Married to Your Majesty - Part 21

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Queen Anika sat down on her bed seething in anger, her brows were pulled together and eyes were brimming with tears of fury, as per her she wasn't wrong, she has said what she felt at the moment, as per her the first slap itself was unnecessary if she could have any say in it she wouldn't have let him slap the maid for even first time, she believed that she hasn't done anything wrong by interrupting in mid, she tried to think but wasn't able to find the reason behind the murderous glare thrown at her way by three royals, but again it's her who is unfit not them, thinking back now Anika could see how unfit she is for Your Majesty, how she is nothing but a foolish commoner whom he has taken under his wings by marrying her and saving her from life long humiliation, and how he fits with Princess Aaradhna, how his face lightened up with smile when he has seen her, and how they were able to hold up the conversation without any touches, how she was an outcast in whole conversation not being able to think and figure out what those three were talking about.

"Your Highness" The healer bowed before entering inside her chamber and taking her place down on mat, Anika's eyes zeroed on her action, she didn't understand why the healer choose to sit on mat instead of a chair or on bed beside her, man question ran inside her head and she kept looking at the healer who busied herself in cleaning and looking for any damage.

"I want to thank you for what you have done Your Highness" it came out too slow making Anika think whether she has imagined it or not but her doubt were cleared when the healer continued "Without your intervention We don't know what would have happened with her, last time something like this has happened the maid was beaten to pull before she was relieved by her duty" Her words has Anika's all attention "It can never be intentional, no one want to bought the warth of Your Majesty in his or herself, I cannot thank you enough for what your have done today Your Highness" warm tears filled healer eyes before she smiled and look at Queen Anika "The one whom you saved today is my sister, I cannot tell you how grateful I am Your Highness"

" I have only done what was right.... " Anika look at the healer expectantly for her name .

"Smridha, Your Highness" The young girl said in response.

"And Your Majesty has stopped because he wanted to not because I have intervened, I am sure the first harm was in heat of moment it wasn't intentional" Queen Anika found herself doing same thing she has done before, she is defending him at front of his people by lying to them because after seeing his reaction for second time she has learnt one thing that it was intentional it was with intention of punishing the maid for some accident she hasn't done deliberately.

But before the conversation between Queen Anika and Healer can prolongate King Shivay stormed inside the chamber making the healer jump on her feet "Your Majesty" The healer bowed, King Shivay nodded his head in acknowledgement and stood by window at corner as the healer applied soothing paste over her burning mark, once done the girl left from there after bowing in respect.

Anika look at his tensed form but didn't dare to utter any word, She patiently waited giving him his own space and time to speak, once King Shivay was done thinking whatever he was thinking he turned towards her, his eyes went to her arm and stayed there for good minutes before they went to her face, he stepped close towards her and without uttering a word he sat down beside her, taking her arm in his hand he checked her paste covered burn and sighed.

"Why you always intervene?" He was seething inside but from outside he looked all calm and composed but being a good observer Anika saw the underlying anger behind his calm facade.

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