What's wrong with Rosalie?!

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It's morning and Rosalie and I were cuddling in bed. But all of a sudden Rosalie gets a weird look on her face and rushes to the bathroom! I get up and follow her and see she's throwing up in the toilet! I rush to her and hold her hair out of her face. When she's done she flushes and goes and brushes her teeth. "What was that about? Can vampires get sick!?" I ask. She shakes her head and says "They're not supposed to." I bring her into my arms and hold her. I look down between us and see her belly is sticking out a little. I put my hand on her belly. I could have sworn I felt something nudge my hand. I look to see Rosalie in awe. "Are you pregnant?! I think you're pregnant?!" I say. She looks in my eyes with unshed tears and smiles the biggest smile I've seen her smile. "I'm pregnant!" I kiss her then get us both dressed quickly and carry her to the couch in the living room. We lay on the couch and cuddle a bit. "Do you think you got pregnant before I was changed or after I was changed? I just wondered if this is going to be a hybrid? Half human half vampire?" I ask. "I don't know? It's a good question. Maybe Alice will have some answer's when she gets here. Just then the door bursts open and we hear Jasper yell at Alice. "They might not be decent Alice!" "I don't care! I need to know that they're ok Jasper!" They make it to the living room and both of them audibly sigh with relief seeing us on the couch. "What's wrong?" Rose and I both ask. "Rosalies future disappeared! I could only see parts of Rileys future. I thought that maybe the Voltori had something to do with that and that Rose was dead! And you're sitting here like everything's hunky dory!" "Calm down Alice. We're ok." I say. Rose looks at them both and grins and says, "I'm pregnant!" "What?! How?!" Alice screeches. Jasper congratulates us. I'm sure he could feel Rosalie's excitement. Me, I'm nervous but happy. Just nervous about being a dad. And keeping my family safe now. I doubt somehow the Voltori would like that we are having a child. "When you became pregnant is when I lost your future! The fetus is keeping me from seeing Roses future!" "Baby, Alice. It's a baby!" Rose says and rubs her tummy. Alice says "Possibly. It could turn out to be like an immortal child Rose! Oh my God! The Voltori?! How are they going to react to you having a child! What are we going to do?!" "I don't know what to do yet but you need to calm down Alice! You're upsetting my mate! I will protect my family with my everything! That is for certain!" I stare intensely at Alice and she falls to the floor and begins to scream in pain. I look around me trying to find what is causing Alice pain when I realize she stopped screaming and was glaring at me as was Jasper. "What just happened?" I ask. "So you didn't just try to hurt my mate?! You used Jane's power on Alice!" Jasper says. "I didn't try hurting Alice. I just was thinking she needed to stop upsetting my mate when she fell on the floor screaming." Jasper calms down a little. "I'd appreciate it greatly if you'd control your new found gifts. I realize you didn't intend to hurt her but do it again and there will be consequences!" Jasper promises. "Let's all calm down now. I'm not sure what is going on but we're all friends here." Emmett says walking in the living room. "I apologize Alice. I didn't intend to hurt you." I say. She nods and stays quiet. Rosalie lets Emmett know what has been happening. She explains my gift, her pregnancy and how I accidentally hurt Alice. "Wow! And Jasper didn't kill you? Or rip a limb from you? Nice. Wait...Rosie's pregnant?! How is that possible? But that's great news Rose! You've always wanted a family!" Emmett looks so excited for us. Alice and Jasper are still looking uncomfortable. I look to my mate and she looks at me. "We'll go find our own house Alice. I can tell the whole situation has you tense. I can tell you both aren't comfortable being around Riley. So we'll just go on our own." Rose says. "You will not do such a thing! I just needed some time to come back around! You've never endured pain from Janes gift before but it's exhausting and painful and it takes a bit to bounce back from. Please don't push us away Rosalie. I'm not mad at Riley. She didn't do it on purpose. She just needs to learn how to control it." Alice says. Jasper nods with Alice. "We'll be ok. I'm still reeling too. We can still be a family. Let's get your clothes gathered and we can drive to our new home." "Ok. Thank you guys for everything. You didn't have to support us but you did and we appreciate it so much." Rose thanks them. I nod. "Yes thank you." We gather our things and lock up the cabin. Rose gives Alice money to wire to the cabin owner for the broken bed. Everyone laughs about it. I help Rose in the drivers seat since she insists on driving. Then we're off to our new home.

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