Chapter 33: Ariella

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Chapter 33 Ariella

"Maybe ingesting a pain reliever will make it go away." Shanae suggested, a disgruntled look on her face. Her finger trailed over the tip of the glass, circling it over and over again. "If there was no pain, then you might be able to learn more."

"I could make one for tomorrow and then we could try." Isabella offered as she reached for another cookie. "If that works then we can get you to the part where you can heal scars."

"Then you can practice on yourself." Shanae finished, a cocky grin played on her face.

"Until then, there's only one thing that I'm worried about." Isabella sighed, leaning back on the couch. "I have never heard of there being any form of a line over the orb. It worries me."

"It worries Robert too." My fingers twirled around each other as my eyes stared down at them.

"So your brother is researching it. Has he found anything?" Isabella questioned and sighed when I shook my head.

"Well it has to be something unnatural. Like some kind of curse." Shanae suggested, scrunching her faces in annoyance.

"Anything like that would require a high level of Power, something that very few people possess." Isabella shook her head, her brown hair shifting around her. "Unless there was a member of the Troupe that had a huge source of Power, then it would be impossible."

Shanae collapsed back in the chair, a look of annoyance on her face. Her eyes glanced over to me before leaning forward. "Ariella, do you know of anyone who had Power? Like a strong Power."

My eyes flicked towards her and then back down to my hands. There were many people who fought with their Power, their strength was fascinating. Many of them were as strong in their Power as they were in their hand-to-hand combat. All of them were equal. All of them, but one.

My head bobbed up and down. "The troupe leader. She could defeat anyone and many would go to her for things they couldn't do themselves."

"If we didn't know any better, we'd almost think she was nice." Shanae grumbled.

"If she was that capable in her Powers, then she could have cursed you, Ariella." Isabella's finger tapped against the tip of her leg, her dark brown eyes studying me. "The question is, what curse did she use?"

"Well, my mother works in the hospital. I could ask her if she knows anything." Shanae's hand slipped into mine, encasing it softly. "Otherwise, I guess we could do research while you practice."

"Are you sure that it's a curse?" My eyes flipped back and forth between the two of them, confusion and fear rolling around inside of me.

"I'm not sure what else you could call it, not until we find out what it is."  Isabella studied me for a moment as silence developed between all of us.

What was happening to me? If there was some sort of curse on me, then what was it? What was it doing to me?

"We'll figure it out." Shanae promised, her arm tightened around my shoulders. "We'll figure it out together and then you'll have a chance to learn."

"Let us help you, Ariella." Isabella smiled brightly as she stood up and walked over to us. Sitting next to me, her arms wrapped around me as well.

"How can I ever thank you?" A small smile played on my lips as I glanced between them.

Shanae laughed as she pulled away from me, a mischievous twinkle dancing in her eyes. "Well, you could invite us to dinner sometime."

"Shanae!" Isabella's voice sounded beside me, filled with laughter and disbelief. "Didn't your mother ever tell you that you're not supposed to invite yourself over for dinner?"

"Many times, I just never listened." She giggled as she jumped up and stretched. Her blond hair bounced slightly around her as she turned towards us. "A home cooked meal, spending time with friends, it sounds like a good thing to me!"

A small smile appeared on my lips as a giggle slipped from my lips. My eyes glanced between the two of them. The three of us stared at each other for a moment and then a smile appeared on Shanae's face. A moment passed and laughter echoed throughout the room. Isabella clung to my side as we laughed and we laughed louder when Shanae fell to her knees from laughter. Moments passed when our laughter finally subsided and we sat there, smiling like fools.

My eyes glanced out the window and saw the darkened sky, the stars glinting in the night's sky. Shanae's eyes followed mine and she laughed softly.

"Well, I think it might be a good idea to head back home." She turned back towards us. "See if Alexander will meet up with the two of you tomorrow? You can experiment on him." She winked mischievously.

"I'll ask him." I smiled softly as I slipped out of Isabella's arms and stood up. Shanae's arms slipped around me and gave me a gentle hug.

"I'll see you in a couple days, Ariella!" Shanae laughed before stepping away and giving me a bright smile.

"And I'll see you tomorrow." Isabella told me as she stood next to me and reached for the basket. Her eyes sparkled brightly as she looked at the two of us.

"Well, we should go." Shanae smiled as she walked towards the door. I followed them from behind so that I could close the door. Shanae's hand fell on the handle of the door and pulled it open and my eyes fell on the surprised faces of my family.

"Captain Mathews." Isabella and Shanae curtsied slightly before glancing back at me, confusion in her eyes.

"Well, hello." My father said, his voice filled with laughter.

"We weren't expecting visitors." My mother smiled softly as she motioned for us to go inside.

"We're sorry, ma'am." Shanae's cheek flushed brightly as she curtsied again. "I'm Shanae and this is Isabella, we're friends with Ariella."

"Well, friends of my daughter are always welcome here." My father chuckled. "Why don't the two of you stay for dinner? I think we'd all love to get to know Ariella's friends." His eyes turned to me, his eyes bearing down at me.

"We wouldn't want to intrude." Isabella muttered as she and Shanae backed out of the way, allowing the others to walk in.

"Nonsense." Brittney smiled as she walked passed, her hair plastered to her face. "If you're able to put up with the boys, then it shouldn't be a problem."

"Well, if you're sure." Shanae looked at me, her eyes wide with surprise as she and Isabella walked forward, back to the couches. I followed closely as my eyes scanned over my family. Their faces seemed happy and pleased, but I could tell the exhaustion in their eyes. It wouldn't be long until they fell asleep again and my friends would have to go home, but a part of me was glad that I could see them fully awake once again.

The Last HealerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora