Chapter 33

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Harry's POV
Sirius shook his head. "Your deity is more dramatic than both your mates combined, pup."

I gave a small giggle. It was true.

Frank and Alice were slowly waking up.

"Look, Neville. They're waking up. Try to call them when they do." Remus whispered to Neville as he stood beside Sirius.

Severus and Moiz stood behind them with me in Severus' arms.

When Alice and Frank opened their eyes and were staring at the ceiling, "Mama. Dada." Neville exclaimed and started to clap his hand in excitement.

Frank and Alice turned towards Neville only to stare in awe. For a while, they didn't move, and neither did they try to talk to Neville.

Poor Nev thought that they didn't want him anymore. Tears flowed freely no matter how much he tried to wipe them away.

I couldn't take it anymore. I had to do something. I pulled Severus' sleeve to gain his attention. " Go. They."

Severus seemed to understand and walked to Neville, Moiz on toe. When I could reach Neville, I hugged him. I was glad that Severus and Sirius had a firm grip on Neville and me. We would have fallen face first otherwise.

That seemed to break Alice and Frank out of the shock. "My baby." Alice said as she slowly walked to us.

When she was near, I let go of Nev. He turned to look at Alice. "Mama." He said.

"Yes, Neville. I am Mama. I am not leaving yet. Oh, my baby." She said as she took him from Sirius and hugged him and kissed him on his cheeks many times.

Frank had come from behind Alice and hugged both her and Nev. When Neville looked at him, "Dada." he said, smile apparent on his face.

"Yes, son. I am right here. I have not gone anywhere." Frank said as he smiled at Neville.

"What happened?" Frank asked.

"You were cruciod very badly, Frank. So was Alice. Both of you were found in your secret place, writhing due to the effects of the Cruciatus curse. Bellatrix, along with her husband and brother-in-law, Rodolphus and Rabastan, were present there. Bartemunius Crouch Jr. was also there casting the curse at you and Alice." Sirius said.

Frank shook his head. "They came following her to try to save us. She imperiod them to torture us. They were not at fault." He said.

"Before you do anything, Sirius and I have to tell you something." Remus said.

When Frank nodded, Remus turned around and asked for me. Severus sighed but gave me Remus, though I held Severus' and Moiz' hands after Remus held me.

"He is your godson, Harry James Sirius Potter-Black. Lily and James, though, are dead. We have finished the burial and came here." Remus said.

"So..." Alice asked. She looked sad for the death of my parents. She patted my head a few times.

"Voldemort is also dead. The goblins have taken care of it after they found traces of certain soul magic on Harry. They destroyed the one in Harry with a purge, and the remaining parts of the magic were collected and destroyed. Then, they found the original and finished him too."  Sirius said.

"Are you hinting about a horcrux Sirius?" Frank asked.

Sirius nodded. "Not one or two Frank, five in total and a main soul. I now know why he behaved like a lunatic. His soul was split so many times that he had lost his rationality." Sirius clarified.

"Why is my mother still sleeping?" Frank asked.

"She no good. She hurt." Neville said. He had finally told them that everything they had left him with her, and she had hurt him.

"What do you mean, son? She hurt you? When did that happen?" Alice asked.

"You no. Dada no. She. Bad man. Hurt." Neville tried to explain.

Alice seemed to understand, though. "Do you want to say that when we left you with her, she hurt you? Who is the bad man, sweetie? Mama doesn't understand that part."

"Do you mean your great uncle Algie?" Frank asked. Only Algie Longbottom stayed with Augusta when Alice and Frank left Neville with her.

Neville nodded and looked away. Tears started to slowly form in his eyes. He might have thought that they would be disappointed in him now that he was complaining about Augusta and Algie Longbottom.

Alice and Frank hugged him tightly. Poor Nev looked shocked. "You should tell us about it immediately, son. It might have gotten to the point that you might lose your very confidence if it continues."

Neville nodded and hugged his parents.

"She also left him alone with Alice when we walked in and didn't even sense us coming through. He might've fallen with no one to care for him, Frank. She only cares about you. She doesn't care about Alice or Neville." Sirius said.

"Revive her Remus. I might have a few choice of words for her for hurting my son." Frank growled. Remmy nodded and casted a 'finite' at her.


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