Chapter 68

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Harry's POV
When Dumbledore and Molly saw the veil, they stepped back from it, but the aurors were not going to let them escape. They stuck their feet to the stage and held them with body binds.

Amelia stepped forward. "The minister of Magic will be arriving a few minutes. In that time, I shall tell the reasons why these two people will be thrown into the veil today.
Albus Percival Wolfric Brian Dumbledore, the former headmaster of Hogwarts, former Chief Warlock, and former Supreme Mugwump, has been stripped of all his posts and title of  the first class Merlin Award after we got to know the crimes he has committed.

Albus Dumbledore has denied access to Lordship for Lord Prince-Snape and Lord Lupin. He also stole from them. He tried to steal from Lord Black and late Lord Potter.

He has a hand in blocking the soul bond between Sirius Black-Lupin and Remus Lupin-Black. He also blocked the soul bond between Harry Potter-Black, Severus Prince-Snape, and Moiz Slytherin-Gaunt.
He also blocked many abilities and placed potions in them to hate each other. There were compulsion potions, submission potions, hate potions, and loyalty potions, among a few others.

Molly Prewett has blocked the soul bond between Fred and George Weasley and Heir Malfoy. She also placed Arthur Weasley under love potions and submission potions after blocking his soul bond between him and the Prewett twins. She also has helped Albus Dumbledore in his recent crimes.

While they were being escorted to Azkaban, they escaped and kidnapped Arthur Weasley's youngest children, Ronald Weasley and Ginerva Weasley. Auror Sirius Black had rescued them along with his family through well planned actions." She said.

The minister had apparated the very moment she finished her speech.

"I am sorry, Madam Bones. There was an urgent call I had to attend from the ICW. Please proceed with the execution." The minister said.

Amelia nodded and looked at the aurors. They held Dumbledore and Molly and dragged them to the veil.

When they took off the silencing charms,  "Slytherin-Gaunt is Voldemort. Stay away from him. I am the only one who can rescue you from him." Dumbledore screamed.

Amelia wanted to silence him, but the minister smirked and called Moiz onto the stage. "Please explain who you are, Lord Slytherin-Gaunt." He said. He seems to know who Moiz was. All of us smirked.

Moiz walked to the stage and gave a polite bow to the audience. "I am Moiz Maverick Slytherin-Gaunt, Lord to the Most Ancient and Noble Houses of Slytherin and Gaunt. I am the grandson of Morfin Gaunt.
Voldemort, as Dumbledore claims is alive, is actually dead. We also have a magical death certificate. He died on the same day he went after my mate, Harry Potter-Black.
Voldemort's real name is Tom Marvolo Riddle-Gaunt, son of Merope Gaunt and Thomas Riddle, a muggle she fell in love with. Though the muggle saw her, he didn't like her, so she brewed love potions and gave it to him. When she was pregnant, she thought that Tom Riddle would stay for the baby, but the moment the potion's effect was gone, he abandoned her and his baby. She gave birth to Tom Marvolo Riddle in an orphanage in Wales and died after birth. As he grew up, the children around him bullied him, and a few tried to get him exorcized.
When he was eleven years old, Dumbledore visited him to tell him about the wizarding world and told him that he was going to be attending Hogwarts from September.
Tom told Dumbledore everything about him, including the Slytherin trait, Parseltongue.
Dumbledore laced his food with all kinds of potions. He made Tom hate all muggles. He was the one who made Tom into Voldemort.
He could have killed Voldemort before he gained too much power, but if he did that, it would not be grand, so he waited.
But when there was a prophecy, he asked the Potters and the Longbottoms to go into hiding.
He knew that Sirius Black would never reveal the details about the place the Potters lived in, so he planted the idea into Sirius' mind that Peter Pettigrew would be the ideal secret keeper. Peter is not powerful and looks harmless and, frankly speaking, faint-hearted. So Sirius would be the decoy, and Peter, the real secret keeper. What Sirius didn't know was that Pettigrew was a death eater. Harry was born on the last day of July and made him the beat target. Pettigrew gave the location to Voldemort.
After that, as you all know, Voldemort died.
Tom Riddle is my cousin. He and I are not the same.
I shall make a vow if needed." Moiz said.

"It is not required, Lord Slytherin-Gaunt." The minister said. "What you have said is proof enough."

"I need a vow. What if he is Voldemort?" Lord Macmillan said. Lord McMillian also nodded, standing beside him.


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