Chapter 38 Ariella

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Chapter 38 Ariella

The next few days passed quickly. Shanae and Isabella stopped by often to see how I was doing, Pika and I spent a lot of the time playing, and the rest of it was reading over the next few steps. Even after exerting myself, I still wanted to know more. I still needed to learn. Every day people suffer while I'm still learning, sitting comfortably in my home. It wasn't fair.

Without my friends pushing me and helping me, I doubt I would have been able to get this far this fast. But I was. Sadly, I'm getting further into the steps that it looked like there was no longer anything that they could do to help me.

The next book focused on stab and infected injuries. How could I ask them to stab themselves for me? How could I allow them even if they were willing? That was too much for my friends to do. I couldn't ask that of them.

The only thing I could do was go the hospital and let everyone know. But would they understand that I was still learning? That I couldn't pull off some massive miracle? Would they respect that I was trying to get further in my education even though I should have already known everything?

A bell rung in the distance and my mind wandered to Alexander. I missed him the last few days. Shanae and Isabella told me he knew what had happened but wouldn't come since he didn't have my parents' permission. Every day they would bring word of him, telling me things about him and how he was doing. A part of me wondered if he missed me as much as I missed him and then I tensed.

What was wrong with me? Why did I miss him? He was just a friend, like Peter and Michael, but I missed him more than I missed them. I cared about him more. But why? Why would I be missing him more than anything? Confusion spun inside of me and I finally shook my head to get the memories out of there.

It's been a few days since it happened and I felt fine. I wasn't getting tired easily and I was getting restless by staying inside of the house all the time. If it was only for a few hours, I'm sure it wouldn't be too costly.

At least, that's what I told myself.

Walking towards the door and slipping my shoes on, I walked out of the house with Pika close on my heels. His white fur bounced up and down as he trotted next to me, his tail wagging slowly. Smiling at him, I bent down and scooped him up in my arms as I rushed down the stairs and outside to the crowd. Weaving my way around them, I rushed towards the garden where I met Alexander. Turning around the corner as I entered the garden, my eyes opened wide in horror as I studied the scene around me.

Alexander's eyes were blood red as he used his Power to avoid a blond man's attacks. A woman with dark brown hair stood by the fountain, a whip twirling in her fingers as her emerald eyes watched the two men.

"Alex." I whispered and tensed when his eyes shifted over to me, surprise developing on his face. The other man rushed forward and kicked himself off the ground. A sickening crack was followed by a roar of pain as Alexander collapsed on the ground, his hand holding his nose. "Alex!" His name tore from my lips as I took a few steps towards him, Pika wiggling fiercely.

A crack of a whip caused me to freeze and turn to the woman, her eyes twinkled dangerously.

"I wouldn't get any closer, if I were you." Her hand tightened on the whip as if she was ready to lash out again.

"Who are you?" I demanded, tightening my hold on the little pup.

"Don't you recognize me?" The other man laughed as he turned to me and my mouth dropped when I saw Nicoli standing there with a small knife in his hands. "Just give us a moment, we're almost done."

"Almost done?" My eyes shifted towards Alexander and tensed when I saw some blood spilling from his mouth. He shoved himself up from the ground, his sword was held firmly in his hands as he jumped forward, swinging his sword at Nicoli's head. The boy dropped and his foot lashed out at Alexander's chest. Yanking his arm down, Alexander knocked Nicoli's foot out of the way, sending him sprawling on the ground. Nicoli's arms tensed as he started to push himself up but Alexander stepped closer and put his sword to the back of Nicoli's neck.

"Dammit!" Nicoli shouted as his fists collided with the ground. "I thought I'd win this one."

"You only landed that hit because he got distracted." The woman chastised as she walked up to them. "You're hopeless, you know that?" She told Nicoli, a small twinkle playing in her eyes as she turned to Alexander. "Next time, beat him up some more. His cockiness is irritating."

"Yes, ma'am?" Alexander snorted and shook his head as he slid his sword back into his sheath.

"Thanks, hun. I feel all the love." Nicoli grumbled as he shoved himself off the ground, only to collapse again. "I think you broke my leg!"

"Only sprained." Alexander grinned at him, his shoulders shaking with laughter. "It was your fault though, you did try to kick me."

"Uh." My mouth hung open in confusion as my eyes shifted back and forth between the two. They were just attempting to kill each other and Alex was laughing? Nothing made sense to me and I tensed when the woman put her hand on my shoulder.

"I'm Andrea, Nicoli's wife." She introduced herself, a half smile on her lips. "I wouldn't worry about them, they're always sparring."

"Is that so?" I muttered as I felt my cheeks flush when I saw Alexander walk up to me. I stared at him in confusion, unable to think of anything to say. His upper lip was split as bleeding and he had a promising bruise under his right eye. "A-are you alright?"

"I'm fine. How are you? Shanae and them told me what happened." He questioned, placing his unbloodied hand on my shoulder.

"I'm-" Cutting myself off, I stared at the ground, unsure of what to say. Before, I always found it so easy to talk to him, but now, it's harder. Was it because of what I just saw? Or was it because I wasn't sure why I missed him more than the others.

"Well, I think we'll leave you two alone." Nicoli's wife coiled the whip around her fingers as she stalked towards her husband. Her hand lashed down and secured him by latching onto the top of his shirt and hoisting him up. "Have fun, you two!" She shouted back at us as she dragged the man away.

"I-I" My cheeks flushed with humiliation as I struggled to speak and I was upset with myself for not understanding why. Pika wiggled in my arms so I bent down and let him go.

"I wasn't expecting you today." Alexander sighed, his face scrunched apologetically. His hazel eyes turned to me, the gentleness from before danced behind them.

"Why were you fighting?"

"Well, as Andrea said, it was more of a spar." He shrugged as he motioned for us to walk towards the fountain. "We train together outside of work so that we can attempt to improve our abilities."

"So you can fight better?" I questioned. He made a funny face before chuckling.

"In a way, yes. We want to fight better so that we can protect the people around us. Our friends, family, and loved ones." His eyes glanced over to me as he smiled. "We train together so we can improve. That's all it was."

"You two looked like you wanted to kill each other." I pointed out, my cheeks puffing out slightly in annoyance.

"Well, that is how you learn!" Alexander laughed loudly. "But you're the last person to talk! I wasn't the one who spent the night in the hospital!"

"I didn't mean to!" I exclaimed and pouted slightly as he laughed, his eyes filled with humor.

"I'm just glad you're alright." His hand brushed against the side of my cheek as a soft smile played on his lips. "I was worried."

"You were?"

"Of course." Hi smile grew larger as his hand slipped into mine. "I'd miss you if I couldn't see you anymore."

Squeezing his hand gently, I leaned closer to him, my head resting on his arm. "I'd miss you too." Resting my eyes, I could still hear the truth ringing in the words that left my lips.


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