The Truth

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Warning: Sexual Content
I wake up really early in the morning. I roll to my side and watch my baby. She's laying on her belly with her beautiful body on full view with the blankets kicked down at her feet. I kiss her neck then down her back. I kiss down her sexy little ass and starting licking her core. I stick my tongue deep inside her. She moans. I pull her ass cheeks apart to get better access to her core. When I know she's wet enough I pull away. She whimpers. "Oh baby don't worry. I'm going to fill you up quick." And I do. I straddle her ass and slip inside her core. Amazing. She fits around my dick so perfectly. I start thrusting into her and she moans. "Remember baby. We have to keep quiet. We already had our warning." I remind her. She moans into her pillow, muffling it. I start thrusting faster and faster until I'm jack hammering inside her. I put my hand over her mouth to try keeping her quiet. She clenched around my dick hard cumming all over me making me cum deep inside her. I fall to my side of the bed panting. All of a sudden Roses cell phone goes off. We both look at each other in worry. She answers. "Hello? What?! SHE WHAT?! What do I do? I can't tell her! She'll hate me!" She looks at me with worry. I kiss her shoulder and say "I could never hate you love. I don't know what's going on but I know you're talking about me." "Thank you for letting me know Alice. We'll be home in 4 hours or so. Yes. I'll tell her. I have to now. Good bye." She looks at me like she's about to cry. "I've had such a wonderful time with you and now it's ruined!" She covers her face. I hold her close to me and say "How is it ruined hon? There's something you're not telling me. I've known that for a while. I just figured you'd tell me in your own time. But it sounds like you need to tell me now?" She pulls her hands away. Looks at me and says, "I'm a vampire. My whole family are vampires." "Huh. Ok. That explains a lot." I say. "What?! You're not scared? Or mad? Or Upset?" She says. "No I'm not scared or upset. I know you'd never hurt me. And I told you I could never be mad at you. I can tell you weren't ready to tell me so why are you telling me this?" I ask. "Vampires have laws. And the Voltori make sure you follow those laws. Our biggest law is that humans never know of our existence. Bella told the Voltori about you and how I told you we were vampires and I'm not changing you. She lied so that we'd be punished. I have to change you before the Voltori come or they'll kill us. I wanted you to live a human life. I didn't want you to have to change for me. I'm so sorry." She explains. "So aside from me wanting to kill my sister, what is so bad about being a vampire?" I ask. "You can't have children. We can't grow old together. We live forever. Well have to watch our loved ones die as we live on. They're the constant need for blood? Do I need to go on?" She says. "Ok so we'd literally have forever to love one another?" I ask. "That's what you ask? What about what do we drink? We're vampires, doesn't that bother you?" Rose asks. "Kind of. I just assumed you drink from bad guys that don't deserve to live. Like murderers and rapists. At least that's what I'd do if I had to drink blood." I say. "We actually drink from animals. It's like tofu I think. It nourishes us but isn't very satisfying. Carlisle likes to call us vegetarians." She explains. "Carlisle? What happened to calling him Dad?" I wonder. "Esme and Carlisle aren't our real parents. None of us are actually related we just say that to look like a normal family. But I respect them like they're my parents. For the most part." She says. " you turn into a bat?" I ask. She laughs and says "No love. Holy water won't hurt us or garlic. We can't actually eat anything anyways. We just throw it back up later. But we do have super strength and super speed and super senses. We're practically indestructible unless another vampire or the wolves tear us apart and burn our bodies." "Wolves? Werewolves are real?" I ask. "Werewolves are pretty much extinct I think but shape shifters, like the Quileutes are real." She says. "Quileutes? They shape shift into wolves? That's cool!" I think. "They smell like wet dog though!" She says disgusted. I laugh and take her hand and look into her beautiful golden eyes. "Love, I want to be changed so I can be with you forever. So what do you say?" She nods and says "It's not like we have much choice now. Let's get dressed and drive back. We'll have to pack and leave Forks. We had a treaty with the Quileutes saying that we could live in the area as long as we did not bite a human and stayed on our own territory. That'll be void as soon as I bite you to change you." She explains. "Let's go then love. I'll get my stuff from Dad's and tell him we are