Chapter 84: Alexander

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Chapter 84: Alexander

My eyes shifted over the carnage, scanning over the bodies of the men and women sprawled out on the edge of the wall. Arrows sprouted from their hearts, the pain and surprise plastered on their faces, their glazed over eyes staring at nothing.

"The question I have is who would do this?" Queen Michelle sighed bitterly, her dark green fan tapping impatiently against her leg. Her eyes blinked rapidly as if she was attempting to hold in her tears, to keep the feelings inside. It was a strategy that many fighters I knew used to hide the tears and the worst thing was to acknowledge that fight.

"And why?" Thomas demanded as he walked forward and stood next to me, disgust and anger dancing in his eyes.

"Right now, our main issue is to get these bodies down and find out if whoever did this was coming into the City or leaving." Captain Mathews announced. He stood up from where he was examining a body and turned to us. "My lady, will you go and tell your husband what has happened here?" He questioned Queen Michelle who nodded and turned to leave.

"Until we find out who they are, it might be best to keep Ariella inside and safe." She glanced backwards, her eyes falling on me before smiling softly. "I want that wedding to happen for her, Alexander. So we can't let something like this go, can we?" The woman smiled softly before turning and strolling out, her blond hair flowing gently behind her as she disappeared into one of the towers.

"First we have incapable people on the wall thanks to the traitor who wanted us dead and now we have our capable people murdered." Thomas mumbled and then glanced over to me. "I don't think it's a coincidence."

"Neither do I." Captain Mathews interrupted as he walked forward, his fingers drumming against the hilt of his blade as he studied us. "I want the two of you to go find Ariella and your sisters, I'll send Dimitri and Robert over to the Trackers to get Captain Caine and see if he can Track the killer down."

"What if he can't?" I demanded.

"Let's just hope he can." He gave me a bitter smile before walking past and disappearing as well.

"Come on, knowing the girls they're somewhere outside where they'll be easy targets." Thomas told me as he walked away and I could see his fingers curled into fists and I grinned slightly.

I, for one, wouldn't want to be the one to get on his bad side at the moment.


"Where could they be?" He demanded, his voice filled with anger and frustration as his eyes darted back and forth.

"I told you, we should have gone to get a Tracker ourselves. It would have been a lot faster." I reminded him and heard him huff beside me before stalking forward again.

It warmed my heart that Ariella had such a protective brother but it disturbed me slightly that he didn't want to ask for help from others. He wanted to do things on his own, asking only those that may know what they're doing for help. Thought, it was entertaining that he was only like this when it came to his sisters, other times he had always come off to be someone who thought things through.

"We haven't come across a Tracker that could help us." He snapped back after a moment and I snorted, having to agree with him there. Most of the Trackers that we had come across were at the basic ability and could do very little in looking for one person throughout an entire City without first starting out at somewhere they were known to be. Very few Trackers could find Ariella or the girls and those were the ones who were fairly hard to find.

"Alex!"A panicked voice shouted behind me and I turned to see Michael and Peter running towards me, a look of fear in their eyes.

"What's going on?"

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