Chapter 31

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A/N: Name change. From Tom Marvolo Riddle-Gaunt to Moiz Maverick Slytherin-Gaunt.

Severus' POV
After Lady Magic has acknowledged Moiz's name change, Sirius and Remus took Harry for the burial ritual of James and Lily that has been arranged by the ministry.

Moiz and I tagged along but disillusioned and silenced out movements.

Remus slowly and gentlely shook Harry awake. "Cub, wake up. You have to pay your last visit to your parents."

Harry slowly woke up and looked at Remus. "You okay now, cub?" Remus asked.

Harry sleepily nodded his head.

"Look there, Harry. Your parents' graves have been built. The ministry members are waiting for you to pay your respects." Remus calmly said.

All the sleep in Harry's face vanished. He jerked his head towards the graves. Tears slowly started to form and slide down from his eyes.

Remus and Sirius, with Harry in Remus' arms, walked to the grave and gave their offerings. Then, the ministry official.

Dumbledore arrived and gave his offering and acted as if he was devastated with James' and Lily's deaths. Then apparated away telling them he had work to do in the school.

While the press moved to interview Sirius and Remus, Sirius blocked Harry from their view by stepping in front of Remus, and Remus hugged Harry close to himself and didn't allow anyone to see his face.

"I thank you for coming here for paying respect to my friends. But we shall not allow you to harass Harry by taking his picture and trying to make him talk. As his adopted parents, Remus and I shall press charge on anyone who does it. It shall be on the name of houses of Black, Potter, Lupin, Gryffindor, and Peverell.
If any one wants to use Harry's name for publishing any stories that come to their minds, they will also be press charged and we shall demand a heavy price for disregarding his privacy and defaming of his name and the houses he belongs to.
If you want any interview from Remus and I, we shall give but only at the terms of not writing a word extra from what we have said. We will not tolerate the change of words and meanings we have spoken.
The interview shall also be conducted in private and with only one reporter at a time.
Thank you very much." Sirius said.

I didn't know he could handle the situation with such ease. He is now showing that he is Black and a professional auror.

They walked back to the graves, touched them one last time, and walked out to us. We then apparated to Gringotts again.

Ragnok was waiting for us. "We shall now discuss the death of Tom Marvolo Riddle-Gaunt. All of your horcruxes are combined with your soul. The only one left is the one in Harry's forehead.
This part of your soul had completely merged with Harry's. We don't know how it happened, but it did. The scar will heal in due time. So all you have to do is erase the mark.
Gringotts shall report that we have destroyed the soul in Harry while he was called in. So if the mark is gone today, we shall report that we have hunted all horcruxes and destroyed them. Then, we found the original part of the soul and destroyed that one, too.
You do not need to worry about the story. We shall take care of it. All you need to do now is take off the mark from your followers.
If we delay any longer, Lord Prince will be taken away for being a death eater.
Dumbledore has asked the minister to order  the arrest of all death eaters, disregarding the side they actually fought for."

I paled at the thought of Azkaban. But Dumbledore would do it. He would gain sympathy for himself, saying that he trusted me and that I betrayed the trust he had in me.

Moiz nodded. He walked to me and asked for my hand. I pulled the sleeve up and showed the mark. He put his hand on the mark and chanted something in parseltongue.

When he removed his hand, the mark slowly started to fade and then completely vanished.

"The mark is gone for everyone now." Moiz said, looking at me. I nodded in gratitude. "You can declare that Tom Marvolo Riddle-Gaunt aka Lord Voldemort is dead from this very moment." He said while looking at Ragnok.

Ragnok nodded. "We would need the materials that were made into horcruxes, though."

We all know that they are somewhere with Mortem. All of us turned to look at Harry.


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