Chapter 1: Ariella

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Chapter1 Ariella

            'How long have we been walking?' I thought to myself for who knows how many times. I glanced behind me, wondering if I would catch a glimpse of the Hunters. The Hunters were always hunting us, the Powered People. They hated us and no one really seemed to know why. Perhaps they're jealous of us, because we have Powers. Powers that can help us fight and live and find people. Powers that we are born with and, usually, meant to live with. Some people don't get that luxury, people like me may have Power but can never use it. Not that it's a bad thing, by not using my Power I get beaten less and I will disappoint less people. That was worth it, in my opinion.

            I heard shouting as the fighters fell back again to dwindle the Hunters numbers. It's been a few days since the Hunters started to chase us, and the fighters would fall back randomly to attack by surprise. This was the only chance for our survival, not that I minded either way. If I died, the pain would go away, if I didn't then I would have keep living with this abuse.

            While walking I am in charge of leading the pack mules, to make sure they don't get out of line. My body hated to walk and to move, it would protest every second, pain would shoot its way up my leg each step I took and down my arm with every movement. This was normal and it only got worse when I had to do anything physical. That was when my whole body seared with the pain from my scars. Sadly, there was no escaping that pain if I tried, new pain would follow and it would only get worse. The scars were all over my body, which was to be expected after the years of constant beatings.

I pushed myself through the pain as I continued to walk, leading the pack ponies forward. A part of me grew frantic with each passing second, waiting for one of them to try and use me as bait for the Hunters. It terrified me, but I wouldn't have been surprised if they did. I took slow, deep breaths as I tried to calm myself, and watched the others from the corner from my eyes. Many were frantically running around, every second seemed worse than the previous one; the only good thing, is that they were all ignoring me. None of them were looking at me which means none of them were planning on using me.

A gasp tore from my lips as I stepped wrong and intense pain shot through my leg. I tried my hardest to hide the pain and used the nearest horse for support as I limped on. I couldn't rest until we found somewhere safe which could very well be later tonight.

"I see a city!" Someone shouted up from ahead a few minutes later. I looked down at the ground, confused.

Why was there a city all the way out here? And were they Hunters or Powered People?

"In this part of the woods, we have most likely found the capital. The City of Shona." One of the women near me muttered.

I heard her but I made no acknowledgement. I knew the consequences if I did. I continued to look at the ground and tried my hardest to keep my face in control.

I have heard of the City of Shona. It's the capital of the Powered People a place where all Powered People are safe and welcomed. It's ruled by the King of the Powered People and his wife, the Queen. The visitors we had would say that the King and Queen were kind and just people, they loved every one equally. It was an interesting thought to think that someone could love everyone equally, but a sweet thought at well.

I watched out of the corner of my eye as the woman walked up to me and a searing pain appeared on my cheek.

"How dare you stand there and listen to me, you wretch! You should be grateful that we have not decided to sacrifice you to the Hunters!" She huffed and shoved my into the horses and stalked away.

My hand inched to my cheek and I pressed against it slightly. I winced slightly as the pain increased and I had to fight away the tears. It hurt, a lot. But, then again, my whole body did. It always did.

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