Chapter 44

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Harry's POV
When Lucius had finally calmed down, Moiz came back and sat beside Severus and held he hand.

"I did have my own ideals for the future.
As I have said, I was bullied, and they tried to exorcize me, thinking I was possessed by some evil spirit. I didn't want anyone else to face that kind of situation, so I wanted to set up child care centers or orphanages for the magical children who were orphaned or who were being abused by their parents or guardians.
I wanted equal rights for all creatures.
I also wanted the squibs to work in the magical world. They might not have enough magic to cast spells, but they have enough to make basic potions. They can make all potions up to OWLs level. Why waste talent and manpower? They can earn their own money and still stay connected to the roots.
I also wanted equality for muggleborns. They do not just pop out of muggles. They come from squibs who were disowned from their families.
Then, I used to say magic is magic. We could practice any kind of magic unless it is harmful for others or ourselves. You might have a dark or grey core with dark or grey affinity. You might not be able to caste most of the light spells and be ridiculed by your classmates. This is outright discrimination.
Most countries allow dark and grey magic unless the caster is causing disturbance or destruction. Why not Britain? Cause we have a man named Dumbledore who had brainwashed all of us and made us come to the conclusion that dark magic is evil and light magic is good.
I could kill someone with a light spell. A powerful incendio or a bombarda will kill someone.
The killing curse could free someone who is in extreme pain. The Cruciatus was first invented to treat extreme muscular and nervous damage. The imperius was first invented to monitor suicidal patients so that they do not harm themselves or for mentally challenged so that they won't harm others. It was also used on people who had psychological issues.
Why are they wrong? Is it because someone used it to kill or torture or make someone do something for them? The person using the spell is in the wrong, not the spell itself.
I knew my reforms would take long to be accepted, so I gathered the powerful houses and explained my ideals to them. It was hard to convince, but thanks to Abraxas and Thaddeus, I had my own group, whom I called the Knights.
Those were all my ideals.
Now, I will give you my inheritance test that Mortem had created before giving me a purge." He said as he gave his test to Frank and Alice. Neville also took a peak from Alice's lap. They gave it to Lucius, who read it along with Narcissa.

"We need to destroy the coot's carefully constructed kingdom." Frank said.

"I shall reenter the Wizengamot. This time, the war will be completely political. I ask for your help as well." Moiz said.

"You have the support of the Black and Lupin houses." Remus said.

Sirius looked at me. I nodded. "You also have the support of Potter, Peverell, Gryffindor, Emrys, and Lefay houses." Sirius said. "I shall be the proxy for all of Harry's houses and Remus' along with mine."

"You have the support of the Prince and Ravenclaw houses. I shall be taking my seats in the next session." Severus said. He looked at Sirius and asked, "Sirius, can you introduce me to them."

"And cause permanent damage to the coot, sure." Sirius said.

"You also have the support of the house, Longbottom." Frank said. But when Alice gave him a stare, "And the support of houses Fortescue and Hufflepuff." He extended his sentence.

"You know you already have the support of house Malfoy." Lucius said with a smile.

"Thank you. All of you." Moiz said. His face didn't show how he felt, but his eyes and voice did.

"Did you guys not realize that Moiz now has the support of all of Hogwarts' houses? He could make rules if we were to give our consent to the rule without needing the word of the headmaster." Remus said.

When his words have finally registered in our minds, all the adults looked elated while Neville and I were clapping our hands in joy. Draco, who understood that what Remus had said had made everyone happy, also clapped with us.

Neville and I smiled at Draco. Yes, we had decided that we would change Draco's attitude. He would be a normal child if not a little bit outgoing by the time we go to Hogwarts.


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