Chapter 89: Alexander

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Chapter 89: Alexander

I knelt beside her, my pant leg soaking in some of the water on the ground as I gently lifted her from the ground, holding her small frame close to my body, afraid that someone else was going to take her away from me. Her head fell in wards, resting against my chest as she breathed softly. She was exhausted and I knew that, but there was still a part of me that wanted her to wake up, to tell me she was fine, that she'd recover. I knew she would and, for now, that would have to be enough.

Thomas and Mrs. Mathews rushed over, fear dancing in their eyes as they stared down at Ariella. Studying Mrs. Mathews, I could tell she had met her match with that woman, gashes on her arms and legs from where the other woman's sword had struck her, the blood staining the dark clothes. The wet, black patches around every cut,it was a miracle she hadn't passed out frmo the loss of blood. Then again, I knew it was only because of her love for Ariella that kept her from fainting.

"She's fine, merely exhausted." I told them and they nodded, relief flooding their eyes. "We should get her back so she can rest where it's safe."

The mother nodded before turning to Captain Caine as he jumped off the roof, landing next to us with a small thud. He nodded at the two of us before glancing at Ariella. "Captain Mathews has men stationed at the hospital to protect the people inside. You should take her there and you, Mrs. Mathews, should stay with her and get yourself looked at."

"And the rest of us?" Nicoli demanded as he and his wife walked forward.

"The two of you are to report to the Eastern Wall while the apprentice and Thomas escorts Ariella and Mrs. Mathews to the hospital. After that, you're to report to the wall as well." Captain Caine ordered and I turned to look at him in confusion and he sighed. "We had just killed their leader, when they hear the news, they won't be to thrilled with us, now will they?"

"By their custom, they will feel the need to kill whoever killed their leader." Mrs. Mathews sighed and turned to Caine. "I should join you in the fight, I'm the one who killed her and I will not allow people to suffer while I sit on the side."

"No offense, mom, but you're in no shape for fighting." Thomas told her, his hand lashing out and grabbing at her wrist. "Come on." He grumbled before stalking off, ignoring his mother's protests as I stared after them in surprise.

"I wouldn't be, if I were you." Captain Caine told me and I glanced at him. "Remember, Thomas lost his birth mother at a young age, I was there when they found the body. He'll do anything to keep his family safe, even if it means parenting his mother." He chuckled and shrugged. "Get Lady Ariella to the hospital and tell the guards to not allow Maranda to leave. If they have to, tell them to drug her. I'm sure Captain Mathews will agree."

"She might hurt you for that."

"I'll let her." The man shrugged and then grinned. "She adopted children who already lost one set of parents and now she has a daughter who needs her family more than ever. So, let her hate me if she wants." He shrugged before turning and motioning to the other. "We'll see you at the wall." He waved slightly before darting away, my two friends disappearing after him.

I guess, in a way, I understood where he was coming from, Caine and Thomas. After all of this, the family was going to need each other and it would not be fair to Ariella to wake up, after doing everything she could to save her mother, to find her dead. Shaking my head slightly, I turned away and started running towards the hospital, Ariella held firmly in my arms as my feet pounded on the ground, my eyes searching for someone in the one part of the city where no one really went. Turning right down one of the streets, I found myself in a familiar area, the white temple standing firm in front of my eyes, unchanged from the last time I had seen it. At least Ariella would be happy to see that it was still standing, that she could return there and continue learning. My grip tightened on Ariella as I turned, preparing myself to run once more when I heard a gentle creak sound behind me and I turned to see the doors wide open, a blue figure standing in the doorway, waving me inside.

Nimiane. That was her name, wasn't it? What Ariella called her?

"Come, Alexander." Her voice called in the night and I sighed. I needed to get Ariella to the hospital, she needed to get attention and to rest, not stay out in this insanity. "They can't help her, Alexander. But you can, if you trust me." I stared up at her, wondering how she knew what I was thinking.

Perhaps she was right, after all, she knew how to handle Healers while we, our People, were still trying to understand what our role was. I clung tightly to her as I walked forward, doubt and confusion flooding me as I wondered if I was doing the right thing. Carefully, I walked inside, making sure that Ariella wouldn't be hit by anything.

When I had reached her, the watery women turned and floated away, slipping towards the right side, leading me to a door in the far corner and leading me through. My eyes scanned over the small pool, the water lapping over the edges. Nimiane motioned for me to get closer, her hand waving gently.

"Put her in there, Alexander. Allow the water to provide for her as she provided for it." She told me and I turned and stared at her.

"What do you mean?"

"The water never forgets its friends or foes. Ariella provided it an escape from the woman that would use it to kill others for her own desires. Ariella chose to fight, in the only way she could, by providing the water the freedom it needed to escape. In return, the water will now provide its strength for Ariella."

"How do you know everything that happened?" I demanded as I stepped forward. She didn't answer, but watched as I slid Ariella into the water, holding onto her to make sure she doesn't drown.

"Release her. The water will not harm her."

"Perhaps not willingly, but she can't breath water. What if she goes under?"

"The water won't allow that." Nimiane gave me a soft smile as she knelt beside me, her hand pressed against mine. "Your love for her is strong, you're protective and you worry, you care. That is why I approve, but for now, you need to trust me. Trust that I know what I'm doing."

My grip tightened for a moment before relaxing, allowing her to slip through my fingers. Nimiane nodded and sat backwards. "I had watched this so many times, so many Healers that pushed themselves to far. This, of course, was inevitable. I knew it the second I laid eyes on her."

"What do you mean?" I demanded, my fists clenching angrily as I turned to her. "Did you know this was going to happen?"

"I did." She nodded and turned to me, her face like ice, cold and unmoving. "Her past was destined to come back, to challenge and remind her. If she would have given up, she would have died, and the last Healer would be lost."

"Why didn't you warn us if you knew this was going to happen?"

"I taught her what she needed to know to survive, whether or not she did depended on what was in her heart. Nothing any of you could have done would have changed that." Nimiane turned and glanced towards Ariella. "You do not have to like me. You do not have to approve. But the fact remains. Ariella is only alive because she didn't want to die."

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