Chapter 43: Ariella

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Chapter 43 Ariella

Alexander leapt backwards, his sword colliding with Natalie's. She swung wildly at his legs and he jumped to avoid it. The sun glinted off the sweat on their foreheads and the metal swords in their hands.

"He doesn't want to hurt her." Shanae mumbled next to me, her hand gripping at mine. Squeezing her hand tightly, I watched Natalie throw herself closer, her sword lashing at his arm. Stepping forward, he slid his sword down hers, catching it in his hilt.

"Impossible." Robert hissed as Natalie's sword went flying behind her. She jerked back and rushed towards her sword, Alexander fast on her heels. Kicking her feet out in front of her, she slid towards her sword, her hand reached out to latch onto the hilt. Once it was safely in her hand, she jumped up only to find herself face to face with Alexander's sword.

"Dammit." Dimitri grumbled, his face scrunched up in frustration.

"Pity you can't Heal broken pride." Isabella whispered in my ear and I gave her a half smile.

Brittney jumped up, her hand latched around the hilt of her sword. She glanced at me, a small twinkle playing in her eyes; her hand fell on my head and gave me a smile now. "I think I understand now." She told me in a sing-song voice. She walked passed me and slipped through the small opening as she walked out on the field. I saw her mouth move as she said something to Alex who responded with a smile.

"What did she say to him?" Thomas demanded as Peterson shouted for them to begin.

"Whatever she said, I hope it doesn't end with Alexander killed." Shanae sighed beside me and I nodded in agreement. How long could Alexander last against my family? One after another, no break in between? Could he last that long? Would he collapse from exhaustion?

Alexander made the first move, jumping forward with his sword streaking through the wind. Brittney leapt to the side and swiped her blade across his arm. Blood leaked through, staining the tan shirt that he wore.

"Finally!" Thomas shouted, enthusiasm filled his voice.

"Alex." His name came out as a whisper as I watched him skip backwards away from my sister. Why was he doing this? What was the point for this? I wasn't worth getting himself killed. I knew I wasn't. So why?

Brittney rushed forward, her brown hair flying behind her as she closed the distance between the two of them. Jumping to the left, Alexander dodged my sister's blade, leaving it to strike at nothing. Then he rushed forward, his hand lashing out to her wrist to keep her sword away. Shoving her elbow into his stomach and attempting to tear herself away, my sister was caught in his grasp. Flicking her wrist, she slit open his hand, his blood spilling over her but that didn't sway him as he lifted the sword to her neck.

"Win three. He's better than I thought." Michael whistled behind me, earning evil glares from my family. He shrugged after a moment as he leaned back and Robert jumped back.

"Trap him, Robert." Thomas told him, slapping Robert's shoulder. My brother nodded once as he slipped around the others and headed towards the center of the field. My eyes shifted towards Alexander on the other side and watched as his arm and hand were being wrapped by a girl. He stood tall and his face showed no sign of pain. His friend, Nicoli, stood beside him, his mouth moving in silent words. Moments passed and Alexander made his way towards my brother.

"My question is, why haven't any of them used their Powers?" Isabella muttered next to me and I shrugged in response. My Father huffed from where he stood, but didn't respond, his eyes watching the fight on the field.

Robert rushed forward, his sword pointed upwards. Alexander stood his ground, his sword gripped firmly in his hand. Swinging his sword, Robert rammed his sword down towards Alexander's head. The sound of clashing metal echoed through the arena as Alexander caught the blade with his. Robert's knee jerked up, colliding with Alexander's thigh. Stumbling slightly, Alexander rammed his elbow into Robert's stomach before jamming him in the nose. Blood exploded from his nose, his hand jumping up to wipe some of it away.

"Pity you can't Heal that." Shanae laughed darkly as I squeezed onto her hand, my eyes following the fight.

Alexander stepped back and stood there as my brother tried to clean himself off. Holding his sword up, ready for an attack, Alexander kept his distance, waiting for my brother to be ready.

"Dammit, he's too nice!" Isabella swore under her breath as my brother repositioned his sword, blood still dripping from his nose.

"I wonder why they can barely lay a hand on Alex, though. They've been trained more than he has." Shanae whispered into my ear and I found myself shrugging.

"It's because he has been trained." My mother interjected as she turned towards us. "I have no idea by who or how long they've been training him, but that boy is no normal streetwalker."

"Who trained him, then?" Thomas demanded and my father shrugged.

"Nicoli." I whispered, my eyes glanced over at my mother. She stared at me in confusion and I smiled softly. "He told me once, how he and his friend Nicoli would train for hours on end. I came across it once. They acted like the wanted to kill each other."

"That doesn't explain how he got to be this good." Thomas grumbled.

"You'd be surprised what someone can do when they're driven by love." Isabella rolled her eyes at me, acting as if it was obvious.

Love. Love really did make people do insane things. Jealousy, love, anger. All three of those emotions were always a strong motivator or all sorts of things. Is that why Alexander is doing this? Because he loved me? If that was it, then why did my family act like this? What wrong existed in love from him? Why didn't it make any sense?

"He shouldn't do that." Michael sighed as my brother ran towards Alexander again. It was almost as if Alexander expected it because he stepped out of the way, slamming his sword across my brother's back, sending him sprawling to the ground. Running forward, Alexander pressed the sword against the back of Robert's neck and the battle was over. "He got too cocky and that killed him."

"Thank you for the commentary!" Thomas shouted as he shoved himself upward. "Forget this, it is my turn." He growled as he stalked out of the field.

"Hey." Michael whispered into my ear and I jumped and turned to him in surprise. "He's going to lose. He'll put up a good fight, but he's too cocky."

"How do you know?" Shanae demanded and Michael winked.

"The way he responded. He doesn't think anyone his age can best him."

"And why exactly does that matter?" Isabella grumbled back towards him.

"Easy." He chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Alexander knows it and he's using it against them."

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