Ch 3 - Tests, New ranks, & Meeting the monster

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Bold: Intercom

- Two days later -

Three days have passed since Blue Lock officially started or when Kira was eliminated from Blue lock. Y/n was able to see that these rankings are real and also fake since Y/n was able to outclass bachira on a one on one. With that one on one Y/n was able to deduce that these rankings are made to make the lower ranks improve much faster to get a higher ranking. And for those who have a higher ranking to keep training to keep the rank and stay at the top so that they can play at the U-20 world cup for japan.

They were currently doing a running test to see how much they run for which shows their endurance. Luckily Y/n has a lot of endurance considering that he was the main striker as well as an extremely versatile player. Raichi then targeted Isagi and Igaguri but then turned to target Y/n but saw that Y/n was running at 25 km/h pace for the exact same time as Raichi. Y/n was solely focusing on improving his endurance since he knew that the best striker would need a lot of endurance to stay at the top far from those who are below them. After getting off the treadmills Y/n went to check on Isagi as Koun went to check up on Igaguri.

“Are you okay, Isagi? Do you need a drink?” Kuon asks as Y?n is making sure Isagi doesn’t breathe the wrong way after that test.

“Want some water, Y/n?” Kuon asks the black haired teen

“Please and thank you” Kuon tosses a bottle of water to Y/n after Y/n answers his question.

“I’d ignore that guy, if I were you” Kuon says as he continues with.

“Let’s just give it what we’ve got” finishes saying. 

Isagi, Y/n, and Kuon went to do a jumping test but before that Koun waited so that Y/n & Isagi could get their bearings. After the two got their bearings they prepared to jump as high as they could, and the three of them counted down at the exact same time. This led to all three jumping at the same time as to not change any scores in the tests they did for the three days.

Y/n was able to develop a decent relationship with his new team even though they had only known each other for three days. Y/n just barely jumped higher than Kuon by 1 centimeter which made Y/n’s jump score be 69 cm while Kuon had the score 68 cm and Isagi had the score 61 cm.

“Huh? Isagi, are you feeling ill today?” Kuon asks.

Y/n then saw Isagi be a bit sad and went to cheer him up.

“Considering that Kuon is taller than most of the team, jumping is most likely his speciality, so don’t be discouraged, okay” Y/n whispered to Isagi.

“Right” Isagi responding to Y/n.

Then a bell was heard which meant that it was time to eat since Ego aka the mastermind behind this whole thing planned out. Y/n was surprised that Ego made an entire schedule for all 300 of them or how many people are left. Y/n was still amazed that the schedule was made solely for football and was surprised that your food depends on your rank.

Y/n was glad that he didn’t have bad food and was thankful of the fact that he had a high rank among his team. Isagi complained about his food which caught Y/n’s eye, so Y/n offered to share some of his food with Isagi. Isagi was very much thankful, luckily igarashi didn’t hear that and he was suffering by getting his own food. Y/n just made sure to hide his food which confused both Isagi & Igarashi but as they turned around they saw one of their team members chasing another team member for taking their food.

After a few hours it was now time to sleep, but three members of team Z were still awake and that was Y/n, Bachira and Isagi. Y/n was in a room that allowed for meditation and he was using this room as an attempt to talk with his monster. Y/n knew that both Bachira and Isagi were awake, as well as the fact that they might go against each other on a one on one.

After a few minutes Y/n was able to get his monster to appear, with some difficulty in doing so. The one thing Y/n was focused on was trying to translate whatever his monster says. Y/n had his eyes closed considering that only he can see and hear his monster.

‘H3ll0’ the monster said in a broken voice

‘Hello to you too’ Y/n said to his monster in his consciousness.

‘I want to learn more about what you can do’ Y/n says to his monster.

‘1nt3rest1ng, well 1 can d0 many things such as st3a1ing people’s weap0ns’ the monster was slowly getting used to speaking but it was still broken.

Y/n was more than interested in the ability to what seemed like copying someone’s weapon.

‘But that a1so allows m3 to merge it with a weap0n already existing in y0u’ the monster’s voice was getting clearer the more he talked.

‘So you can steal and merge skills that I have?’ Y/n questioned.

‘Yes but l3t's say for examp1e your speed 1 can allow your b0dy to slowly get us3d to a speed 0f another little by little’ getting slightly better and some of it not just being gibberish.

‘So for any physical attribute my body adapts to it over time. But in reality it's slowly merging that attribute with the same attribute I have at a certain level?’ Y/n questioned.

‘Yes that is correct’ the monster responded

‘So what do I need to steal a person’s weapon?’ Y/n asked curiously.

‘You need to devour them or destroy them as a player or destroy their Ego’ The monster clarified.

‘Three ways to get weapons, got it’ Y/n now understanding what to do in order to obtain more weapons.

‘You already have something to absorb’ The monster said. Y/n now curious as to what he can gain then remembered Kira the so called jewel of Japan.

‘That’s right you can absorb Ryosuke Kira’s potential’ The monster says.

‘I’ll absorb it’ Y/n said as a strange aura wrapped around Y/n to give his new talent which would slowly merge with his own innate potential.

‘See you next time boy’ The monster said as he disappeared into the empty void that was Y/n’s consciousness. A bell played which made Y/n snap back into reality as his conversation with his monster ended. Y/n opened his eyes and got up to leave the room so that he could get to his room more specifically his teams’ room.

Go to your designated rooms so that you can see the updated rankings with the test data we have compiled” the entercom said.

Y/n then got to his room with a light jog, and entered the room after Isagi & Bachira who were looking at the rest of the team besides Y/n. Y/n just looked at his rank that was displayed on his shoulder and it was 265 this led to Y/n being the best among the team. As Isagi did the same with Igaguri talking about his rank and Isagi’s rank.

Ego then starts to explain why they have shitty food and training, which Y/n was not listening to but more so excited to see if there’s monsters like him on other teams. Wanting to see what their capabilities were and then just devour them and their talents, while destroying their ego’s or seeing if because of him their ego is reborn. This led to Y/n’s curiosity being peaked to see the other teams and their players to see their talents and their weapons to just then copy? Steal? Them and make them better.

Let the first selection begin” Ego says as it shows Y/n, ????? And finally ???? one with a lazy look, one with a look that wants to show their dominance, and the last with a very determined look on their face.

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