Chapter 58: Alexander

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Chapter 58 Alexander

"Someone, someone quick!" A high pitched voice shouted, it's shrillness echoed in my ears as I sleepily jumped. My eyes glanced over at Ariella. She was still asleep, her breathing normal, and her cheeks slightly flushed.

My hand rose to the crick in my neck, rubbing it gently as I tried to make it go away. Shoving myself off the chair and walked closer to Ariella, my hand brushed the side of her cheek.

It didn't take long for the Elder to change her mind last night and demand that Ariella be moved downstairs. They set up a small place for in the office where she would have constant supervision, not that it mattered as I never left her side.

Her scream from last night still echoed in my ears and broke my heart over and over every second.

"There's more! Someone, come quick!" Another voice shouted, a masculine one. More and more voices joined with the others, calling and pleading for someone to come. What could have happened?

I took a few steps and sloshing sound caught my interest. My eyes fell to the floor that was filled with water, almost like a flood had happened but I didn't remember a storm last night. A moment later and the realization hit me.

I wasn't in any pain.

My right hand lifted and pressed against my back and all I could feel were my fingers tracing my skin through the clothes. The bandages were there, but the pain wasn't.

What if the others were Healed as well?

I ran towards door, throwing it open to see the main room. Men and women who were dying, who injuries on their legs, torso's, backs, arms, and heads were walking and moving around with laughter and smiles.

"They're all Healed." A soft voice muttered beside me and I glanced over to see Alyse standing there, her arms crossed in front of her. "To imagine that she had this much Power built inside of her. She's lucky it didn't kill her."

"What do you mean?"

"As I'm sure you're aware, our bodies can only handle so much Power inside of us. With someone like her, who's entire life depends on her Power, it's worse. She has to use her Power to live, to keep her body in control. Now imagine, your Power was Sealed so you only had a little inside of you at all times. Intensify it by years of unused Power swirling around inside of you." Alyse turned to me, her hands clenching her arms as she stared up at me. "One of two things will happen. The Power will be used up or the Power will escape on its own."

"Generally, if it escapes, it's painful."

"Excruciating." She agreed. "But Ariella is different. Her Power isn't for fighting, but for Healing. Her Power cannot cause harm to anyone but it still had to get out." Her hand motioned to the people around us and then pointed at the water on the ground. "Every bedside table has a few glasses of water. There are buckets of it all over the place and a small opening for water to come inside in the main office. Ariella's Power called to it, melded with it as it left her body. As its job is to Heal, and that's exactly what it did."

"So it used itself up without harming Ariella?"

"She'll be weak for a little while, her body underwent immense complications after the Seal was broken. She'll need time to adjust without the Seal." Alyse turned to me, her eyes twinkling slightly. "Ariella Mathews is a girl who'll go down in history as the last Healer of Water."

"So long as she's happy now, that's all that matters." I squared my shoulders and walked back towards Ariella's side.


"Mmmm." A soft moan filled my ears and my eyes glanced over at Ariella. Her head moved slowly to the side, her eyes half open and she smiled sleepily.

"Hey." I whispered, slowly standing up and sliding over to her. My hand wrapped around hers, squeezing it gently as my left hand caressed her cheek.

"Alex." Her voice was soft and breathy as she gently nuzzled my hand. "What happened?"

"What do you remember?"

"We were talking and waiting."

"Nothing after that?"

Her head inched back and forth as she stared at me, her weakness impacting her. A sighed softly as I leaned forward, pressing my lips on her forehead.

"Nothing serious happened. We got the Seal removed." I told her. I knew I should tell her about everything, but I just couldn't. I couldn't let her know about that. Not now at least. Not when she needed to rest the most.

"So it worked." She muttered, a small smile appearing on her tired face. "Where am I?"

"In the hospital. The Elder wanted to bring you here for supervision."

"Oh." Her eyes fluttered close again, her head falling to the side.

"Sleep, my love." I whispered, my thumb caressing her cheek as I stared down at her. It wasn't surprising that she was exhausted after what she had endured, I only wished that she didn't have to go through anything that she had to.

"Looks like I just missed her." Captain Mathew's voice sounded behind me.

"She wasn't awake for long."

"Not surprising. Seals are a dangerous thing, after all." He sighed as he walked towards, his hand reaching out and trailing the edge of the bed as he made his way to Ariella's side. "I see you were Healed as well."

"Aye." A moment passed as I studied her, anger flooding my body. "She doesn't deserve this." My fists clenched in my lap, my lip curling slightly. None of this made sense. What could she have done so that the Troupe would do this to her? She was only a child when it all started, so what happened.

"No, she doesn't. That's why she needs protection." A smile played on his face and in his eyes as he studied me, his hand holding onto hers.

"I still don't think I'm the best man for the job, sir."

"Ah, but you are." He stated, his smile deepening. "With the proper training and your history, well it'll make you a great captain one day."

"How can you be sure of that?" I demanded, my shoulders tensing in frustration. After everything I had gone through, after hiding what I could do, now he wants me to come and be the next leader.

A soft chuckle interrupted my thoughts and my eyes flashed over to him in confusion. He waved me off while shaking his head slightly. "It's nothing, you just remind me of myself when I was asked."

"I do?"

"Aye." His shoulders shook slightly from laughter as his eyes turned to Ariella. "I was afraid, terrified I wouldn't do a good job, doubted myself completely. In the end, I decided I needed to get out and get new scenery."

"What happened?"

"I got attacked by Hunters." He winced slightly, his left hand lifting to his right shoulder, rubbing it slightly. "It was Maranda who found me, nursed me back to health. We eventually married and had Ariella. It was then that I started to realize why the man chose me."


"I had a very protective nature about me." Captain Mathews winked and I snorted in agreement. "You have it too, you know."

"I do?"

"Aye." He grinned at me, a confident, unwavering grin. "That's why I want you, Alexander Morales. Because I know you can do it."

I stared at him in surprise before turning to Ariella. So that's why. But would Ariella be alright with being married to a captain? It would be dangerous to say the least. But if I was, I could make sure she and the people who needed protection got it. I might be able to make an impact.

"What do you say, my boy?"

"Yes." My fists clenched slightly as I saw him beam with pride. "I'll do it."


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