Chapter 22

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Severus' POV
Ragnok had come back after arranging the room back into its original form.

"It might be good that you accept your rings and make sure you are not susceptible to charms and potions." He said as he carried a few boxes with him.

We nodded.

He put one box each  in front of Sirius and Remus and two in front of me.

We opened the boxes and found rings in it.

Sirius went first. He put on his ring on his right hand index finger. The ring glowed and reduced in size to fit his finger.

Remus put on his ring next. The ring glowed and reduced in size to fit his finger again.

I took my Prince ring and put it on my index finger of my right hand. It glowed and adjusted to my finger. I then took my Ravenclaw ring and put it on the same finger. The ring glowed and adjusted its size and merged with my prince ring. The new ring had both the Prince and the Ravenclaw emblems.

"What should I do to check my accounts? I have a feeling they might be tampered with." I said. It may not happen, but there are chances that it might as well.

Ragnok nodded. "If it did happen, the goblin responsible for your accounts will be executed for treason. We, goblins, value loyalty to our customers more." And walked out to get our account books.

After a while, Ragnok came in fuming. "I apologize for the tampering of your accounts. The goblin responsible had been taking bribes from Dumbledore and made sure never to let us know about it. He is being taken for execution. I shall be the manager for all four of your accounts." He looked at Sirius and said, "I know that the Black family has their own manager, but he is also showing signs of bribery, so I shall be taking over the Black as well as the Potter, Peverell, Gryffindor, Slytherin, Emrys, Lefay, Prince, Ravenclaw, Gaunt, and Lupin vaults."

All of us nodded.

"I shall speak about the Prince accounts first.
Dumbledore had been taking 5000 galleons every month. He could not tamper with the investment, so you have a steady income of 90,000 galleons every month, which makes it 1,080,000 galleons a year.
You already have a balance of 700,000,000 galleons in the Prince family vault. Then, you have a few artifacts, books, and miscellaneous objects collected by your ancestors during various times in the vault.
The next is the Ravenclaw vault. There has been no tampering with this vault as it needs blood for access. You have a steady income of one million galleons a month, which makes it 12 million a year. The vault already has a trillion galleons with books, artifacts, and miscellaneous objects.
The Black accounts have not been tampered with and have the same type of income as the Ravenclaw vault, and the balance is also the same with minor changes. There are many books, dark artifacts, and a few miscellaneous objects.
The Gryffindor, Peverell, Potter, Emrys, Lefay, and the Slytherin vaults have not been tampered, but the goblins show signs of bribery, they also have similar income levels and balance. There are also books, artifacts, and miscellaneous objects in the vaults.
The Lupin vault has been tampered with. 1000 galleons have been taken by Dumbledore every month after the passing of Lyall Lupin. He could not change the investments, so there is an income of 25,000 galleons a month, which makes it 300,000 galleons a month. There are only books in the vault.
The Gaunt family vault at the moment is empty. Mr. Riddle's uncle had a lot of debt, and when he died, the account was emptied to pay off the debt, and the properties ceased by Gringotts. What should I do with this vault?"

"Let us wait for Mortem for that decision. He would know what Harry wants." I said.

Ragnok nodded.

"I want all the money taken from my account returned with 25 percent interest. The interest can be taken by the bank. If any artifacts or books were stolen, I want them back as well." I said.

Sirius asked Remus to do the same. He said, "Take everything back with interest ,Moony. You do not need to be gullible anymore. You are an alpha. It is time to step up and act like one."

Remus got a determined glint in his eyes and turned to Ragnok and said, "I also want all the money, books, or artifacts taken from me with 20 percent interest. The interest can be taken by the bank."

Ragnok had a predatory smile on his face. It sent shivers down my side. I decided never to get on the bad side of the Goblin nation.


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