Meeting the Cullens

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The next morning I wake up in a sweat. Memories mingling in my mind. Some of my childhood. Some of my time in Afghanistan and Iran. It's all mingling. Visions of Iranians calling me a freak and shooting at me. Then a vision of Bella screaming "Freak" and shooting at me. Dreams. Just dreams. But still freaking hurts. I get up and gather my sports bra and boxers up and suit and socks and go get a shower. I get dressed, put my hair in a bun and spray some cologne on. Then I go downstairs and ask Dad for a ride to the Cullens. He says "Sure but it's a little early yet for the wedding." "I know but I want to offer my help to set up." He nods and drives me down the road and down a long lane to a big beautiful house in the woods. I thank Dad and get out. I barely limp my way to the door when it's thrown open and a pixie comes barreling out hugging me. "It's so nice to meet you! Your Dad told me you'd be coming to the wedding!" "Alice, let her breathe." A young man comes out pulling Alice to him. "Sorry. She gets excited." He says. I nod. "It's fine. A hugs the least that could hurt me." I laugh. "It's nice to meet you Alice. And you are?" I ask. "Jasper. Jasper Hale." He shakes my hand. "Thank you for serving our country. Edward said you were in the military." "Yes I was a sergeant in the Army. But just recently was honorably discharged." I say. "Don't just stand in the door! Let her in!" A beautiful brunette woman comes out hugging me. "I'm Esme! Edwards mom. It so good to meet you! Come in. Come meet my husband Carlisle." She takes my hand and pulls me into a living room. A blonde man stands to shake my hand. Weird. They're all so cold. "I'm Carlisle, Edwards Dad. It's nice to meet you." "It's nice to meet you Mrs. Cullen and Dr. Cullen! I'm sure Edward told you I'm Riley, Bella's sister." "Please, Esme and Carlisle please." "I came to see if you needed any help setting up for the wedding?" I say. "That's so nice of you but everything is set up already. But you sit down and talk with us. Emmett this is Riley, Bella's sister. Riley that's Emmett coming down the stairs. "Hi Emmett it's nice to meet you." I say. He's a bear of a man! "You look so good in your suit! I'm happy it fits you so nicely!" Alice says. "Thank you for the suit! How much do I owe you?" I ask. "Nothing at all! I love shopping! Do you enjoy shopping? We could go together sometime?" She looks at me hopefully. "I don't mind going once in a while. But it's usually if I need something." I answer honestly. She squeals. "We're so going to go shopping!" I laugh and say ok. "So any embarrassing stories about Bells?" Emmett grins at me. I laugh. "A few but she'd kill me if I shared. So I'll keep them to myself." Emmett pouts. "Ah man! Why doesn't she like you anyways?" "Emmett Cullen! Don't ask such things!" Esme scolds him. "It's ok. It's ok. I'm..." Oh my! Could that be an angel walking down the stairs?! Or a goddess? I know I'm gawking but I can't help it! She's so beautiful! "Sorry I was late coming down. I was getting ready for the wedding. I'm Rosalie Hale, Edward's sister." She puts her hand out to shake. I take her hand and shake it gently. "I'm Riley Swan Bella's sister. It's very nice to meet you." I say. She smiles at me and says "It's very nice to meet you as well. What were you telling Emmett before I interrupted?" She asks. "Oh I uh, well, I'm intersex. I understand if you'd rather not talk to me now." I say blushing in embarrassment. "What's that have to do with anything? Why wouldn't we want to talk to you?" Rosalie almost growls out? "Bella hasn't liked me since we found out when I was 12 that I'm not a boy but intersex. She calls me a freak." I mumble. I hear several growls in the room? "We would love to get to know you more but Bella just pulled in. We can talk more later?" Alice asks. I nod. Alice smiles and goes to help Bella get ready for her wedding. Emmett asks me if I'd like to play Mario Cart. I nod sure. Rosalie sits beside me quite closely on the couch. Emmett hands me a controller and we start playing. I beat him pretty quickly and Rosalie laughs. It's like a twinkling sound! I'm so distracted looking at Rosalie that I don't notice that Emmett has started a new race. He beats me and laughs, "Maybe if you weren't gawking at my sister you'd have beat me!" I laugh and say "guess it's a good thing I was gawking because you'd never beat me then." He laughs and we continue to play. Rosalie squeezes my knee and goes upstairs. I thought my heart was going to beat out of my chest! She touched my knee. Good thing she squeezed the good knee. "So I can tell you like my sister. Go for it but if you hurt her I'll hurt you! Got it?" Emmett says seriously. I nod and say "I can't imagine hurting her! I'd do everything in my power to keep her happy if I thought I had a chance with her." Emmett chuckles. "She hasn't smiled like that for just anyone! A chance? You have one I'm pretty sure!" I blush. And Mom and Dad come in the living room with Dr. Cullen. Mom rushes over and gives me a hug. "Oh my baby is home! I'm so happy!" She squeezes the life out of me. "Mom love you too but you got to let me breathe." She laughs and lets me go. "We have to go talk with your sister hon but we'll talk later." She kisses me cheek and goes upstairs. Dad pats my back and follows after her. Emmett and I go outside to greet guests for the wedding. Thinking over how the morning went I can't help but think that the Cullens aren't so bad. I see why Bella loves them.

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