Chapter 55

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Harry's POV
When the minister and the heads of all the main departments took their seats, the minister got up and said, "Since it the Chief Warlock being investigated, I, Minister of Magic, shall be overlooking the trial today." Then sat down.

Madam Bones got up and said, "Bring in the accused."

Molly and Albus were dragged to the room by the aurors. Sirius just walked behind them.

The minister said, "Now that the accused are brought here, I shall ask if there are any new seats claimed. Or any new proxies."

Remus, Regulus, Severus, Moiz, Arthur, and Alice stood up.

"I, Remus John Lupin-Black, shall be representing my house Lupin as well as be proxy to houses Potter and Gryffindor." Remus said. The minister nodded as the magic in the room recognized and accepted the seats.

"I, Regulus Arcturus Black, shall be representing my house of Black as my brother is present in the trial as the lead auror." Regulus said. The minister nodded as the magic in the room recognized and accepted the seats. Everyone looked at Regulus. They thought he was dead. The most comical expression was, of course, Dumbledore's. He looked betrayed, angry, and wanting to kill, all at once.

"I, Severus Tobias Prince-Snape, shall be representing my houses Prince and Ravenclaw as well as be proxy to house Peverell." Severus said. The minister nodded as the magic in the room recognized and accepted the seats. Now, Dumbledore paled. He knew he screwed with the wrong set of people.

"I, Moiz Maverick Slytherin-Gaunt, shall be representing my houses Gaunt and Slytherin as well as be proxy to houses Emrys and Lefay." Moiz said. All the members of the dark section looked at him with wonder. The panel, however, had some fear. The light was glaring at him. When the magic did nothing to expel him, the minister nodded as the magic in the room recognized and accepted the seats. Dumbledore realized Moiz was Tom, but since he was silenced, he could not scream it loud no matter how much he looked like he wanted to.

"I, Arthur Septimus Weasley, shall be representing my house Weasley as well as be proxy to house Prewett." Arthur said. The light side looked happy as they thought they got the support of Arthur. The minister nodded as the magic in the room recognized and accepted the seats.

"I, Alice Longbottom nee Fortescue, shall be representing my maiden houses Fortescue as well as Hufflepuff." Alice said. The minister nodded as the magic in the room recognized and accepted the seats.

All of them sat down.

"Let us begin the trial now." The minister said .

Amelia asked Sirius to administer veritaserum to Molly first and keep Dumbledore silenced and cuffed.

"This is a trial for one Molly Weasley nee Prewett." She looked at Molly and asked, "What is your name?"

"Molly Elizabeth Weasley nee Prewett."

"When were you born?"

"October 30, 1949."

"Why did you block the soul bond between Arthur and your brother, Fabian Prewett and Gideon Prewett?"

"They do not deserve Arthur. Only I do."

"Who helped you?"

"Albus Dumbledore."

"Are your youngest children, Ronald and Ginerva Athur's?"

"No. They are Dumbledore's children."

"Why did you cheat on Arthur?"

"He was not responding to me as much as I had wanted. And Dumbledore needed heirs."

"Did you feed Arthur Weasley love potions?"


"Did you help Albus Dumbledore slowly block a few skills of Arthur Weasley?"


"Did you block the soulmate bond of Fred and George Weasleys?"

"Yes. They were mated to a Malfoy."

"Would Lord Weasley like to ask anything?" Amelia asked.

Arthur nodded and stood up and walked down to Molly.

"Did you block anything else of my children?"

"Yes, I blocked Bill's bond with a French girl. He has to marry a muggle-born so as to portray that we are a light family."

"Did you block any of the childrens' skills?"


"Did you help put any blocks on my mates?"


Arthur growled. "What are they?"

"I blocked their bond to you. Albus and I have slowly fed them loyalty, submission, and compulsion potions."

"Anyone else you wanted to feed the potion?"

"Yes. Harry, once he gets into Hogwarts. Dumbledore and I have planned to feed him love potions so that he can marry Ginny and not his mates."

Severus held me a little tighter, and Moiz slipped his hands into mine.

"Do you know who Harry's mates are?"


All of us sighed in relief.

"Did you plan to take his money?"

"Yes. I deserve it for looking after him in this world."

As Arthur was done, he finally said, "I, Arthur Septimus Weasley, do hereby call upon Lady Magic to judge Molly Elizabeth Weasley nee Prewett for her crimes, if found guilty, may I be allowed a divorce and be divorced by magic. So, mote it be." Majic swirled in the room, and when Arthur glowed, it meant that Lady Magic has allowed the divorce and had cut the magic of Weasley flowing through Molly after breaking the magical bond of marriage between Arthur and Molly. Now she was a divorcee and would be called Molly Elizabeth Prewett. He walked back to the seat and sat.

"Administer the antidote." Amelia said.

Sirius gave Molly the antidote.

When the effect of the serum was gone, Amelia said, "Molly Prewett, you are sentenced to 15 years of Azkaban for your crimes."

"No. My babies. Who will take care of them?" Molly shrieked.

"They will be looked after by me. After you made them drink the blood adoption potion, they are my children as well." Arthur said.

She was dragged away to the ministry cells so that she could be escorted to Azkaban after Dumbledore's trial.


A/N: I forgot to mention that Remus would represent the house of Potter as well in the previous chapter.

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