The Boy Next Door Owes me Oreos.(22)

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Hi! I'm Katie, and I'm the girl from New Hampshire that writes this story. I write this story in my spare time, and as you guys have noticed I don't have much of that. I'm not trying to sound mean whatsoever, I have a large amount of fans, and people who absolutely enjoy reading this and other stories but the problem I have is... no one tells me.

So please, comment and because at the moment i know exactly where this story is headed and if I get enough feedback and votes on every thing I PROMISE to post this story once a week AT LEAST. I just want to hear my fans opinions, I want to know I'm not wasting my time.

So once again, please and thank you. You know I love you guys <3 


 Recap cuz I last time I posted was like 2 months ago...
I knew watching the first episode of Skins the UK version wasn’t going to be enough to take his mind off of everything that was going on at his house but I couldn’t handle listening to his stories. I wanted to, I wanted him to cry on my shoulder and tell me everything but I was the only one crying. I couldn’t continue listening because if I did I would do something about it. If it wasn’t my parents I went to, to cry and tell them everything, I would go over to his house with a baseball bat myself.

It took awhile for Abel to feel comfortable laying it bed with me, but soon we were laughing lightly to the sexual situations playing out on the TV. Together, yet separately we were stewing over the mutual knowledge we now shared, I could tell Abel wasn’t used to it but somehow I was going to make him trust me. Along with that, I was going to somehow make this better.
At the moment, I just didn’t know how.

AND NOW... on with the storyy~ 

 I woke up in a daze, and stretched my body. My muscles cried out in pain, immediately I knew that I would be regretting trying so hard during soccer practice. How was I going to make it through an entire season, if I could barely get on the team? Suddenly I remembered all of last night, and bolted out of bed ignoring the pain and I shoved Abel’s arm off of me, startling him awake as well as I realized what had woken me up.

My mother knocked on the door again, progressing in the volume. “Honey?! Silly? Why is the door locked? Hello?” She knocked harder as her voice rose in octaves. I immediately shot Abel a look that was unneeded because he was already crawling underneath my bed. I scanned my room looking for any evidence that a boy was cowering in fear under my bed, and saw all his bloody clothing in a heap on my floor. Along with a unfrozen bag of vegetables with a wet spot on my carpet and the first aid kit. I did the first thing that came to mind and threw it under the bed at Abel.

I rushed to my door just as my Mom was about to turn in the incredible hulk and knock it down.

“Hey-” I opened the door she she was in mid pound. She just stared at me.

“Why was the door locked?” She asked and I made a face.

“Oh... hm I don't know. I didn't lock it last night, must have jammed or something.” I rambled feeling the pressure. If my Mother found Abel in my room, under my bed, I didn't think she would freak out as much as my Father would; yet both would be very angry.
“That is so weird, I'll have your Dad look at it when he returns home from the office. Are you still up to go shopping?” She asked, inspecting the clothing I had slept in. I made a face.

“Later, I promise. I was hoping to sleep in... my whole body...” I stretched my back and we listened to it crack. She laughed.

“Alright that sounds good. Make sure you rest, the team will definitely wont go easy on you just because your a girl.”

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