Chapter 38

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Harry's POV
The coot sat down on the couch, facing all of us in the room.

"Why did you take money from Remus and Severus, Albus?" Sirius asked.

"Yes. If you wanted, we could give it to you." Remus said.

"I didn't know about it. If I did, I would return the money myself." Albus said.

"Really? Did you know that when we asked how our money went to your account, Ragnok said that the goblin who did it took money from you? He also said that you ordered the goblin to do it every month. What explanation do you have for this Albus?" Sirius asked.

"The goblin lied." Ablus said, though he knew we would not believe it.

"Goblins don't lie unless they take something for the lie. Ragnok had also used veritaserum Albus." Remus said.

"If you didn't know about the money, it is fine. Now, how about you explain throwing compulsions on Remus and me to go after Pettigrew. Then, I heard that you wanted all death eaters in Azkaban, regardless of the side they fought for, after Severus' resignation. Were you trying to force him to work for you? Because he had the dark mark, you categorized him as evil and wanted to throw him Azkaban because he wished to go against you and resign from a post he never wanted and took only for his protection? Explain this, Albus?" Sirius growled. The more he spoke, the louder he got.

Frank and Alice were just gaping at Dumbledore. They didn't know this happened. They didn't know the situation while they were in St. Mungo's, but now that they did, they were ashamed for following a man like him.

He had already lost the support of the houses of Potter, Lupin, Prince, and the Black. Now, he had lost the support of houses of Longbottom and  Fortescue.

Albus just looked at Sirius. He didn't know what to say. He wasn't planning on being exposed by coming to talk to us. He wanted us back as his pawns, but now, he was being questioned for his actions.

"Or how you just wanted to place Harry, my cub and Sirius' pup and godson, and our son by blood and magic, with Petunia just because she is blood related to Lily. Lily had told us numerous times that Petunia was a vile woman. She would never care for Harry. Her whale of a husband would abuse Harry. Or that Harry might not survive there thanks to the abuse. Did you not think about that?" Remus growled. I guess Moony was close.

"It would not be that bad, Remus. She would care for and discipline, Harry. You are exaggerating it." He said, his voice and tone almost chastising.

"No, Albus. He is not exaggerating it. I have seen how Petunia is from childhood. If anyone knew how she was other than Lily, it would be me. I would say she would be worse than my father, who abused me every time he drank, and he was an alcoholic, meaning he drank every day." Severus said.

I didn't know about that part. I turned around in his lap and put my arms around him, trying to hug him. Moiz put his hand on Severus' shoulder to show his support.

Severus chuckled as he looked down, hugged me back, and said, "Thank you for the comfort, Harry. But as you can see, I am over it."

I just shook my head and kept hugging him. He laughed and lifted me so that I could put my arms around his neck to hug him. He hugged me back and slowly rubbed my back.

"You no hurt?" I asked.

"No, Harry. I am fine now. See, all healthy." He said. I nodded but didn't let go of him.

"Why didn't you complain, Severus? It is a crime to abuse any child, magical or not." Frank said.

"I wanted to, but a certain someone didn't allow me to, saying my father was only trying to discipline me." Severus sneered the last part, looking at Dumbledore.

"You are exaggerating Severus. Your father wanted the best for you." Albus said.

I didn't want to hear his voice. "You. Bad man. You no hurt Sev. Go." I shouted.

Severus hugged me and said, "It is alright, Harry. He can't harm me in front of three aururs. He'd be arrested right away for misuse of power and harassment and attacking a defenseless person."

I glared at Dumbledore and then looked at Severus and nodded, and went back to hugging him.

Siri, Remmy, Sev, and Moiz just smiled at my antics.

Severus then looked at Albus and said, "Beating the daylight out of me with belts or anything he could get his hands on is not called disciplining Albus. It is called abuse."

"We wanted to ask those questions, now please get out of the house before I change my plan, arrest you for stealing from the Houses of Prince and Lupin, trying to steal from Houses of Potter and Black. Harassing Potions master Severus Prince-Snape, trying to kidnap the Heir of houses Potter, Black and Lupin from his parents, Remus, and me." Sirius growled.

Ablus all but scurried out to the floo room and flooed away.


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