Vampires and the Voltori

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Warning: Sexual Content

Pain. That's all I felt. We got to the cabin a day and a half ago. I think. Days kinda blur together. Rose carried me inside and laid me down in the master bedroom. I felt her take all my clothes off and washed me everywhere. Especially my neck where she bit me. She dressed me again. And I writhed in pain for what seemed like years but was only a day and a half when my heart started slamming against my rib cage. No one's heart shows beat like that! Then it just stopped beating all together. The pain! It's gone! Well mostly. There's this burning sensation in the back of my throat but compared to the pain I just felt for 3 days I think I'll survive! I look around the room. Everything's so clear. I can see dust particles! I look down at the foot of the bed and there she is! My Rose! She's more beautiful than I thought! This weird feeling takes over and I stand up quickly shouting "Mine! My mate!" And I run to my Rose and take her into my arms and look around for any danger. "I'm yours sweetheart. Only yours. Calm down. No one's here but us. Though you better prepare yourself the Voltori will be here soon." "I'm afraid dear Rosalie that we are already here. And it seems for no reason. You have in fact changed the human." Aro says as he stands in the doorway of our bedroom. I suppress a growl but stand in front of my mate. "Bella lied to you when she spoke to you. I didn't tell Riley about vampires. I was waiting for the right moment to tell her. But I was forced to tell her and change her when Alice let me know you were coming to kill us." Rose says. "Ah so you were planning on telling her?" He smirks at me. "Yes because she is my mate. See for yourself." She holds her hand out to him. That's right. He is a gifted vampire and can see every thought you had with a touch of your hand. He looks at us and nods. Then asks, "if I may, I'd like to see your thoughts on the situation." He holds his hand out expectantly. I touch his hand and this weird feeling comes over me. He nods and let's my hand go. "Felix, Jane, I see our visit is unwarranted. This time. Let us be on our way. Tell Alice she's still quite welcome to join the Voltori but I see that you plan to create your own coven. Good luck." And he's gone in a blink. I secure my mate in my arms and breathe in her scent by sticking my face in her neck. It soothes me instantly. I go to hold her hand but when I do something weird happens. I see images of her life. Just flashing through my mind. When I see the horrid time she was raped I start growling. How dare they touch my mate! But then I feel proud when I see that she killed them one by one. Including the so called fiancé. I see her life flash through my mind. When it's over I ask her, "What was that? I don't understand? I just touched your hand like Aro and saw your life up to this point. I thought you said vampires couldn't have the same gift?" "They can't. But I think I know what might have happened! Let me check with Alice." Right as she says this Roses cell phone starts ringing. "Alice? Does she have a gift? Is it what I think?! Oh my! The Voltori will want her more than they want you! Shit!" Rose starts breathing kinda heavy. I take the phone from her and ask Alice what's going on. "Alice? What does she mean? What gift do you think I have? And what do I do to calm her down?!" "Riley, you definitely have a gift. Power mimicry. It's where you can copy gifts from other vampires and then have their gifts. So Aro has the gift of reading every thought a person's had. Now you do as well. You'll also have my gift and Jasper's too when we meet in a couple days at the house I bought in outside of Fairbanks, Alaska. It's really not far from where you are now. Anyways, we'll talk at the house. In the meantime calm your mate down by holding her and letting her breathe in your scent. We'll come up with a plan to deal with the Voltori. Just try relaxing and enjoying being mates first. Bye!" "Bye! Thanks Alice!" I hang up the cell phone and slip it in Roses jeans pocket. I hold her close to me and she instantly sticks her face in my neck. I feel her calming down. She looks up at me and kisses me passionately. She pulls away and apologizes. "I'm sorry I lost it for a minute. I just can't stand the thought of losing you. If the Voltori find out about your gift they'll do all in their power to take you from me." She looks at me teary eyed. I gently hold her face in my hands and kiss her gently. "I'll fight to my dying breath! They won't take me from you without a fight! You and I together forever baby!" I kiss her and then rest my forehead on hers and look into her eyes. She squeezes my arm and smiles. "Let's take you hunting my love." Rose says and pulls me to the door. We run into the woods and come across some deer. I pounce on one and she another. I drain it dry though it doesn't taste very good. She laughs at the face I make. "Herbivores don't taste as good as carnivores. Let's try to find you a bear or mountain lion or lynx?" She says and we speed through the woods again. This time we come across a grizzly bear. I attack it and it claws my chest. A screeching sound happens but no pain. I quickly snap its neck and drain it dry. Much better! "Tastes pretty good compared to the deer!" I say. Rose laughs. She comes over and kisses and licks the blood from my lips, which definitely turns me on. She puts her hands on my hips and mine on hers. I slip my hands in the back pockets of her jeans and squeeze her ass. She moans. She slaps my ass then kisses me ferociously. She was definitely holding back when I was human! I quickly push her against a tree forgetting my strength and almost break the tree. There's an indent of Roses body in the tree now. I kiss her with everything in me. I go to pull her shirt off but she speeds away from me! I turn around to find her smirking at me! Catch me if you can?! Then she runs towards the cabin. The little minx! I speed after her. When we're in sight of the cabin I catch up to her and pick her up and throw her over my shoulder. As I'm walking to the cabin I notice a hot tub! I walk to the hot tub. Rose is slapping my ass as I walk. "Let me down!" She insists. I set her standing upright in front of me. She glared at me. I kiss her senseless. Then I speed through taking the cover off the hot tub and turning it on. I turn around to see my mate already naked. "A Goddess! That's what you are my love!" I start stripping out of my clothes and she gets in the hot tub. I get in not long after her. I grab her and pin her to the side of the hot tub. We make out a bit. Her tongue swirling around mine, me sucking her tongue and licking and nipping her lip. My hands begin to wander from her hips to her ass. I squeeze and she moans. I slip a couple fingers inside her and start pumping them in and out. I rub her clit around with my thumb. Licking and sucking my way from her luscious lips to her throat and down further to her beautiful breasts I suckle her nipple than her other one. She's a moaning mess. "Let it out baby! We're in the middle of nowhere where no one can hear you but me! And believe me! I enjoy hearing your moaning and your screams! Especially when you scream out my name! Tell the world who your mate is baby!" I wrap her legs around my hips and slip my dick inside her center. She moans out my name, "Mmmm, Riley!" "That's right! Louder! Yell out my name!" I smack her ass and she squeals. I start thrusting up in her as she rides me. "Faster baby! Faster!" I start jackhammering inside her and she cums hard clenching around me. Not long after her I cum deep inside her. I'm still hard after that! I quickly turn her around and over the wall of the hot tub. Her ass in the air. I slip inside her and start thrusting into her. She screams out "Riley! Oh baby that feels amazing!" It's not long that I cum inside her again. And her around me. We go around the rooms in the cabin making love. The kitchen. The living room. The bedroom. In the shower. Everywhere. Vampires aren't supposed to get tired but boy I felt tired from all the live making we were doing. We cuddled after a while in our broken bed and I can't help but think I couldn't be happier than this moment!

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