The Voltori

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It's not very long before we see the Voltori coming. The entire coven came, along with Aro's witnesses. Carlisle steps forward and says, "Let's discuss this rationally old friend." "As you say this with a battalion behind you." Aro scoffs. "I see the children cling to you Rosalie and Edward. I'd like to speak with you two." They both walk to the middle of the field and meet up with Aro. Aro takes Edward's hand first and looks to Bella with awe. He then takes my mates hand and it takes all that I have in me not to charge at him. "Amazing! One half mortal and immortal child born before her mother was changed and one immortal child that's not like the immortal children created by a bite. He was born not bitten!" Aro says in amazement. "Impossible! Vampires can't reproduce!" Cauis shouts. As the three kings bicker Rose comes back to my side and Edward to Bella's side. "I'd like to meet them!" Aro says. Rose takes my hand after picking Axle up and starts walking towards Aro. Edward and Bella follow with Renesmee. "Hello Aro." Renesmee touches his face and shows him her life to this point. "Magnifico!" Aro says. "But what do we do now?" He says as we make our way back to our side of the field. "You know already what we're going to do! They cannot be allowed to live!" Cauis says. "We cannot be certain that they'll control themselves." Cauis continues. "But if you had proof would you let us live?" Edward says. "But there's no way of knowing!" Aro and Cauis say together. Alice and Jasper make it to the center of the field. Alice shows Aro what she's seen. Aro motions for his men to take Alice. They take her and I speed to Jasper and stop him from attacking just yet. "Aro, I warn you! Give Alice back to us or suffer the consequences!" "What are you going to do? We're Kings! We say the final verdict not you!" Cauis shouts. Jane tries attacking me with her gift but with Bella's gift I block it. I light Alec and Jane on fire burning them to ash. The kings look shocked. Aro shouts attack! And all hell breaks loose. Jasper speeds to Demetri and Felix attacking them trying to save Alice. While he's saving Alice I create an earthquake and split the earth open making most of the Voltori fall in the chasm. Aro and Cauis come to attack me but I light them on fire and watch them burn. The only Voltori coven member left is Marcus who looks at me and says "I await my ending. Please. I wish to join my Didyme!" I nod and snap his head off and light a fire burning his body into ash. Jasper holds Alice and looks to me in thanks. I nod at him and Alice hands me a small box. I open it, inside is a ring. I look to Alice and she says "I saw you pick this one out. Go ask her! Time to put a ring on her finger!" She winks and smiles. I laugh and speed to my mate. I kneel in front of her and open the box. "Rose will you marry me?" Rose gasps and squeals. "Yes!" She jumps on me and kisses me senseless. I finally pull away and see Axle with Leah and they're both smiling watching us. I hold Roses hand. "Now what?" I ask. Alice skips over with Jasper. "We plan a wedding of course!" Alice says and Rose smirks looking at me. I laugh and nod but think, what have I gotten myself into?

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