Chapter 39

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Harry's POV
"That was awesome." Sirius exclaimed.

"Yeah. It felt satisfying." Remus agreed.

"I had fun too." Moiz said.

Neville clapped his hands, too.

"You enjoyed it, didn't you, Neville?" Frank asked.

Nev nodded enthusiastically and smiled. Alice and Frank were happy that Nev was happy.

All of a sudden, Severus stiffened. "Sev." I asked.

He looked at me and said, "Nothing, Harry. I just felt someone trying to floo into my home. Only Lucius knows the floo address other than Dumbledore. So, it must have been Lucius." Severus explained.

"Send a patronus and ask him to come here. Also, ask him to come with Narcissa and Draco. I would like to reacquaint my cousins. The floo address is 'Black Manor'." Sirius said.

Severus nodded and cast his patronus, informing Lucius Malfoy to come to Black Manor with his wife and son.

After a few minutes, Lucius Malfoy walked in, followed by Narcissa Malfoy, who was holding a baby Draco.

"It is nice to meet you, Lord Malfoy." Sirius greeted Lucius.

Lucius didn't show it, but he was surprised with the proper greeting coming from Sirius.
"The pleasure is mine. Thank you for inviting me here, Lord Black."

"Welocme back, Cousin." Sirius said as he kissed Narcissa's hand.

"Good to be back as well." Narcissa said with a rare smile on her face.

"Now that the formalities are over, have a seat. We were about to discuss a very important issue. You might want to know it as well. But before that, I would like an oath from all of you that you would not reveal anything you hear today to anyone in any manner." Sirius said.

Frank and Alice nodded.
"I, Frank Longbottom, do hereby swear on my magic that I shall never reveal what I will hear today to anyone in any form. So, mote it be."
"I, Alice Longbottom nee Fortescue, do hereby swear on my magic that I shall never reveal what I will hear today to anyone in any form. So, mote it be."

We looked at Lucius and Narcissa. Lucius looked at Severus, who nodded. Lucius sighed. "I, Lucius Malfoy, do hereby swear on my magic that I shall never reveal what I will hear today to anyone in any form. So, mote it be."
"I, Narcissa Malfoy nee Black, do hereby swear on my magic that I shall never reveal what I will hear today to anyone in any form. So, mote it be."

"I will begin from getting to Harry after the death of Lily and James.
When we reached there, it was already too late. Lord Voldemort had already killed them and cast the killing curse on Harry. But the curse rebounded and hit him. His body had blasted away and destroyed most of the house. Thankfully, Harry's magic formed a shield around him.
As Remus and I have blood adopted Harry, we wanted to take him with us and raise him ourselves. But Albus came over and tried to make us go after Pettigrew, who was the secret keeper, so that I would be thrown in Azkaban if Peter were to destroy the vicinity and vanished without a trace or by faking his death.  The aurors would think I revealed the location to the dark lord and wanted to kill Pettigrew.
We were summoned to listen to James and Lily's wills." Sirius said.

"There we found that we were manipulated by a certain coot. We took our inheritence tests and found many blocks and potions in our systems." Remus said as he gave Siri's and his Inheritence tests to Alice and Frank. Severus gave his to Lucius and Narcissa.

"Then we found that he tried to steal from James and Sirius. He stole from Remus and me in huge amounts. We asked for our money to be returned with interest." Severus continued.

"He stole from the Houses of Prince and Lupin?" Lucius asked. He couldn't believe his ears. "How?"

"The goblins helped him. The ones who helped him were executed on the spot, so there was no need to worry." Sirius said, trying to calm an agitated Lucius.

"Then, we got to know, our son, Harry James Sirius Potter-Black, had come back from the future to right the wrongs." Remus said as he smiled at me, which I returned with a smile of my own.

"He came back from the future?" Lucius exclaimed. The mask be damned, he might have thought, since his face showed pure, utter shock.

Poor Lucius, he is getting one shock after another.


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