Chapter 21

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Severus' POV
He went to die after viewing my memories. What in the world was he thinking? Why, Harry, why did you believe in my memories?

"Please get yourself purged now. I shall tell you everything else after that."

Ragnok got up and went to set up the room for the purges.

We wanted to hear about Harry's life but knew that Mortem was right. I was trying my hardest not to snarl at the two, and I knew they were trying their best as well. We nodded.

I didn't want to let go of Harry.

Seeing me hesitate, Remus said, "You can go last Severus. You can hold Harry until them. Yours might take longer since you have a Leach as well."

I nodded.

Sirius went in first. Remus stayed with me. After a while, Sirius was screaming. Remus wanted to rush inside but knew not to disrupt a cleansing ritual.

Half an hour later, Sirius came out of the room sweating all over. "It is quite painful, Moony. Be careful." He said to Remus as he got up to get himself purged.

I guessed that mine would be even more so.

It took a little while more for Remus to scream. His wolf had given him quite the pain tolerance. After forty minutes, he walked out. He was also drenched in sweat, and his eyes were flashing gold, but he looked healthier and younger.

Sirius got up to support Remus. "Look at you, Moony, even more handsome and young than before. Oh, how I envy your looks!" He said to lighten the mood. Remus blushed. I thought they James and Lily were trying to get them together, I didn't expect them to already be together.

After Remus sat down, he asked for Harry so that I could get a purge.

I handed Harry over to him without waking him up. Harry had immediately curled into Remus and held onto his outer robes. We smiled at him.

I went into the room and saw a lot of runes drawn on the floor. Ragnok walked to me and said, "You have more blocks and and leach as well. It might hurt Mr. Prince-Snape."

I nodded.

He led me to the center of the runes and asked me to take off my cloak and lie down in the central rune.

After I did as instructed, the goblins began to chant in gobbledygook. Slowly, pain started. After what felt like fifteen minutes, the pain had become unbearable, and screams ripped out from my throat.

It felt like eternity, but it might have just been half an hour, and the pain started to subside. When the pain was gone, I felt myself sweating profusely.

I sat up and waited for a few minutes and then slowly got up. I wobbled a little but gained my balance and walked to the stand where I hung my cloak, put it on, and walked out of the room. There was no need for the dramatics. I wanted to save all of it for the coot who messed with my life and my mates' lives.

The minute I got out, Mortem took hold of my hand and led me to a chair. When I looked at him in confusion, he sighed.

"If master were to know, I let you walk right after you went through your purge without giving you a hand to support you, he would berate me. And you are partially my master as well. Please stay here while I have a little work to complete. I promised master about this."

Before any of us could ask him what it was, he disappeared to a place only he knew.

I know I was going to hate the little boy in Remus' arms, but he grew on me in this very short time, not that I would admit it to him.

I looked at Remus and said, "Can I Harry back?"

Remus' eyes flashed gold. I thought his wolf would throw me away, but he handed Harry over. He said, "Careful." I nodded, not wanting to upset the already upset wolf.

His eyes got back their original light brown. He smiled at me and said, "Moony trusts you with Harry. He approves your bond. I have no need to worry now. I feel that you would protect Harry with everything you've got."

I nodded with gratitude.


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