Chapter 12

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Harry's POV
The moment Sirius and Remus have completed reading Severus' test, they hugged him.

"I know I felt weird. I was never angry at you. I didn't know where it came from. Now I do. I'm really sorry what I did to you, Snape." Sirius said, and Remus agreed with him.

Severus then looked at them and said, "It might take a while for me to be civil, but I forgive you. It was not your fault. What do you want to do about my bond with Harry?" He said the last part quite dejectedly. He thought that they would ask for the bond to be broken.

Sirius smiled at him understandingly and said, "We will never break the bond between soulmates Severus. It is going against the very nature of magic itself. But who do you think the other bondmate of yours?"

Severus hesitated but nodded.

"Then, can he be summoned here?" Remus asked.

Severus shook his head. He was dreading about the time he had to tell the truth about our soulmate.

"He. Good. He. Tell. Me. Sorry. Then. Boom." I said. While looking as innocent as possible.

They seem to have forgotten about me that they jolted when they heard me.

"He apologized to you, Harry?" Severus asked.

I nodded. Then, I showed my scar and said, "Go. Boom."

Remus caught on. His eyes widened, and he looked at Severus and then me and then Severus again. "He is Voldemort, isn't he?"

Severus bowed his head but nodded.

Ragnok, who was watching all this, asked,"Shall we test Harry Potter-Black as well?"

They came out of their thought and looked at me. I nodded at them, then at Ragnok.

Ragnok had taken another parchment out and a clean ritual dagger and placed it on the table.

Severus sat me on his lap while Sirius took the dagger and slowly and gentlely cut my palm. I just looked at it, expecting pain, but when I felt nothing, I looked at Remus and smiled.

"You don't feel pain, do you cub?" Remus asked. I smiled as I shook my head.

Sirius then slowly let seven drops fall on the parchment and then healed my palm and sat down.

Remus and Sirius were on either side of Severus to read my test together. Even I was excited. When word formed, I was clapping my hands and showing the parchment.

"I know it feels exciting, pup." Sirius said while he smiled at me.

Harry James Sirius Potter-Black's Inheritance test Report
Name: Harry James Sirius Potter-Black
Father's name(s): James Flaemont Potter (deceased), Sirius Orion Black, Remus John Lupin
Mother's name: Lily Jessica Potter nee Evans (deceased)
Siblings: None
Godfather: Sirius Black, Frank Longbottom (unavailable)
Godmother: Alice Longbottom nee Fortescue (unavailable)
God-siblings: Neville Longbottom
Status: Pureblood
Soulmate: Severus Tobias Prince-Snape and Tom Marvolo Riddle-Gaunt
Children: None


Heir to the Most Ancient and Noble House of Potter
Heir to the Most Ancient and Noble House of Black (through adoption)
Heir to the Most Ancient and Noble House of Peverell (through Paternal side)
Heir to the Most Ancient and Noble House of Gryffindor (through Paternal side)
Heir to the Most Ancient and Noble House of Emrys (through Maternal side)
Heir to the Most Ancient and Noble House of Lefay (through Maternal side)
Heir to the Most Ancient and Noble House of Gaunt (through conquest)
Heir to the Most Ancient and Noble House of Slytherin (through conquest)

Properties: Too many to list

Master of Death
King of Wizarding Britain

Snake Animagus
Natural Legilimens
Natural Occlumens
Parseltongue (due to horcrux)
Parselmagic (due to horcrux)

Core: White (higher than Merlin)
Core Type: Grey
Creature: None
Affinity: Dark
Horcrux: small piece in the scar (1.5625% of soul) (placed by Lord Voldemort unknowingly)


Charms and curses:

"Well, that was something. I didn't know you were that important pup. You're the king." Sirius said, astonished. He then looked at Severus, who was still looking at the test.
"What is the matter, Snape?"

"Lily. I thought she was a muggle-born." Severus said. He didn't bat his eyes , nor did he look away from the test.

"She might be the daughter of squibs from those lines. That is how muggleborns come from. Magic doesn't get created on them." Remus explained.


The cores are of this order from low to high: black, brown, violet, red, green, blue, light green, sky blue, silver, white.
I am sorry I haven't mentioned the core colors.

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