Married to Your Majesty- Part 28

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The event was organised beautifully, The decorations were on point and also the stalls were placed on good distance keeping each and everything in mind, The food stalls were on one side and the stalls of clothes were on another and followed in between were stalls of perfumes, decoration items and so on, Queen Anika look down from her balcony with satisfied glint in her eyes, a small relieved smile played on her lips as she saw people setting up their respective stalls and also helping other.

"Your Highness, Don't you get tired by doing all this" Veena, Anika's personal maid who is less of a personal maid and more of Anika's friend now asked, It has been more than two weeks since she has joined in here and from the day she was assigned to Anika she has never seen the Woman sitting idly for even a minute, Queen Subhadra has always one or another task in her hand for Queen Anika.

"I get" Anika tore her eyes away from the sea of people and focussed it on the girl beside her "I get tired, even sometimes I want to do nothing more than to run away from here" She chuckled remembering her dream "Sometimes I successfully cross the gate of Palace , another times the door gets shut before I can reach it and sometimes I see myself dead before I could made it to halfway".

"If you want to be out that much badly I can help you out" The feminine voice behind her offered taking both Queen Anika and her maid by suprise, turning towards her guest Anika threw a murderous glare towards her before she spoke
"Princess Aaradhna, I do not want to be rude but I don't appreciate you invading my personal space and time" She emphasised the word invade "I would very much like to be informed before you visit me" Anika was completely tired by sudden invasion of Princess in her chamber and it wasn't only on morning time, it has been happening in nights as well and it's been really irking her, She gave a fake smile to Princess before

she stormed out of her chamber to confront her guard for letting someone in without her permission.

"I DO NOT, I REPEAT, I DO NOT WANT YOU TO LET ANYONE ENTER INSIDE MY CHAMBER WITHOUT MY PERMISSION"  She scolded the guard who looked scared and nodded  his head asking for apology.

"Ohh, trying to act like a Queen, I see" Her guest mocked, Queen Anika set her piercing gaze on her guest, a mocking smile was on her lips before she burst into fits of laughter.

"Doesn't matter If I try or not I am the Queen and no one I repeat no one can change this" Queen Anika added a smile at the end of her sentence "It would be much better if you try to behave as the person you are, I don't know If you have forgotten it or there is something wrong with you but I would love to do the honour to remind you that You are a guest here, It will be better if you behave like one" She was about to add more but from her peripheral vision she saw King Shivay making their way towards them so she so cleverly faked a laugh before saying "I had no idea you love our Kingdom's Market fest so much, If I would have know earlier I would have let you help me in the preparations"

Princess Aaradhna look at the Queen in shock, she never in her dreams has imagined a common woman like her playing games, she gritted her teeth angrily but didn't say anything seeing King Shivay at the hearing distance so she smiled back in response and added "You had no idea about many thing Your Highness including those things which you have at the moment" Anika catched the double meaning behind the sweet coated word and gritted her teeth, she closed her finger into a tight fist to control herself from snapping at the Princess " Be careful, No one knows when what slips out of hand" she ended her sentence with a laugh making the threat look like a joke "I will be taking my leave now" she said and turned to leave, after taking only few steps she stood and turned back to Queen Anika "And my offer still stands, You can come to me anytime" giving a last smile towards Queen Anika's way she left.

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