Ch 23 - 3 Vs 3 (3/4)

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Thoughts/talking with M/n: ' '
M/n: Monster name

Otoya left Kurona to try and stop Y/n from scoring another goal as Y/n quickly jumped while Otoya did the same to stop Y/n. Y/n then quickly passed to Kurona as Yukimiya switched target to Kurona as Y/n reacted faster as he and Otoya landed on the ground. Y/n sprinted as Kurona wasted no time in passing the ball back to Y/n.

Y/n received the ball as Y/n quickly shot the ball as it did the same thing that Yukimiya's shot did. It went up in the air and rotated back down while rocketing into the back of the net.

'Thanks for the new weapon and shot type, Rank 23' Y/n thought.

The scoreboard showed 3 - 2 in favor of Team White as they were in the lead by one goal meanwhile Team Red was in absolute shock and amazement. Y/n had copied Yukimiya's gyro shot by only seeing it once while Yukimiya was able to tell that it needed some work to get to his level but the fact that Y/n easily copied it.

Y/n looked over to Hiori and Kurona who had faces of amazement as they thought that Y/n was joking in his ability to copy other's weapons. Y/n quickly went up to them.

"Even if that was cool it was barely enough to score," Y/n said.

"What but yo-" Hiori said.

"Even Yukimiya over there was able to tell that it's bad, the only thing it needs is some more work to reach his level" Y/n said referring to Yukimiya when he said his level.

"It can reach his level but even surpass his level if I keep using it" Y/n said.

"We'll talk more about my weapon after the match" Y/n said as Hiori and Kurona nodded. After this short conversation everyone got into position.


the match restrated as Karasu was now going up against Y/n.

Match up: Y/n Vs Karasu

Karasu was passed the ball as he tried getting past Y/n. but alas Y/n had predicted where Karasu was heading with the ball as Y/n quickly kicked the ball away and sprinted away from Karasu.

Y/n now received the ball from Kurona as Y/n stopped to see the field as he passed to Kurona because of Karasu coming from behind trying to steal the ball. After seeing the field he found the perfect place to score a goal as he dashed off to that location as he was confronted by the ninja and the 1-on-1 emperor.

'Out of my Way!' Y/n was passed the ball as Y/n was able to keep possession of the ball even though he had two people marking him. Karasu was coming trying to stop Y/n from even attempting a shot on the goal. Y/n then passed to Kurona who stayed close enough to receive a pass from Y/n as the three were surprised that Y/n passed.

This allowed Y/n to be free as Y/n quickly was getting closer and closer to the place where he could score a goal as Kurona passed to Hiori as he then crossed it to the other side of the field where Y/n was. Y/n was smiling that he was going to score the fourth goal as Yukimiya appeared in front of him as Y/n continued to smile.

Match up: Y/n Vs Yukimiya

Y/n's last obstacle to score a goal was Yukimiya Kenyu. Y/n just smiled which was unnerving to Yukimiya. Y/n then went to the left to which Yukimiya did the same as Y/n then quickly went to the right and was able to pass Yukimiya.

And before Yukimiya can turn Y/n put his hand on Yukimiya's back to stop him from turning as the ball was now in possession of the Non believer. Y/n jumped and trapped it and passed to Kurona who was now open as Kurona slammed his foot into the ball scoring the fourth goal for Team White.

The scoreboard changed to show 4 - 2 in favor of Team White even more with the lead of two points.

Y/n just looked back at Team Red and Smiled with a look that said words that didn't need to be spoken.

'Is that all you've got' Team Red was livid except Karasu who knew they needed to be calm and not make hasty decisions.

That was what Y/n wanted them but as this could result in them making mistakes that could cost them the win and make them lose. Karasu then made sure to calm down his teammates to not make any rash and irrational decisions as that could make them lose.


The game restarted with Yukimiya receiving a pass from Karasu, and Yukimiya expected Y/n to be marking as he is the one with the ball, but Y/n stayed marking Karasu. Kurona then appeared in front of him to stop Yukimiya in his tracks but Kurona didn't expect Yukimiya's skills in a one-on-one.

Yukimiya then passed to Otoya as Hiori made sure to have a wide field of view taking Y/n's suggestion into consideration. Meanwhile Karasu tried his hardest to get Y/n off of him while also getting closer to the penalty area. Yukimiya and Otoya were able to get past Hiori and Kurona with Kurona following behind the two.

Hiori was catching up while trying to find the holes in their defense as he moved to cover them to stop any goals being scored. Karasu was finally able to shake off Y/n thanks to Yukimiya and Otoya as Kurona went to mark Karasu as he was passed the ball by Yukimiya.

Y/n was tired of them and closed his for a second and breathed in and out entering his partial flow state once more to get these fucking nobodies out his way.


The game is reaching its climax as the best player currently on the pitch L/n Y/n is going into a state of partial flow.

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