Chapter 80

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Harry's POV
My temper was slowly rising.

"Well, until the death of the Potters, his plan went on smoothly, professor. It was due to the Lord ring Lord Black was wearing he could sense the compulsions on him.
His plan also got disrupted because the wills of James and Lily Potter were read before he knew it. The goblins sent an invitation the moment the Potters died. He could not stop it from happening.
What you don't know is that he also tried to steal from the Potters and the Blacks. He successfully did so with the Prince accounts because Lord Prince didn't know he was eligible to the title because he thought he was disowned from the family.
He also stole from the house of Lupin.
It was during the inheritence test that Lords  Black, Lupin, and Prince got to know that they were under numerous potions and charms administered and casted by Dumbledore himself.
The test doesn't lie, Professor Minerva McGonagall.
Only after that did they doubt their account being muddled with and had them checked to find out that he stole from them.
He also helped block the soul bond of Lord Prince with his mates. And blocked the soul bond between Lord Black and Lord Lupin.
Tell me, Professor, what do you interpret of a man who stole, planned a massacre, blocked the soul bond connection, and tried to destroy the life of a mere baby?
Do you think he deserves living? If you do, imagine the same being done to your own family. Would you be able to stay calm and collected and file a case and leave it to the aurors like the lords here did or kill him yourself?" I asked. My voice was slowly getting higher as I questioned her.

Nobody answered my questions.

"Answer me, Professor. I believe you were the one who gathered the ones here to see justice for the man I just talked about." I asked. "Do you really think he has the right to live?" I asked even sternly.

All of the people shook their head.

"Then you can please leave. Those who still have a doubt can stay back, and I shall show you what he is really capable of doing." I said.

Everyone except Minerva McGonagall apparated away in the fear of insulting us.

"Come along, Professor, we shall sit and talk." I said as I walked towards the auror department.

When she took her wand out, I said, "No backstabbing, Professor. Please give your wand to Madam Bones."

When she reluctantly gave her wand to Madam Bones, we walked to one of the interrogation rooms.

The minister was already there. "I am impressed with the way you dealt with the situation, young man. Who are you?" He asked.

"He is Heir Potter-Black, Minister." Madam Bones replied.

The minister couldn't believe his eyes and ears. "He was a baby just two days ago." He said.

"When you are a metamorphmagus, you can change your physical form to your wishes, minister." I replied.

"What else could he have done?" Minerva McGonagall asked.

"Make a vow that you would never tell anyone about the things I am going to say, I will tell you." I said.

"I, Minerva McGonagall, do hereby swear on my magic that I will not reveal anything that I have learned here to anyone, even if I am put under compulsion potions, so mote it be." She said.

"Minister, if even you could do it." I asked.

The minister also vowed that he would not reveal anything.

"Mortem." I called.

"I was waiting for the call, my master. I shall show what he did after your death back in the time before it ceased to exist." He said and snapped his fingers. A pensieve appeared in front of us. "Put your finger into it. You will see what he has done after his fake death until that timeline ceases to exist."

All of us put our fingers into the pensieve.

When we landed on the ground, we could see Hagrid carrying my dead body in his arms, tears falling down his cheeks.

Sev and Moiz held my shoulders so that they knew and felt that I am still alive.

"Harry Potter is dead." Voldemort gloated.

"Harry can never be dead. He will always stay with us. He will always be in our hearts." Neville said.

As Nagini tried to bite him for going against Voldemort, he drew the Sword of Gryffindor from the sorting hat and killed her.

"Only you remain now." Neville said as Voldemort was on his knees as he felt another part of his soul get destroyed.

"Avada Kedavra." Was heard from beside Neville. When everyone looked at the one who killed Voldemort, it was Dumbledore.

As Voldemort's body disintegrated, everyone began to celebrate. Only Neville, Luna, Fred, George, Percy, Charlie, Bill, Fluer, and Arthur walked to my body.

Dumbledore, Molly, Ginny, Ron, and Hermione slowly slipped away from the crowd and went to Dumbledore's office. We followed them.

"What shall we do now, Headmaster? Harry is dead. We can't take his money. He wrote everything to Teddy." Ron said.

"We have no choice, Ron. we have to somehow kill Teddy. He is Remus' son, and I do not want that child around me." Dumbledore said.

My blood was boiling. How dare the old man try to kill Teddy.

"The books? Can I get them?" Hermione asked.

"Yes, my child, you can." He smiled and said.

"We will still get the money for the efforts we put into raising him to be the scapegoat, right?" Molly asked.

"Yes, Molly dear. You will." Dumbledore said.

"Whom should I marry? All of you said that I would be Lady Potter." Ginny whined.

I felt the grip of Sev and Moiz on me tighten a bit, but it was not painful.

"What about McGonagall? She would not be okay with us stealing everything. She is a good friend of Adromeda and would be against the killing of her grandson." Molly said.

"She is already old Molly. No one would question us if she were to die. She has a lot of wounds due to the war. Let us ask Poppy to deal with her." Dumbledore said.

And all of us were back in the interrogation room.


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