Married to Your Majesty - Part 23

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It was normal day like any other day, Maids and Butlers were moving from here to there carrying on with their task, King Shivay was sleeping away the night in his chamber, Queen Anika was checking the account and frowning upon the missing amount not able to figure out where the money has gone, Queen Subhadra was lost deep in her thoughts thinking about what to do next, and Princess Aaradhna was taking a stroll in garden admiring the greenery.

"Princess" Princess Aaradhna halted when she heard herself being called from behind, turning back she found Queen Subhadra giving one of her biggest smile to her making her wonder about the reason behind her happiness.

"Your Highness, Am I missing something?" She asked with curiousity to know the reason behind Queen's smile dancing wildly in her eyes, Shaking her head in denial Queen Subhadra started to walk parallel to Princess Aaradhna, the maid who were accompanying Princess slowed down by few steps.

"I want you to get ready and look your best today" Princess Aaradhna stopped on her steps and look pointedly at Queen trying to read the woman.

"Is there any celebration or something important today?"

"None of them, It's just today you will be going out with Shivay in your of Kingdom, People of our Kingdom should see their real Queen, so that when you become one they don't look too shocked"

"Your Majesty will never agree on this Your Highness, People of Kingdom has already got their Queen who isn't me" The sad look clouded her face but she quickly covered it with passing a tiny smile to Queen, but it didn't miss Queen Subhadra's eyes giving her good chance to keep her next foot

"You love Shivay, Don't you?" Queen Subhadra didn't wait for Princess Aaradhna but took an effective pause before she continued cutting the princess off in mid of her sentence "He was so fond of you, I remember him begging us to visit your Kingdom in every three months so he can meet you, and about the time you used to come here to visit us, he took you everywhere with you to show you off" She laughed and a smile tugged on corner of Princess's lips.

"That is just a memory now Your Highness" Princess chuckled "Things were different then, not like how it is today"

"It's just hard time Princess, I can assure you that future with you will be brighter than Sun for you and My son" The evil glint crossed her eyes before she morphed it with softness and tried once again to persuade Aaradhna for going along with her plan .

"But Queen Anika..."

"Don't worry about her or anything related to her, I will handle it on my own" Queen Subhadra smirked and took Aaradhna's palm in hers "The Ring on my index finger is heirloom of this kingdom, I have to give it to my Son's wife and soon it will be on your finger if you will want it to be" Princess Aaradhna blushed and nodded her head, taking her leave she left to get ready for the day and put some extra efforts as mentioned by Queen.


It was fourth time when Vinaay has received the envelope from Kingdom with a letter from his sister telling him to use the money and look after the home, not only the action of sending money to him contradicted his sister's personality but also the words written in the letter, He rubbed his head and sat down thinking hard.

"You are looking worried Vinaay, What's the matter?" Sakshi placed her palm on his shoulder.

"It's been so long, Since I visited Anika Bhabhi, I think I should give her a visit, I don't know how she would be coping up with loss of Baba when she is surrounded by that many people" not wanting to let anyone know about the envelope he is getting, he confessed his another worry which kept haunting him since one month and few days.

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