going on a trip to Alaska to visit your cousins and then I guess we can fake an accident? I'd rather Dad think me dead than me try seeing him and then trying to suck the blood from his body. That wouldn't be good." "Sounds like a plan." She kisses me quickly and gets up and gets dressed. I get dressed too and gather our old clothes and put them in our bags. We gather our bags and leave and check out. We drive to Forks. On the way, Rosalie explains all the laws of being a vampire. And lets me know it's going to be the most excruciating pain imaginable to be changed. For 3 to 5 days. Fun. We get to Forks and stop at Dads house first. I lead Rose in the house. Dad greets us and I explain that we're going on a trip to Alaska. For a week and I'd be back. He says ok and to have fun. So I lead her upstairs to my room and get my bags and the things from the bathroom and pack them. I also pack my childhood guitar in its case and take it as well. We put my things in the trunk of the car. I give my Dad a big hug and say goodbye for probably the last time. Then we go to Rose's house. I move all my things to Rosalie's car. We then go inside. Everyone is arguing when we get inside. I hand Jasper the keys back and thank him for letting me borrow it. He nods and says "No problem." "So what are we arguing about?" I ask. "Bella! She shouldn't be allowed to be part of this family after the stunt she pulled!" Alice says. "She is Edward's mate and wife! She is a part of this family. We may not be happy with her but she's still apart of the family." Carlisle says. "I WILL NOT BE APART OF THIS FAMILY IF SHE GETS AWAY WITH THIS!" Rose shouts. Esme looks like she's going to cry and everyone looks pissed but for different reasons. Carlisle's authority is being questioned so he's mad. Emmett and Jasper and Alice are mad, I'm assuming because Bella tried to get us killed. And Rose is mad because according to her Carlisle favors Edward and of course because Bella tried to have us killed. I'm not sure how to diffuse the situation. Alice takes Jasper's hand and pulls him to Rosalie and I. She stands beside us and states "We will be leaving this coven if you insist on Bella staying in the family." Esme starts making sobbing sounds. But no tears fall. Must be a vampire thing. Carlisle looks a mix between shocked, frustrated, and pissed. Emmett gets a determined look on his face and walks to our side. "I agree with Alice. I'm leaving this coven if you pick golden boy and his so called mate over us." Emmett states. Rose nods to Emmett. Then looks to Carlisle. "So what'll it be? Carlisle?" She looks to Carlisle. He gets pissed and yells "I'm not going to condemn my son and his mate! They're still apart of this family!" "Fine. But we will no longer be. Alice I trust you and Jasper and Emmett can pack my things for me. I have to take Riley somewhere away from here to change her. "I rented you a cabin outside of Fairbanks, Alaska so you could be away from people but close to the Denalis. I'll text you the address. I'll pack everything and buy a house in...where do you want to live Riley? We've lived all over. You pick this time." Alice says. "How about Alaska? I hear they have loads of wildlife up there and I think it's beautiful there." I say. "Then it's settled! We'll move to Alaska. I'll call you with the details later. Go. The Voltori don't wait for anyone. You'll have to do it quickly. As soon as you get there." We nod and leave. I get in the passenger seat and Rose gets in the drivers seat of her red Mercedes Benz. We buckle up and are on the road in a blink of an eye. I glance at the speedometer and we're going 90 miles an hour! Shit! "You have a passport right?" Rose asks. "Yea. Yea I have a passport. It's in my backpack. She pulls one out of her glovebox and asks me to get mine out of my bag. We get to the Canadian border in no time and we show off our passports and are sent through. Alice calls and suggests biting me in the back of the car and driving non stop to the cabin. Rose didn't like the sound of that but she also didn't want to give reason to the Voltori to kill us so she pulled over on the side of the road by a forest. We got in the back of the Mercedes and Rose kisses me passionately. She kisses down my throat and gets to my pulse point and kisses it then bites down. She then lays me down on the back seat and gets in the drivers seat and floors it to get to the cabin in good time. I writhe in pain and start whimpering and shouting out now and then in pain. I went through quite the pain when they did surgery on my knee. This pain is far worse. But it's for Rosalie. I'd go through hell and back to be with the woman I love. "I love you Rose." I grit out. "I love you too Riley! So much!" She says and keeps driving. Pain. I can do this. For Rose.

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