Chapter 49: Alexander

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Chapter 49 Alexander

It's been three days since Shanae was here, since Ariella started the medicine. Isabella and Shanae came and visited every day, bringing news on how Ariella was doing. My body still ached horribly, but they were healing and there was no lasting damage. At least, not on the outside.

My eyes shifted towards the window, staring out to the black sky and the twinkling stars. The night was peaceful, not a cloud in sight, very little moaning from the injured, and very little else to worry about.

Laying my head back and closing my eyes, I tried to relax enough to sleep, but I couldn't. I just laid there, my mind wandering aimlessly, never focusing on something longer than a second.

Bells and horns rung in the distance, interrupting the night's silence. The injured jumped awake and, within moments, the roar of the people who lived here sprung into action.

The Hunters were here. Again. They were always coming, always fighting, always killing. Years and years have gone by and the reasons were lost. All there was now was the fighting.

Propping myself up on my bed, I looked out the window, my eyes watching the people go out to battle. Many more would suffer and die, more would be joining the group of people here, and the lucky ones would be the ones to carry the injured here.

"Try to remain calm." A woman shouted as she and a group of others stationed themselves around the room, preparing for the worst.

Everyone would be safe. Protected. If we're lucky, no one would die by the hands of the Hunters. Everyone but one.

My body tensed as realization hit. Ariella's family was filled with fighters, they'd be required to fight. And, if she was as sick as it sounded, she wouldn't be able to be moved.

Cursing myself as I shoved myself up, ignoring the screeching pain in my limbs, my hand wafted over and curled its fingers around my sword that was perched on the wall.

She needed to be protected and I was the only one who realized.

"You need to stay in bed!" A woman shouted as I climbed out. Ignoring her, I walked towards the door, shoving my way past the women who stood there.

"Just let him go, if he wants to die, that's not out problem." Another shouted and I found myself agreeing with them. If the Hunters came, I'd probably get myself killed trying to protect Ariella. But, it was worth it. At least, it was to me.

Carefully, I pulled myself up the stairs, fighting my body that wanted to give up. I couldn't give up. I could never give up. Shouts filled the building as the door crashed open and footsteps and sword clashes echoed in the night.

The Hunters were here.

Turning onto her floor, I ran to the door of Ariella's home and hesitated outside the door. This couldn't happen. How could one man protect her from who knows how many men? How could I protect her? A moment passed. Then another. The clashing swords grew louder, the ringing exploded in my ears. That was when I made my decision. Shoving the door open, my eyes wafted over the empty living room and I knew that I was right. Her family was out there fighting.

Rushing down the hall, opening each door until I reached the last one. Then, there she was. Her breath was faint and short, her cheeks red from the fever, and she fussed under the blankets. I knew it. She was too sick to move and so she was left alone.

Tightening my grip on my sword, I turned and closed the door behind me. Positioning myself beside the main door, my sword risen and ready to strike, I waited for them to come.

"Stop them!" A man shouted as the main hall door was broken down. Shouts filled the air. Another door crashed open in the distance and I knew that they were doing this to every floor.

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