Chapter 42: Ariella

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Chapter 42 Ariella

"I don't understand why this has to happen." I told Shanae and Isabella again, merely because I really had no idea. Alexander and I were close, I knew that, and I did enjoy being around him. I was happy and safe when I was with him, I felt like I could tell him anything and that I wanted to get to know him. He was always nice to me, always made me feel like there was nothing bad in the world, even when I knew otherwise. And, above all, he made me feel something that I've never felt before. A strong, happy, warming kind of feeling. Stronger than anything I've ever felt, but I never knew what it was.

"Your parents are just trying to protect you." Isabella sighed, her eyes glancing over to Shanae who walked over and sat down on my left.

"Though, if they actually asked us, we would have told him that he doesn't have a single evil bone in his body." Shanae grumbled as her hands slipped into mine.

"But why couldn't they listen to me?" I questioned, my eyes scanning over the run down, dirt floor, the grey, block walls, and the clay-like seating areas. Many people walked around, finding seats, talking to other people, some of them even exchanging money.

"Most of these people are here because they want to see the Mathew's family pulverize a street walker." A voice sounded behind us and we turned to see Michael sitting back, his legs sprawled out in front of him. "Can't say I blame them, it isn't often that people can see the Captain's family fight. Now they get the chance."

"Shut up!" Shanae snapped as she turned around and swatted at him. "Alexander is our friend and he's willingly going through this so he can be with Ariella!"

"But why is he going through with this? If there was a way he didn't have to, why didn't he take it?" I asked her, studying her and pleading for an answer, I watched as she looked away.

"Sadly, the only way is what he won't do." Isabella sighed, slipping her arm around my shoulders.

"What is it?"

"He'd have to swear to never speak to you again." Shanae sighed, her eyes closed and her face gave a defeated look. "He cares too much for you to do that."

"And your parents are..." Isabella flushed and glanced away.

"Overprotective?" Michael offered with a cocky grin. It slid off a moment later as his eyes stared at something in front of him. Turning around, I found myself staring at my father and his kind eyes. He wore a simple brown shirt with dark pants, his sword wrapped around his waist.

"So you'll be sitting here with Ariella, then?" He asked, his eyes flicking over my friends.

"Yes, sir. We thought it would be best." Shanae explained, her hand gave mine a gentle squeeze.

"Good." He nodded and turned to me. "I know you don't like this, hun. But we're just doing what's best for you." Shanae coughed next to me, her hand covering her mouth as my father and I looked at her. She shook her head and looked away, like she didn't want to be looked at. "Anyway, when this is over, it'll be alright now. I promise."

"Hey, there's Alex!" Michael shouted, his hand shot forward and pointed to the far side of the arena. "Damn, he should have worn better armor." He spoke my mind. Even from this distance, I could see that Alex wore very little besides his clothes and a brown-like metal helmet.

"He'll get himself killed if he's dressed like that!" Isabella shouted.

"No, we'll be fair." Father shrugged and turned away to study Alexander. "I'm surprised he showed."

"I'm not." Shanae grumbled and tensed as someone walked out on the field. The crowd quieted and people sat down as silence developed the arena. "They're making a show out of this!"

"Welcome!" The person shouted in a deep voice, a sword wrapped around his waist. "As many of you know, today's the day that the boy, Alexander Morales, will be forced to prove his affection for Ariella. If not, then, well, we all know what'll happen!" The man laughed and his hands rose in the air.

"Disgusting." Isabella hissed as she pressed herself against me.

"Both parties have agreed that the boy, Alexander, will fight each of the family members in order from youngest to eldest!" The man exclaimed, laughter filling his voice.

"Leave it to Peterson to enjoy this." Mother sighed as she walked towards us and sat on the other side of Shanae. My siblings filed in beside her, leaving Dimitri and Father as the only one standing. They all wore similar clothing with very little for armor.

"Don't go easy on him, alright?" Thomas chuckled as he leaned closer, his hands wrapped up behind his head. "I really don't feel up to fighting today."

"He wouldn't even make it pass me." Natalie snapped as her fingers twirled around the sheath of her blade.

"Now, to introduce the combatants!" The man, Peterson, shouted and swept his hand to the far side. "Alexander Morales!" Shouts and boo's filled the stadium and I could hear my brothers snort. "And now, for the youngest of the Mathews, Dimitri!"

He set his shoulders as he drew his sword, the sun glinting off the metal blade. Clenching it in his hand, he marched forward, the audience's cheers egging him on. The two of them met in the center, their swords clenched in their hands, and Peterson stepped in between the two of them. A moment passed and he stepped out of the way. "Begin!"

That was when Dimitri charged.

I watched in horror as Dimitri let loose a battle cry, swinging his sword at Alexander's stomach. Jumping back, Alex dodged the blade before stepping forward and stabbing at Dimitri's side.

"Like that'll work. You can't break through his guard like that." Thomas snorted, his voice filled with laughter. "This'll end with D-"

I almost couldn't believe my eyes at what I saw. Dimitri stepped forward, sending his blade towards Alexander's neck. In a blink of an eye, Alexander's hand lashed upwards, snagging at Dimitri's wrist before ramming the sword into Dimitri's stomach.

"He broke through his guard." Robert jumped up and I could see the dumbfounded look on his face.

"That boy might be harder to beat then we thought." Natalie groaned as Dimitri collapsed on the ground, his face scrunched in pain as he tried to jump up, but was too late. Alexander stood above him, his sword at my brother's throat.

"Natalie." Thomas spoke up into the silence, his voice low and threatening as we watched Dimitri walk back towards us, his hand pressing against his stomach and his face stained with a deep scowl.


"Pulverize him."

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