laughs. This continues well into the day until Liam and Zayne leave around 2pm with a date night planned.

"So...Hanna is holding down the cafe today. I can work on my song later. What do you say we plan our down date night?"

"Sounds..." Harry's phone beeps and he glances at it. "Sorry Lou. Raincheck? Hanna needs me at the cafe."

I nod. "Sure. I'll come too."

"No!" He shouts. "It's fine. It's just closing and cleaning which I can do. You can finish the song and we can go out later yeah?" He pecks my lips and jumps up.

I watch him run into the bedroom and then out the front door. After about 10 minutes I grab my keys and shut the door behind me. I drive to the cafe and I don't see his car in the front or the back. I walk in through the back and see Hanna in the kitchen. I glance inside and see Lottie waiting the tables,  not busy at all. No Harry in sight.

"Louis. What's wrong?"

I turn to Hanna. "Did you text Harry?"

She looks confused. "No. It's his day off. Why?"

"He said you needed him here." I mumble. "Where is he?"

"No idea. Sorry."

I shake my head and walk back to my car. What the hell is going on? I text him but I don't get a reply. I call and it goes to voicemail. I call Jackson and he hasn't seen him since the weekend. I drive over to Liam's and he's not there either. They try calling him but they get his voicemail too.

"Liam. Why did he lie to me?" I sigh and put my head in my hands.

"Maybe he just went to get you a surprise." Zayne offers.

"I don't know mate. He'll come home though."

I growl. "It's just...we haven't had secrets for a long time. I thought we could tell each other everything."

Liam scoffs. "Yeah like you both stalking Matt and you didn't tell each other either. Louis I'm sure Harry is okay just don't stress alright?"

I nod. My phone beeps and I open the text message.

Niall: Hi Louis. Wanted to let you know Harry came to Nick's place. He's okay just scared about everything. I plugged his phone in since it died. You're welcome to come over as well. I'll send the address.

"He's with Niall and Nick." I mutter.

Liam and Zayne both choke on their water. "He's where?!" They ask.

I nod. I let them read the text before I type it into my map and get directions. I say my goodbyes and get in the car with so many questions in my head.

What is he scared of?

Why did he lie?

Why did he go to Niall?

He could have come to me. I'm his fiancé.

"Harry." I whisper and look at the ultrasound picture and the one of Harry and I next to it.

Little did I know I was not prepared for what I walked into.

Not at all.

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