Ch 8 - Team Y's mastermind (2/2)

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Thoughts/talking with M/n: ‘ ‘
M/n: Monster name

Isagi was passed the ball as Y/n shortened the distance between them to have a quicker passing as to not lose the ball. Y/n was able to tell where Isagi wants them to go, thanks to his eye motioning to that location.

“Bachira!” Y/n screamed as Bachira got the memo and went to where Y/n and Isagi were to make a triangle formation to attack. Y/n looked at the clock to see how much time they had left, which was 45 to 43 minutes left. Y/n couldn’t properly see the time on the scoreboard.

‘That should be enough time to score 3 more goals’ Y/n thought to himself.

The trio were able to make enough chaos in order to go to the area where Isagi found to be the most optimal area to try and score a goal. Team Y were in a state of chaos and absolute panic. Bachira set up both Y/n and Isagi for a goal, but Isagi knew that Y/n was gonna get marked so he received the pass. Instead of going for the shot he passed to Y/n who trapped the ball poorly and shot the ball into the back of the net.

Y/n scored his second goal of the match making it 3 - 1. Y/n then looked at the time there was 40 minutes left in the match.

- Timeskip: 5 minutes -

Y/n had scored his third goal as Team Y began to lose hope against him. The score was 4 - 1, 35 minutes left.

- Timeskip: 10 minutes -

Y/n had scored his fourth goal of the match making the score 5 - 1, 25 minutes left.

- Timeskip: 10 minutes -

The boy with the bangs desperately tried to score on his own with the help of his team who thought it was setting up Ohkawa but in reality it was for him. The boy scored his first goal making the score 5 - 2, 15 minutes left.

- Timeskip: 15 minutes -

Isagi scored the final goal as the match ended with the score being 6 - 2. As Team Z celebrated their dominance over Team Y, Isagi went towards the boy with bangs and told him something that Y/n couldn’t hear but was able to read his lips which were saying…

“You aren’t fit to be a striker yet, Niko”

‘So that’s his name, huh’ Y/n

Y/n having scored a total of 7 goals in the second selection (3 against Team X and 4 against Team Y). Team Z found a new appreciation for the striker duo aka both Y/n, Isagi, and thanks to Bachira they were able to absolutely dominate team Y.

(A/n: Sorry for making Y/n op, if thats what your thinking)

Y/n was now deciding if he wanted anything from this match, but was stopped when M/n appeared.

‘What do you want?’ M/n asked.

‘Can I choose something from a previous player I had devoured?’ Y/n asked

‘No’ M/n said.

Y/n was now thinking about what he should use it on but remembered that Niko was the only reason team Y was able to actually do things.

‘I want Niko’s eyes but I only want it to be able to see which parts are holes in our defense’

‘Hmm, I think it’s in my power to be able to give that to you’ M/n says as a strange aura surrounds Y/n.

Y/n now had taken Barou’s mid range shot, and Niko’s eyes for defense. Y/n is becoming stronger in this place where it’s life or death, and winning means living while losing means death. A place where Y/n’s Ego will either be destroyed or a place where Y/n’s Ego will flourish.

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