Chapter 51

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Harry's POV
"What is your name?" Sirius asked, going all auror mode.

"Molly Elizabeth Weasley nee Prewett."

"When were you born?"

"October 30, 1949."

Sirius looked at Arthur and said, "It is working. You have not even gone against the law, Arthur. You have an auror present, a potions master and a Wizengamot member."
Arthur smiled. So did Severus and Lucius.

"Who is the father of Ronald and Ginerva Weasley?" Arthur asked.

"Albus Percival Wolfric Brian Dumbledore."

"Did you force Arthur to blood adopt them?"

"No. I took his blood and put it in the blood adoption potion and fed the children the potion when they were born."

"Did you get any help?"


"Who helped you?"

"Ablus Dumbledore and Poppy."

"Did you try to block anything from the children?"

"Yes. Fred and George were the mates of a Malfoy. I blocked their soulmate bond."

"Did you have a hand in blocking the soulmate bond of Arthur Weasley?"

"Yes. I helped Albus Dumbledore."

"Do you know where the mates of Arthur Weasley are?"


"Where are they?"

"With Albus Dumbledore."

"Where are they kept in Hogwarts?"

"In the dungeons of Hogwarts."

When Arthur got up, Remus stopped him. Remus shook his head and asked him to sit down and listen to the rest of the questioning.

"Why did you block the soulmate bond between your brothers and Arthur?"

"They did not deserve Arthur."

"Do you deserve him?"

"Yes. I am the best light witch."

"Who told you that?"

"Ablus Dumbledore."

"What will you do if we plan to arrest Dumbledore and release the twins?"

"I will kill all of you."

Sirius looked at Severus and stretched his hand. Severus gave him the antidote, and Sirius administered the antidote to Molly.

When Molly regained control, she paled at her answer. The body bind was holding her to the chair. Sirius had stuck the chair to the floor.

"I wanted that answer, Molly. Now I can arrest for planning a murder on the lords of Black, Lupin, Prince, Ravenclaw, Gaunt, Slytherin, Malfoy, and Weasley. Harry is also the Heir to Gryffindor, Potter, Lupin, Black, Peverell, Emrys, Lefay, Slytherin, and Guant. Draco is Heir Malfoy. You wanted to kill the most powerful people who, if turned against Dumbledore, will destroy his plans. We can also arrest Dumbledore for the crimes you wanted to commit." Sirius almost purred at the end.

"Who put him in Gryffindor?" Moiz asked. Severus and Lucius nodded in agreement.

"Sirius wanted to go to Gryffindor himself. Otherwise, he would have been a Slytherin like Severus." Remus said. "Though he was forced by the charms and potions to go against his family."

"Arthur, can you floo Amelia?" Sirius asked.

Arthur nodded and floo called Amelia. He had explained about the potions and asked Amelia to come to the Burrow.

Amelia arrived with a few aurors and took Sirius' memory of the interrogation. "I will accompany you to Hogwarts. I have already asked a few to go there and wait for us. I wish Shacklebolt is one of the aurors."

Sirius nodded, and all of us, excluding the Weasley children, apparated to Hogwarts. When we reached there, I saw Kingsley Shacklebolt waiting for us.

Amelia sighed.

When Kingsley saw Sirius, he said, "What made you come here, old man?"

"I am not old Kingsley. I am the one who found out about who you are going to rescue now. So just follow us silently." Sirius said as he gave Kingsley a playful glare.

We walked directly to the Hogwarts dungeons thanks to Moiz, Severus, and me being Lords and heirs of the houses.

We looked at all the cells and found Fabian and Gideon in the deepest cell there.

When they saw Arthur, they held their hands out for him. He helped them up. They stood with Arthur's help and said, "We want to see what you do to him. We will give you the memory of the tortures he put us through."

Arthur held them tight as all of us walked to the Great Hall. We opened the doors and walked in with style (Sirius) and grace (that was Lucius and Moiz).

"You are being arrested for blocking the soul bond between the Prewett twins and Arthur Weasley and torturing them." Amelia said.

"You are also being arrested for blocking and putting charms on Remus, Severus, and me. And trying to compell us into chasing after Pettigrew so you could kidnap and place Harry with Lily's sister, going against hers and James' wills. You are also being arrested for stealing from the Houses of Prince and Lupin and for trying to steal from the Houses of Potter and Black." Sirius said.

Amelia looked at him with a look that said we would talk later about this. Sirius nodded.

Kingsley and Sirius put on the magical handcuffs that would block all the magic in the person on Dumbledore and took him into custody for trial that would take place the next day. As it was a high profile case, only the lords and ladies, along with the heirs of the prominant families and members of the Wizengamot, would be allowed to witness the trial.


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