Chapter 34 Ariella

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Chapter 34: Ariella

 "Your friends seem nice." Mother's voice sounded behind me as she walked around the couch and collapsed next to me. A yawn ravaged her body before she leaned next to me.

"They are." I smiled at her, staring into her bright blue eyes.

"I'm glad you have some friends. It makes me feel better knowing you don't have to spend the day alone." Mother's hand slipped into mine, her calloused hand harsh against my skin. "Actually, your father and I keep talking about it and, well, we were wondering if you were free tomorrow."

"I have some plans with Isabella after noon."

"Well, why don't you come over about 10:30?" Mother smiled again as she gently squeezed my hand. "We have a couple hours free and we wanted to give you something."

"Give me something?" Blinking at her in confusion, my eyes studied her. She nodded silently, her shoulders shaking with laughter as her arm slipped around my shoulders.

"In our own way, your father and I just want to do something so that you will never be alone." Mother told me, a soft smile in her lips. Her hand lifted and brushed my hair away from my eyes, hers studying me with a soft expression on her face.

"Will it ever get better? You always working, I mean." I questioned, my thumb gently brushing over the top of her hand.

"One day, we will retire, otherwise, we can only hope it will get better." She shrugged as her eyes looked towards the fire, studying the flames that shot towards the sky. "Before, working this much never bothered us. We'd wake up, go to work, come home, eat, and go to bed. Now we have you and we feel bad for not being there when you need us to be."

"If I were to Heal those people, would that help?" She glanced at me in surprise, her eyes studying me for a moment before turning her eyes back to the fire.

"It would. The only issue is that you don't know how." Mother sighed as she leaned backwards, her head falling back so her eyes stared up at the ceiling. "If we had the time, the energy, we'd help you. For your sake, not for ours." Her hand grasped mine firmly, her eyes filled with pain. "When those people recover, things will get a little better, then we'll help you."

"Just worry about yourselves for now, alright?" A part of me wanted to tell her about how Shanae, Isabella, and the others were helping me learn, but something inside of me told me not to. That she had so many other things to worry about that, if I told her, it would only make things worse for her. I did not want to do that to her, to any of them. "I'll come tomorrow, I promise. I'll bring something to eat too."

"So long as we get to see you." Mother smiled as me as her hand lifted to pat my cheek. "I think it's time for bed, my dear. Are you ready?"

"Good night, mama." Leaning forward, I pressed my lips against her cheek and hers pressed against my forehead.

"I'll see you tomorrow." Mother patted my cheek once more before standing up and walking to her room for bed.

When I was done with my training, when I was able to Heal others, I will do my best to help them. Maybe after that, we can have more time together and I can get to know them all.


"Ariella!" A masculine voice shouted from up ahead and I saw Dimitri standing by the front door of his work, his hand in the air and a cocky smile on his face. "Fancy seeing you here." He winked and then snorted softly. "Ma said you were coming and sent me out here to get you."

"I'm glad she did." I giggled softly as his hand reached out and grabbed the basket from mine. He stepped beside and his arm wrapped around my shoulders in a protective manner. Stepping inside and making our way through the stone walled, over crowded room, Dimitri led me down the hall to our Father's office. His hand rose and rapped the door hard before walking in.

"Guess who just arrived." Dimitri called as I followed him inside. Mother and Father stood behind his desk while my siblings sat on the floor with papers surrounding them. A stranger stood in the middle and his right hand held a small rope that was attached to an animal's neck. The man turned around, his green eyes quickly looked me over as he bowed in respect. He was a rather small man with gray-ish brown hair and a darkish tinge to his skin.

"Ah, Ariella, welcome." Father grinned at me as his hand rose and urged me to walk closer. At his bidding, I walked around the desk and stood next to him. "Ariella, this man is named Frank, he's an animal trainer. Frank, meet my youngest daughter, Ariella."

"It's a pleasure, madam." He bowed his hand again. His voice was slightly higher than my father's, but still low enough to sound like a man. The animal beside him was rather small, almost as if he could fit in my hands. Its white fur puffed up around him, making him look like a giant puffball.

"Frank generally trains horses and hunting dogs." My mother interrupted.

"Not generally, I do." He interrupted, bowing his head again. "On the rare occasion, we get an odd one in the litter."

"A-an odd one?" I questioned as my eyes turned to look at my parents.

"Aye. One that doesn't have the makings to be a fighter. Those tend to become pets to people." The man shifted uncomfortably, his eyes darting around him.

"When we heard that he had a dog who needed a home, your father and I thought that you might want a companion." My mother smiled brightly, her hand grabbing mine.

"This is a loyal breed, once it's old enough, the beast will believe you're one of its own and will protect you." The man added, lifting the leash.

"Until it's old enough, it'll need someone to take care of it, someone to love and play with it." Mother told me as her other hand motioned to it. "We thought that, this way, you'll never be alone."

"I-I don't know what to say." One could have an animal as a pet? It happened at the troupe, but it was always a wild beast, ready to attack anyone.

Thomas chuckled after a moment as he jumped up from where he was sitting. He walked over, picked up the animal, and walked over to me, lifting it up so it was on the same level as my chest. The dog's black eyes stared at me, its short, fuzzy tale wagged back and forth, never ending. "Touch him." The dog fit comfortably in Thomas's hand, it looked similar to a small toy.

My hand rose slowly and hovered over its head, unsure what I should do. The dogs head lifted slightly, its nose twitching as it smelled me. Its head lifted higher, the mouth opening and its tongue shot out and swiped across my palm. Jumping in surprise, I could hear my parents laughing softly behind me and my cheeks flushed.

"Well, it looks like he lies you." The man's voice sounded after a moment. A second later and the pup wiggled in Thomas's hand, as if it was trying to get down. Thomas snorted slightly as he bent down and let the little thing go. It took a second for it regain its footing before it shot towards me and perched itself on top of my foot, its head swiveled up to look at me.

"Do you want him?" Mother asked, her voice was flat, almost guarded from something.

Do I want him? He seemed so sweet and gentle and it already looked as if he liked me. His tongue rolled out of his mouth as he breathed, his eyes looking up at me as if it was begging me to say yes.

"I-I'd love to." I told her and I felt my father's hand squeeze my shoulder gently and I couldn't help but smile. Bending down, I scooped the dog up in my hands and lifted him up so that he was eye level. His tongue liked my hands continuously as his eyes sparkled in the light. "Shouldn't he have a name though?"

"He looks like a Pika to me." Mother suggested and I turned to look at her with curiosity. She laughed and then motioned to the pup. "Where I grew up, 'Pika' meant rock. I have a feeling he's going to become an important part of your life, my dear, like a rock."

"So, Pika." I nodded softly and brought the dog closer, pressing my nose against his head. As I pulled away, his tongue shot out and brushed my cheek and I stared at him in surprise as my family's laughter sounded all around me.

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