Painful Memories

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I've been in the military my whole adult life! It's hard to process that I'm totally done with the military now. I was just honorably discharged from the Army for medical reasons. Unfortunately they had to operate on my left knee. They said I was lucky they didn't amputate my knee and leg. They had to completely replace my knee cap. I had gotten shot on my left knee and left side. The bullet just missed anything important in me. I was very lucky they said. Any closer and it would have nicked my kidney. So I'm honorably discharged from the army now for combat injuries. I've been through months and months of physical therapy for my knee. My sides all healed up and now my knees as healed as it's going to get. I still have a limp but better than being 6 feet under. I guess it's time to limp my way to Forks, Washington. I leave Washington D.C. Maryland with what little I own and fly one way to Seattle, Washington. It's weird being out of uniform. I limp my way to the luggage claim and get my suitcase and army duffel bag. I already have my army backpack. I then walk my way through the airport looking for Dad. There he stands in his police uniform with a sign with my name. Riley Swan. I limp up to him and he has tears in his eyes. He hugs me tight and I hear him whisper "Thank God you're safe!" I hug him back. "It's good to be back Dad." I say. He smiles and he pays my back and says "Great to have you back. I cleaned up your old room in the attic for you. Let's get you home. Do you need to stop anywhere on the way? I let Alice Cullen know that you were coming and she set a suit for you in your room to where to the wedding. How she knew your size is beyond me. But she's good at that cus she did the same for me. I did let her know you'd rather have a suit than a dress." Dad rambles on. I'm really nervous about coming home to be honest. Bella made it abundantly clear any chance she had to let me know she hates me and wishes I was never born. I doubt she wants me at her wedding but Dad insisted I come. "I have an extra suit if the one Alice bought doesn't fit. I don't need anything Dad. Just want to get home and off my knee for a bit." I say and he nods and we make our way to his old police cruiser. Home here I come.
It was a comfortable silent ride home. That's the thing about Dad. He gives you your space. I haven't seen Mom since I was 18 years old but I imagine she's the same hovering energetic woman. I miss her but yet glad her and Dad decided when I was 12 that I'd live with Dad and visit Mom. Just like Bella visited Dad till she refused to go to Forks and Dad had to go on vacation to see Bella. It always seemed like I was taking care of Mom and Bella when I visited. It was nice to be taken care of living with Dad. Dad's old white house comes into view and memories of fishing, sports, and diner meals come flooding in my mind. We get out and Dad helps carry my bags into the house and up the stairs. I put my bathroom supplies in the one little bathroom and go upstairs to my room in the attic. I put my clothes away in my dresser and old metal closet. I see the suit Alice bought me and a nice set of Oxford shoes. The suit was grey with a purple tie. I close my closet and lay down on my bed. Memories float through my mind of my childhood. I hear a door slam and can hear Dad talking to Bella downstairs. I can't hear what they're saying. I make my way downstairs quietly and carefully. My knee doesn't need me falling down the stairs. I get to the living room and see her. "Hey Bella." I wave. "YOU?! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE FREAK?!" A surprised look comes across the boys face standing by Bella. A pissed off look comes across Dad's face. "This is my house and I will NOT have you speaking to your sister that way!" Dad yells. "SISTER?! You have a sister and never told me?!" The boy that I think is Edward says. "She's not my sister! She's a freak that needs to go wherever she's been the last 6 years!" Bella snarls. I can't help but feel hurt even though I knew this is how she'd react. Up until I turned 12 we were close. Close as could be till we found out that I'm intersex and not a boy. Mom and Dad still loved and cared for me the same but Bella slowly distanced herself from me. Then as she got older she started calling me a freak. "I've been away serving our country if you'd like to know where I've been. And I've been honorably discharged and decided to come home. Thought I might see my little sister get married." I say. She rolls her eyes and says "Who cares?! Oh my God! You are NOT invited to MY wedding!" She screeches. Dad looks red in the face and looks like a vein is about to pop. Edward looks pissed too. "SHE is invited to OUR wedding actually! She's your sister! You can't not invite her! All of my siblings will be there! And thank you for serving our country." He shakes my hand. I nod at him. Dad looks impressed. I got the impression that Dad did not like Edward. But he's liking him now. "I didn't catch your name?" He asks me. "Riley Quinn Swan." I say. "You don't understand Edward! She's intersex! A freak! She does not need to be at our wedding!" Bella insists. "I understand completely. She is your sister. She is apart of your family whether you like it or not! And I'm seeing a totally different side of you I'm not sure I like! If it keeps up there's not going to be a wedding!" Edward threatens. Dad and I are both impressed. Bella looks shocked. "Edward you don't mean that?!" She says. "I meant every word! Now apologize to Riley before I go." She grits her teeth as she looks at me and mumbles a "Sorry" out. "I'll see you at the wedding tomorrow." Edward says. "Yea. See you tomorrow. And thank you." I say. We nod at each other and he leaves. Bella storms upstairs to her room. Dad runs his face and pats my back. "I think I like Edward a bit more now." He says and I laugh. "Let's order a pizza? Meat lovers?" He asks. I nod and sit and turn the tv on settling on a baseball game. We watch tv and eat pizza. Dad yelled for Bella to join us but she refused. After finishing my pizza and watching the baseball game I bid good night to Dad and went to bed hoping Bella might think differently of me.

Loving RosalieOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora