The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos (28)

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hey, it's four in the morning but i felt like you guys needed a post. 
remember what i said in 'sorry to disappoint you' and please keep that in mind x(
sorry for being so whiney, and i hope you guys like this. in word it was three pages, i can't promise how long it is anymore though.



The rest of the day had gone uneventful. Everyone around me, that a month before wanted nothing to do with me all because I talked to one boy suddenly had a lot to say to me and I realized that was how Chase and his goons got popular. All you had to be was good a soccer and everyone would love you. Even teachers treated us differently. I forgot to write a page paper on the advances Hitler made in the first month of his war, and Mr. Lakewood didn't even blink an eyes. Someone else did and he gave that kid a twenty minute lecture about how important his class is to the outside world.

I was stunned, slightly angry that there was such double standards, but pretty content with the fact I wasn't on the bad side of that spectrum. I know it didn't make it right, teachers shouldn't care what sports you played but it was painfully obvious these ones did.

Most of the day had been spent texting Devon, who was trying to convince her parents to give her a plane ticket to come down here. Her whole argument was “I'm getting straight A's, I don't need to be at that joke of a high school all day because she wont miss anything if she misses a week of school.

“Just tell your parents that I will pay for half of the ticket price, give you a place to stay, food in your belly!!”

“I told them that already, but they were like 'D= a WHOLE WEEK?! You will miss so much school!' They want me to wait till November, till thanksgiving vacation but I'm not feeling it.”

“My parents wont totally let me go up there for a week, but I can't miss that much practice without losing my spot on the team, just keep begging!”

And that was how our conversation was going until lunch. I was already ready to go home and sleep. This whole day had been dragging by so slowly and I was completely done with it. I wanted to go home sleep some, then talk to my parents about getting Devon down here. I needed to see her, she was the only girl that I could fully talk to at the moment about this whole soccer team. Jamie just saw it as a good thing, when it wasn't. I needed soccer because it looks good for college but I couldn't handle all these people talking to me.

Random boy who I don't remember ever seeing in my entire life, let alone my time here at this high school stopped me in the hallway and was talking about how he knew I was going to push the team forward and how he was glad at least one girl made the team, all this. I couldn't get over the fact this guys pants were tighter than mine, and he was wearing a Vlogbrothers t-shirt. I wasn't too bothered by his company on the way to lunch but I was kind of thrown off by what happened in result of talking to him.

When we got in there immediately Taunya popped up out of the throng of people and gave me the dirtiest look she could muster. I kind of think she practiced it in the mirror as she latched herself tot his kid who I can't even name.

“What is she going talking to you?” Taunya asked, pretending like I wasn't right there and the boy made a confused face that was partially blocked by his hipster glasses which were black, thick framed and clearly not prescription.

“Oh, I talked to her about making the team. It's glad one girl did.” He smiled, and my heart dropped. I knew that would offend Taunya, and I wondered if that kid knew was he was starting for me. He seemed genuinely happy, like a just adopted puppy.

“Yeah, it's just wonderful.” Taunya sneered at me, keeping her pristine done nails that resembled sharp claws in my eyes on this kids shoulders. I smiled pleasantly.

“I tried my best. It was nice talking to you.” I made eye contact with that surprisingly pale for living in Florida boy before walking off to sit with Abel and Jamie.

The one downside to living in Florida is the constant sun that beats on you at any given moment besides past eight o'clock at night and generally six in the morning. Today was no different. Even though I had grown used to the heat, it was particularly hot today. The sun made me drink water like a fish, and still today my head felt cloudy. All of the indoor classrooms were air conditioned, but we were outside in the hallways and obviously the outdoor cafe.

Because the trees were usually heavily populated by the 'popular kids' Abel, Jamie and I have always sat in the direct sunlight. It had never bothered me before, but I was already tired and still had a very long day ahead of me.

Devon texted me back while I was talking to that random Hipster kid, and to not be rude I had held off on replying but as I sat down at the table I read it. “A week away! It's only a three day week because of some stupid teacher conference. They said then!”

“Are you serious?!” I texted back quickly, and let a sequel out leaving Abel and Jamie just staring at me. “My friend from up north might be coming to stay with me for a week! I haven't seen her since I moved so it should be fun.” I explained lamely, not really voicing my excitement.

Devon has been my best friend since the very beginning of middle school, where she had a 'large' falling out with her best friend at that time. We were in the fifth grade, so at the time it was larger than like life itself. Since then we were literally inseparable until high school where we went into different scenes but continued to stay friends because we were so creepily similar and yet different at the same time that there was no way we could ever not be friends. Soccer also kept our group of friends together, and it seems weird to think that they are now all friends without me.

“That's sweet, and I going to meet her?!” Jamie asked excitedly, and I smiled.

“But of course!” I laughed. “I just hope I'm not dead on my feet when she gets here due to soccer practice. Just one morning practice and all day I've been ready to kill someone.” Abel and Jamie laughed at my seriousness.

I was glad Abel has been happier, it was so obvious that everyone around was actually noticing him for another reason other than someone trying to shove him in a dumpster.

“How did that go by the way?” Jamie asked curiously and I groaned.

“Not as bad as I expected but far, FAR from fun. We just need to show coach that we can handle being around one another without trying to kill each other for the betterment of the team and I should be able to sleep in again.”

“That will take some time.” Abel pointed out sarcastically.

“I don't think it will. We came to that agreement this morning when the sun was just coming up and we wanted to do nothing else but sleep. I hope not, I can fake it really well.” I laughed and Jamie changed the subject suddenly.

“I'll be back, potty break.” She insisted before leaving Abel and I at the table.

“So this friend, she hot?” He asked with a slim smirk on his face and I rolled my eyes.

“Don't even go there Abel!” I yelled jokingly, slapping him in the thigh. Immediately pain flashed across his face as she clutched his leg cursing under his breath. “Abel!” My eyes widened in fear that I had actually caused him pain. “Are you okay?! Abel, I'm so sorry, I thought that... Oh Abel I'm so-” Suddenly Abel started laughing and realization flashed across my face. That faker! I jumped up in frustration. “Are you kidding me!?” I demanded as Abel laughed.

“You looked so scared!” He laughed and my eyes narrowed at him.

“That is NOT funny Abel! Why would you think doing something like that is okay?!” I insisted partially outraged by his cruel joke and before I knew what was happening a few guys from the soccer team where at my side.

“He giving you trouble?” Parker asked, a forward on the team. Beside him were two other guys, Mikie and Ricky who I already had known. I just looked at them in amazement. “Seriously Sylvia, give us the word.” Parker insisted and Abel and I just stared at him.

“...I can't tell if you're kidding or not.” I mumbled and Parker rolled his eyes.

“We can't have guys giving our team mate a hard time.” Ricky explained and I rolled my eyes with Parker.

“No worries, I can handle myself. We were joking, we're friends.” I said while Abel just sat their staring at the three boys.

“Alright Sylvie-- Making sure.” My mouth dropped as Mikie used the nickname Sylvie. As they walked away I glared at Abel.

“Don't ever joke about that again, or I might just sick those jocks on you.” I pointed out to Abel and he just gave me a look.

“Can you call them jocks? I mean, you're kinda one of them.” Abel pointed out and I rolled my eyes again.

“Why is every saying stupid things today. I can call them whatever I want because regardless to the fact I'm on the same team as them I am not like them and I will also not eat lunch with them. They are so outraged by that if you were wondering.” Abel and I laughed, and I continued to pretend that Abel's little joke didn't bother me. 

also the song "Loser of the Year by Simple Plan" is the youtube video--it doesn't really push the story forward but their new CD just came out and yeah (: haha

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