Chapter 56

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Harry's POV
Amelia asked Sirius to cancel the silencing charm on the coot after he was given the veritaserum. When his eyes dilated, the charm was canceled.

"This is the start of the trial of Albus Dumbledore." Amelia addressed the Wizengamot and then looked at Dumbledore.

"What is your name?"

"Albus Percival Wolfric Brian Dumbledore."

"When were you born?"

"August 11, 1881."

Amelia again looked at the Wizengamot and said, "The potion is working." Then she looked at Dumbledore and asked, "Did you try to cast the compulsion charms on Sirius and Remus Black-Lupin?"



"I needed Harry for my plans. He has to be malleable and would not be if he was raised by them."

"Who did you want to give him to?"

"Petunia and her husband."


"They hate magic. When they find out Harry can do magic, they will abuse him. When he enters the wizarding world, I can be his guide."

"Did you steal from Severus Prince-Snape and Remus Lupin-Black?"


"Did you cast multiple blocks and give several potions to Sirius and Remus Lupin-Blacks and Severus Prince-Snape?"

"Yes. I needed them to follow my plan. It was for the greater good."

"Did you cast any blocks or charms or curses on anyone else?"


"On whom?"

"Tom Marvolo Riddle-Gaunt."

"What did you do?"

"He was a child when I met him. He said he was a Parseltongue. I decided that he would be my next target after Gallert. I placed several blocks and potions on him. I made him hate muggles and muggleborns. I made him create horcruxes and then become the darkest lord of all times."

"Do you mean to say that you have created Voldemort?"

All the members of the dark section looked at Moiz. He was calmly sitting and watching the coot make a fool out of himself.



"Because i was not being the center of attention anymore. I did not have that much fame as I used to."

"You were the reason he lost his mind and became the monster he was?"

"Yes. The horcruxes are made by splitting your existing soul into two. The more the horcruxes he made, the more insane he became."

"How was he before the making of the horcruxes?"

"He was a brilliant student and a head boy. He had the best goals for the magical world, but I didn't want him to rise to fame. His ideals would separate the magical and muggle worlds."

"Do you know about his ideals?"


Amelia looked at Moiz and asked, "If Lord Slytherin-Gaunt has any information on the ideals of Tom Marvolo Riddle-Gaunt, please explain it to us."

Moiz rose and walked to the Sirius and stood by his side. "Tom Marvolo Riddle-Gaunt left a copy of his ideals in the vaults which I have obtained after taking over the Lordship. He wanted to construct orphanages to muggleborns who were abused by their parents or relatives because of their magic and for the magical orphans as well. He wanted a constant monitoring system for monitoring the magical children in the muggle world in incorporate them in our world as soon as possible and teach them our ways so that we do not have to learn their ways. We are witches and wizards, not muggles. This is our world. They would have to learn our ways to live here, not us learning their ways to not oppress them.
He wanted to get back all the subjects that were originally taught in Hogwarts when it was founded.
He also wanted to say that magic was magic. There is no light, neutral, and dark. It depends on our core and affinity.
Just because a person is a dark wizard does not mean he is evil. Just because a person is a light wizard does not mean he is good.
The light spell, Wingardium Leviosa, when used on a person for lifting them to a certain height and canceling the charm, would kill the levitating person. The cutting hex, blasting hex, and many can be used to kill.
The killing curse was first invented to let a suffering patient with no going back to rest in peace. The Cruciatus curse was first used to treat patients with nerve problems. The imperius curse was used to monitor mentally ill people. Just because these spell need emotion and were used in the wrong way does not mean they are wrong. The person who used these spells to commit a mistake and crime is at the wrong.
Magic does not tell you what to do. It gives you power. How you use it makes you good or evil." Moiz said.

Even people who blindly followed Dumbledore were convinced by his speech. The crimes Dumbledore had admitted to also proved that magic does not discriminate between light or dark. It is us humans who do it.

"Do you know what happened to all the death eaters?"

"Most are not guilty. They have been framed and put in Azkaban by Dumbledore and Barteminius Crouch Sr. They were biased toward the light and didn't want any dark wizard. But there are a few who do deserve their stay in Azkaban. The best example is Bellatrix. She was the one who tortured the Longbottoms, by her own free will." Moiz answered.

"Thank you, Lord Slytherin-Gaunt." Amelia said.

Moiz nodded at her and walked back to us and sat.

"Is what Lord Slytherin-Gaunt said true?"


The aurors cast body bind on Barteminius Crouch Sr when he tried to escape.

"What did you do to Gallert Grindelwald?"

"He was not following my plan of taking over the world. He wanted magic to only the magical. He didn't want to slowly come out to the muggle world in fear that they would destroy us. So I planned for his defeat and then threw him in Azkaban, where he died two weeks ago."

"What about your brother and sister?"

"Abeforth is under the imperius curse and looks after his shop in Hogsmeade. Arianna died when she was young in a cross-fire between my brother, Gallert, and me."

"Who was Gallert Grindelwald to you?"

"He was my lover and soulmate."

"Do you not feel remorse for backstabbing your own soulmate?"

"No. He deserves it for not going according to my plans for the world dominion."

"Did you help to block the bond between the Weasley twins and Heir Malfoy, Arthur Weasley and the Prewett twins, and Sirius and Remus Lupin-Black?" Amelia asked after calming herself down.


"Do you have anymore in you custody like you did with the Prewett twins?"


"How many?"

"50 people."

"What are you doing with them?"

"There is a magical leach on each of them from which I retain my magical reserves."

"Where are they kept?"

"In Dumbledore mansion."

"How to reach it?"

"The floo address is Dumbledore abode."

"Give him the antidote." Amelia told Sirius.

When his eyes turned normal, a silencing charm was cast on him.

"Albus Dumbledore, from this moment, you will be stripped of your title, Chief Warlock and Supreme Mugwump. Your First Class Merlin Award will also be confiscated.
Your magic will be sealed, and your wand will be broken. You shall be given the demontor's kiss for all the crimes you have committed." Amelia said.

"How many of you agree with the sentence given to Dumbledore?"

Three fourth of the Wizengamot lifted their wands, a few from the dark section agreed because they felt for the ones who the coot had committed crimes against and that because Lucius, Regulus, and Rufus agreed with the sentence.

The aurors had then dragged Dumbledore out to the ministry cells after snapping his wand, to join Molly, and be escorted to Azkaban.


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