Chapter 85: Alexander

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Chapter 85 Alexander

"Caine, how is this possible?" Captain Mathews demanded from the wall, the two men stood close together, both of their eyes filled with anger.

"It is possible but only by the strongest of Trackers." Captain Caine responded as his eyes scanned around him, studying the four bodies that were lost in slumber. "Looking only at those who were murdered, it would be almost impossible for us to figure out who it was, however, with the fact that Lady Ariella's scent is gone, it reduces the amount of people who it could be."

"Just because it reduces, it doesn't mean a thing." Mrs. Mathews snapped from where she sat, her hands clasped tightly onto her daughters, her knuckles turning white as she squeezed. "The fact remains that there are people out there who has my baby girl and did this to the others. Until we can figure out who it is and where they are, anything could be happening to her."

"I think I might know the who, though you won't like it." Captain Caine released a heavy sigh before turning back to Captain Mathews, their eyes glaring into each other. "Only a handful of people can do such an impossible thing, a tracker who can not only see the scents, but also move them, it takes up a lot of Power and would kill most people."

"How many people in the City can do that?" I demanded, my eyes wide with horror as I stared at them before jumping slightly when a hand fell on my shoulder and I glanced over to see King Stephen.

"In the City, only about ten people have the strength to do it, but only about four know how." He explained as he studied each of us in turn. "Captain Caine, obviously, is one of them."

"Two of the others that help keep the Trackers in order can do it as well." Captain Caine added, his arms crossing in front of him, his lips pursing slightly as his eyes glanced over each of us once more. "There's one more person who can do it and I have a feeling he's the one behind the people being murdered and Ariella's kidnapping."

"Who would it be?" Peter demanded from where he sat, his hand clinging to Isabella's, almost as if he was afraid that, if he let her go, she'd slip away.

"Hern." Captain Mathews muttered, his voice barely audible as if he was attempting to keep it hidden from the others.

"Indeed." King Stephen sighed as he walked forward. "With her scent hidden, we'll have to set off a search, if we're lucky, when the Trackers get close to where ever they are, they'll get the scent and can save her in time."

"If I may ask a question." I stepped forward as I remembered the others injuries, especially Ariella's sisters who's injuries didn't fit a Trackers fighting style. "Is it possible that Hern isn't working alone? That he has someone else with him and we don't know who they are or what they're capable of."

"I'm afraid that's definitely something we need to be worried about." King Stephen nodded as he turned to Captain Mathews. "It might be best to assign Protectors while the Trackers are trying to find Ariella. I'll let the other Captains know about what's going on." He turned around once more, his eyes glancing over to us. "We made a vow to protect her, we made it with our hearts and heads. We knew going into this, protecting Ariella may cost us our lives but she will save thousands. My advice is make sure to tell the Trackers and Protectors, make sure they're aware of the sacrifice that may be making."

"I think they're all aware." Mrs. Mathews muttered as she stood up, her hand clutching to her blade as she stared at us. "I want to help."

"As do we." Ariella's brother stood up, their faces blank and serious, which didn't surprise me. Even with the twins injured, at least they know where they are. Ariella is somewhere else, no one knows where but in the hands of a traitor and whoever is working with them. In that way, they're fully aware that Ariella needs them more than anyone.

"No." Captain Mathews sighed as he turned to us. "I need you all to stay here, with the injured. Alex, if they wake up, try to get them to tell us what happened, maybe they can inform us about who Hern is working with. And, plus, if Ariella escapes, I wouldn't be surprised if she tries to make her way here to help her friends and get somewhere safe. I want you all to be here when that happens."

"So we just wait here and let everyone else try and save our sister?" Dimitri demanded as he stepped forward.

"You also have two other sisters who need you right now." Captain Mathews reminded them darkly before turning to me. "You're in charge here. Don't let me down." He told me, his voice void of emotion as he turned and rushed out, King Stephen and Captain Caine following close behind.

"Do you think they'll find her?" Michael questioned and I nodded.

"They will because they have to."

"Peter." Her voice was barely audible as she whispered his name and I turned to see her giving him a tired smile. "Have you been here this whole time?"

"You almost got killed and you are gonna tease me for being worried?" He demanded, his hand tightening around hers as a relieved smile played on his lips. "How are you?"

"Been better." She muttered.

Stepping up to the two of them, my hand fell on Peter's shoulder, giving him a gentle squeeze. As hard as it was for him, there was work that needed to be done. He could care about her later, but right now we needed to get this figured out. He jerked his head in a nod and I patted his shoulder once more as the others joined me.

"Isabella, I know you're hurting and you've been through a lot, but I need you to tell me what happened. What you remember about the people who attacked you and what they wanted." Her eyes darkened almost immediately. "We tried to stop them but they were to strong. He pulled Shanae away so I couldn't help her while Brittney and Natalie went after the woman. We tried so hard and it didn't matter." Tears slid from her eyes and her hand tightened around Peter's, her nails digging into his skin.

"I know you tried, but now all you can do to help is tell us who they are and what they wanted." I whispered to her, trying my best to keep the frustration out of my voice.

"Hern." She muttered softly and I nodded, not surprised after the conversation I had earlier. "And a woman Ariella named Marah." Mrs. Mathews released a small whimper, her mouth shooting to her mouth as if trying to hide the look of surprise on her face. "She kept calling Ariella a traitor. I kept trying to move, to help her when the woman got close but I couldn't move. I couldn't speak. I wanted to tell her to run and she just collapsed. I remember she asked the woman why and she said that Ariella took away her daughter. But wouldn't Ariella wouldn't do that, would she? She couldn't. She'd never hurt anyone. She wouldn't take someone's child, would she?"

"No." Mrs. Mathews whispered, her eyes darkened slightly as her hand reached down and patted Isabella's in an attempt to calm down the frantic girl "You've done your part, for now you need to rest." Her eyes rose to mine and flicked over to the doors and I nodded as I watched her walk away.

"She was choking her. Ariella tried to fight but there was nothing, she wasn't strong enough. I should have done something." Her eyes glazed over as she stared up at the ceiling, her mind lost in the memories as blame took over.

"Take care of her, I'll be back." I whispered to Peter as I stepped away, making my way towards the door, watching Mrs. Mathews slip outside and her sons following closely behind.

"Who's Marah?" Robert demanded as I closed the door to prevent the others from hearing.

"The leader of the troupe that Ariella grew up in." She sighed, her fingers gripping the skin at the top of her nose.

"What does she want? Why did she come all this time?" Dimitri demanded, his and his brothers hands clasped onto their swords.

"That's what I'm trying to figure out because it doesn't make sense."

"You mean the whole thing that Ariella took away her daughter or whatever?" Thomas questioned as he turned to me, his eyes glared darkly at me. "I personally can't see Ariella being responsible for someone's death, it-"

"That's not the problem." Mrs. Mathews interrupted as she glanced at each of us in turn. "Marah never had a child and, was in fact, incapable of one." Her arms rose and wrapped around her, hugging herself. "Marah is barren, even if she found a man, they'd never be able to sire a child."

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