Chapter 48

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Harry's POV
It was at that moment the floo flared. When we heard footsteps coming our way, we looked back to see Sirius and Remus coming in with huge smiles on their faces.

"You should have seen Dumbledore's face when you countered him, Remmy, marvelous. It was the best." Sirius said in between his laugh.

When he caught sight of Regulus, though, he stopped in his track. "Reggie, is that you? Or am I dreaming? Remus, can you smack me once?" Sirius asked.

Regulus just smiled and got up and walked to Sirius and hugged him. "It is really me, Siri. You don't need to be smacked to know it is me."

Sirius hugged him tightly. "You are back. Thank Merlin. I thought I lost you when Mother said you died. Thank Merlin." Sirius was in tears. Regulus just kept rubbing his back until he calmed down.

Remus walked to me and held my hands, "Thanks, cub. I haven't seen him this happy in a long time." He said. I just smiled at him and pointed at Moiz. "It was his idea?" Remus asked, and I nodded. He looked at Moiz and nodded his head in gratitude. Moiz just smiled.

Sirius walked to me and picked me from Severus and hugged me and kept muttering 'thank you' over and over. After a while, he handed me back to Severus.

Soon, the Malfoys entered. When Narcissa saw Regulus, she hurried over and handed Draco to Severus so that she could hug Regulus. When Lucius realized what happened, he hugged Regulus and took Draco from Severus, who was struggling not to let Draco grab his hair. Severus gave him a smile of gratitude, for which Lucius smiled and then grunted when Draco pulled his hair.

It took a while for Narcissa to stop smothering Regulus. When she calmed down and looked at Draco, who was messing with Lucius' hair, she just laughed at him and took Draco from Lucius. He sighed in relief and adjusted his hair so that it didn't look too messy.

Lucius then gave Draco's inheritence test results to Severus and sat down beside Narcissa.

"The moment Draco saw the knife, he started to scream. But when the results were out, I wanted to scream my lungs out." Lucius complained.

Draco Lucius Malfoy's inheritence test report
Name: Draco Lucius Malfoy
Father's name: Lucius Abraxas Malfoy
Mother's name: Narcissa Anastasia Malfoy nee Black
Siblings: None
Godfather(s): Severus Tobias Prince-Snape, Sirius Orion Black, Remus John Lupin, Frank Longbottom
Godmother: Alice Longbottom nee Fortescue
God-siblings: Harry James Sirius Potter-Black, Neville Samwise Longbottom
Mate(s): Fredrick Gideon Weasley and George Fabian Weasley
Children: None


Heir to the Most Ancient and Noble House of Malfoy

Malfoy Manor, Great Britain
Malfoy Private Islands (unplottable)
Malfoy Manor, France
Malfoy Cottage, New York
Black Cottage, Italy.

Hawk Animagus
Natural Legilimens
Natural Occlumens


Charms and Curses:

Other blocks:

After Severus had read them, he passed it to Moiz. When Moiz was done reading, it was passed to Frank, Alice, Remus, and finally, Sirius.

"Oh, this is awesome. You have to annul the blood fued with the family of Weasley. But, Mortem said it would be fun when we ask Arthur Weasley to get an inheritance test." Sirius laughed.

Remus smacked Sirius and said, "Don't laugh at his misery, Sirius." He looked at Lucius and said, "I apologize on his behalf." Lucius nodded.

"What will you do now?" Moiz asked.

"I will see what those twins are like. If they are worth my son, I will put the blood fued aside and ask the twins to marry my son." Lucius said.

I smiled. I knew he would prioritize Draco's life more than the fued.

"They are worth pulling the fued off Lucius. I have seen how they are, when Mortem showed Harry's life. When they decide to stand by you, nothing will stop them. They will also be the future lords of House Prewett." Moiz said.

Lucius nodded. He pulled out Abraxas' portrait from his pocket, resized it, and asked, "Should I cancel the blood fued, father?"

"It is up to you, Lucius. Even I don't remember why there is blood fued among us. It is time we let them have a better life. They have suffered enough. I do not think they would hurt Draco if what Moiz said is true." Abraxas said.

Lucius nodded. He pulled his wand out and said, "I, Lucius Abraxas Malfoy, Lord to the Most Ancient and Noble House of Malfoy, do hereby end the blood fued between my house and the house of Weasley. They shall be free of the burden and shall reclaim their title of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Weasley. So, mote it be."

"We have to take Arthur to the bank and get him his test before Molly gets to know about the cancelation of the blood fued." Remus said.


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